Whango the Clown

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He's lookin' at you...
Whango the Clown
Player: @Odos
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 2
Personal Data
Real Name: Chad Roland Valen
Known Aliases: Whango, Chad
Species: Human
Age: How old he look?
Height: 6' somethin'
Weight: Doesn't check it enough
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Natural: Light brown. Clown: Blue
Biographical Data
Nationality: US Citizen
Occupation: Hero and Ex-Clown
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives: His old troupe
Known Powers
He's strong, and he has a hefty cane/stick club thing. Also, he is VERY determined in what he does, and he always tries to do it without fail, even when the odds are stacked against him.
Known Abilities
he can ride a unicycle and juggle bowling balls at the same time...
His hefty circus cane... the kind those guys that announce things in that red and white, stripey jacket have. WANTS a Mallet though

Probably my signature character, Whango was thought up when I was messing around with trying to think up a main (I have a bad case of altitis), Somewhere in my head I was reminded of a particular Garfield comic, where Garfield punches some dog, and the "sound word" was WHANGO! So I rolled with that and thought up what the word "looked like" in my mind, I automatically thought of a clown, thus, Whango the Clown was born... in a sense, it was more a concept at this point. At first, I went with what the best "natural" tanker could be, Inv/SS... but a little research found that that was a little overused... and I hate bein' overused (plus I couldn't get the hang of it). Then I heard what issue 11 was to bring weapon customization and Willpower. I put Whango off until, which is, of course, now. So Whango is BACK!



Whango never likes to talk about his history as a clown, though it was some of the best days of his life, he just can't get over the fact that his troupe had to break up.

He was a clown, like everyone else, in the troupe, but, like everyone else, had a "second job," his was the circus strongman, he'd come out, juggle 10 pound bowling balls on a unicycle with ease, rip a couple of phone books in half at once, lift heavy objects, and so on and so forth to please the crowd.

He had just gotten done with his performance, and had gotten back to put on his clown makeup for the finally, the elephants were all out there already. That's when a large, trumpeting was heard, followed by loud stomps and a circus tent full of people screaming. Running out, all the clowns saw that one of the elephants was going berserk. The handler was already on the ground, unconscious. one of the clowns, a secondary handler, took all the rest of the elephants to their holding places outside of the tent while Whango went to go try and stop the berserk one. He had done things like move buses, and lift small cars, but never anything as big as an elephant.

Though he wasn't able to stop the elephant, he was able to slow it long enough for everyone to get out, there were casualties, but no deaths. Many called him a hero after that, but mostly the rest just sued for some reason or another. The troupe decided, after that, to break apart and pursue different goals/things, and Whango moved over to paragon city, where he registered as a hero. He figures with his strength, cane and Will to win, and his "past experience," he'll be a fair hero, though, he's still getting used to not actually performing for the amusement of people, but instead to help them.


Being Fairly new to this whole "Heroing" thing, Whango doesn't have much by way of friends, he'll always consider his old troupe as true friends, even if he doesn't know where they are.


Whango is Gregarious, Loud, and all 'round happy, almost always. He doesn't like being sad or depressed, so he'll try his best to cheer anyone and everyone up. Always tries to make someone smile, laugh, or at least show signs of happy, he'll even sacrifice his personal health for such amusement of others. Even while sick, sad or depressed himself, he never tries to make anyone else sad, and still tries to make them laugh, because laughter, especially caused by him, always makes him happy, no matter what. Also, though he may be "Big," he is in no way stupid, like some stereotypical people might think.


He Owns a cane/walking stick that he beats people with, really, he owns a lot of them because they weren't meant to be used as weapons, especially by someone of his strength

non-super strength

Whango owns a particular strength that some may think super-human, but he doesn't use his fists to show this strength, instead he uses his "announcer cane," as he so calls it, to show his strength. beating villains over the head with it is one of his specialties.

The will of a clown

As a clown, Whango has gotten his fair share of screams... he doesn't know why clowns would freak people out, he doesn't, nor has he ever, see them as, initially, evil. He knows there are some who play on this fear to cause harm to people, and he Doesn't call them clowns at all, because it's not in the standard of a clown to purposefully scare people. But with all the shenanigans of being a clown, the multiple pies to the face, the self-humiliation, the slap-stick humor to bring even the meagerest of chuckles, Whango has learned to laugh at himself about ANYTHING that happens to him. It makes it hard for people to actually *hurt* him, they kinda hit him with a bat and he just laughs a little. His unrelenting happiness also makes him pretty defensive against psionics, especially those that try to cause him to do evil.


More to come, this entire page is still under development.


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