Bahram Reinhardt/Interview with a Nethermancer

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(From Bahram Reinhardt)

To: MAGI investigator Richards From: MAGI analyst Thibalt


You may remember that you had asked for data on a 'Bahram Reinhardt.' You may also remember that article printed by the freelance journalist Ethan Wallace stating that he had an interview with a member of Reinhardt's order. Well you may be pleased to know that I have obtained the cassette which Mr Wallace had recorded the meeting with this 'Mwabudike.' It was most fortunate for us that he handed this information to the PPD as soon as he had finished with it. One part of the printed story was true: Wallace had his digital equipment confiscated was was forced to use an old-fashioned dictaphone. And from what I could ascertain from some of my own contacts is that Mr Wallace was indeed smuggled out of the city via a furbished shipping container. Investigator Jensen is covering the docks for more. In the meantime I've documented all that was spoken on the cassette and have attached it to this email.

P.S. I doubt Reinhardt really could make that curse come true so you can relax.

>> Tape starts recording <<

Ethan Wallace (EW): Testing, one, two. There we go, Mr. Mwabudike, the tape is running. To start with just say a little about yourself.

Mwabudike (M): I am called Mwabudike, any further details so early in our interview will only serve to confuse unnecessarily.

EW: Alright, can you then summarize what your intentions are for this interview?

M: My order, the Jaaen Ta-Issa (Zhaa-en Ta Iss-sa), has remained secretive and insular for far too long. Recent events and circumstances have triggered a civil war amongst our numbers which has spilled into the streets of Paragon City. Naturally the wisest course of action would be to break the silence over our existence, simultaneously warning the outside world of our presence and attentions while ensuring that it is quite impossible for the Velarii (Vel-larr-ree) to revert our order back to a situation of incestuous silence once the current issues have been circumvented.

EW: I may need to ask you to expand further on this order of yours, if you would.

M: Of course. During the later years of the Seventeenth Century a few key archivists in the Legacy Chain began to privately question the very nature of 'good' and 'evil' that their organisation was based around. After all, how can absolutes be set over relative ideologies? It was in Sixteen Ninety-One when these individuals and numerous others who agreed with their viewpoints, tired of the zeal perpetrated by their brethren, broke free from the chain and promptly went into hiding.

And thus the Jaaen Ta-Issa came to being, with the purpose of understanding the very nature of the immortal soul and the journeys on which they lead. To this end our order have researched the Aether and the few intricacies we have uncovered of this colossal undertaking thus far.

EW: So your people know the meaning of life and all that?

M: *The sound of his amused chuckle can be heard* I fear that humanity as a whole will manage to overcome it's foolish and fearful prejudices long before a discovery so monumental can be made; indeed, if there even is a concrete goal to be reached. No, even with Trens, or academies if you would, overladen with knowledge gleamed from the Astral Pathways the unfathomable reaches of our field remains well and truly beyond our most vivid imaginations.

EW: So this 'Jay-enn Tabiza' is an order of mystics devoted to the study of these 'Astral Pathways?'

M: Jaaen Ta-Issa, and that is correct. Indeed that is what our name translate to; The Order of the Astral Pathways.

EW: If I wanted to be a part of it, what would I need to do?

M: For you? I am afraid it is far too late. One needs to be conditioned from childhood to be attuned to the ebb and flow of the Aether. Our neonates are gathered from orphanages and the offspring of fellow nethermancers. They are the placed in one of our Tren Ta-Issas, or Academies of the Astral Pathways, which are scattered across the globe and are raised according to one of three different disciplines. They are taught, trained and shaped into all they can be. After they reach the age of seventeen they are sent out into the world to gain a fresh perspective, gather as much relevant information as they can manage, increase their channelling abilities through practice in real world situations and to dispose of any lingering gjengangers they encounter. Once they reach the age of twenty five they are permitted to return to a Tren to fill the positions of teachers, trainers or researchers. Many do, though a sizable number of our nethermancers remain firmly in the outside world.

EW: Ok, there are a lot of questions I want to ask you here so I may need to ask for your patience. Can I get you to talk further on these 'Astral Pathways?'

The Astral Pathways are not unlike highways through the nether, criss-crossing through the near-infinite realms. This is a very poor descriptor I must admit. Referring to the Pathways in such a manner would suggest that they are constant and easily navigated. If you consider the nether as a physical realm, imagine the Pathways as the zones of least resistance for etheric energies and the essences freed from one realm headed towards another. If we manage to obtain a concrete understanding of the phenomena which are the Pathways then we will be that much closer to understanding what machinations encircle the natural soul.

EW: Is it possible for any essences to stray from these pathways?

M: Though uncommon it is most certainly possible. Breaking away from the Pathways is akin to escaping the Earth's gravitational pull. When an essence is strong enough to free itself and it does so, more often than not it falls prey to the astral predators inhabiting the denser zones of the nether. Being 'consumed' leads to that errant soul being returned to the nearest Pathway, which has lead us to believe that these predators are a natural element in the nether rather than dangerous vermin.

EW: You mentioned something called 'gjengangers' before, are they these predators?

M: No. A gjenganger is a stagnant soul, one which refused to move on after 'the death' of it's last form. Driven to madness over time they highlight the emotion which keep them on this Earth, which are more commonly fear, sorrow and anger. These apparitions are most often exceedingly dangerous to all life around them but our primary concern is what effect their stagnation will have on their essences in the long run if it is not dispersed post-haste. It is for these reasons that we endeavour to remove them whenever we uncover one in existence.

EW: Is that why instead of being reclusive monks your order is well versed in combat?

M: That is the comparatively minor of many reasons. More importantly, and this is the purpose for our secrecy, we are but a tiny organisation with less than a thousand of us worldwide. As such we no longer fear retribution from the much larger Legacy Chain but the repercussions of allowing our knowledge to be compromised to the likes of the Circle of Thorns. We need to be able to repel any threats with martial and etheric might quickly and efficiently in case our existence is revealed.

EW: So you do not believe the threats are an issue? Even considering what is at stake?

M: No. We are a small NGO, but that has and is currently working in our favour. Our Trens are set in geographically remote and secure locations around the globe specifically for the purposes of seclusion and defence while all our initiates undergo conditioning that ensures their inability to give our secrets away under duress.

EW: Even what you are telling me now with the desire to have me publish this for the world to see?

M: Indeed. As a former member of the Velarii (Val-larr-ree), or governing council if you would prefer, I have had many, many years to overcome the limitations of our conditioning. If necessary I can revert back behind these mental blocks to safeguard my brethren from even the most tenacious and manipulative of Carnival Mistresses.

EW: This Velarii you mentioned; is it one of these disciplines you mentioned earlier or just the ruling party?

M: No, the Velarii are eleven seasoned masters, those who's contributions and abilities encompass the qualities needed to direct and manage the Jaaen Ta-Issa. These experienced souls can be from any of the three disciplines. Theoretically at least. In practice it has proven not to be a feasible method of balance and moderation in the long term. One by-product of our dalliances with the Aether is that certain members have their aging processes dramatically decreased. I myself am over a hundred and eighty-seven years old and I appear to be not a day beyond thirty. it has not yet been discovered how or why this is the case though it has been noted that this phenomena occurs most within one particular discipline, the one whose ingrained mentalities best suit the position of the Velarii. To cut a long story short, the imbalance of power caused by these factors has essentially negated the very purposes of our three disciplines.

EW: Perhaps this is a good time to ask about the details on these disciplines. I noticed three different robe colour schemes while I was being led here, I assume this is a visual representation of these paths?

M: You are correct. The green and gold as you may have seen on the likes of Bahram and Isoulde represent the Estertii. The members of this particular discipline emulate human creativity, spirit and elation. On the flip side they also emulate chaos, madness and distress. They are artists and anarchists, visionaries and vandals. Their insights into the nether have proven to be most insightful and indeed it was they who first mastered the channelling of etheric energies through their physical forms to manipulate the elements around them. For the first time since leaving the Legacy Chain and it's magics behind we had manipulators of earth, fire, water and wind among other essences. It is not known if any Estertii are ever blessed with the gift of longer lives as they more often than not end their mortal lives in much the same way they lived them; explosively.

Orange and red are the representative colours of the Sutinarii, the philosophical counter to the Estertii. They are the eye of the storm, an anchor of a ship and a stout adjutant just as much as they are the essence of stagnation and unblinking machinations. While the Estertii dive into the Aether head first and learn all that they do via direct experience and interaction, the Sutinarii prefer to study passively and catalogue their discoveries long before they consider reckless actions. For this reason their nethermantic arts tend to manifest as inwardly directed forces, commonly increasing physical strength, durability and dexterity. Their stout discipline also makes them prime candidates for most forms of martial combat training. An estimated twenty-three percent of Sutanarii defy the aging process. Though as we have already covered the phenomena is a mystery a common theory is that the stoic nature and peaceful relations of the Sutinarii in turn allows and prohibits the gift of prolonged life. I cannot be certain just yet but I believe young Gabriel, the one who gave you my contacting message, will have a long while yet to read to his heart's content.

Finally we have the Aukarii who can be identified by the white and azure you see me adorned in. Representing the middle ground between the chaotic Estertii and the ordered Sutinarii, we encompass the methodologies and mentalities commonly observed in politicians, solicitors, private investigators and company CEOs. We learn and act, manipulate and mould, charm and conquer. When we act for the greater good the benefits for all are plentiful. As often is the case however, when we allow ourselves to be lead by our own ends those who suffer the ill-effects can, and have, numbered in the millions. Our nethermantic talents arise in the most absolute forms of manipulation, which leaves us able to directly influence the minds, perceptions and actions of others. Naturally this incurs a considerable level of responsibility that, frankly, few humans can recognize Aukarii or not. An estimate of thirty-nine percent of Aukarii live out lives longer than most empires. A rather jaded theory states that it is our greed which keeps us from leaving this world too early.

EW: I could not help but notice that to this point there has been no mention of the usual magic terminology, such as 'spells' and 'mana.' Is this a telling fact?

M: You see? This is the reason I chose you for this meeting. Yes, nethermancy is unlike most arcane arts. We do not used pre-learned spells to manipulate the required energies to create the desired effect. Do not be fooled into thinking nethermancy is a more open and untethered alternative however. Just as a typical arcanist needs to know the proper incantations to attune their energies correctly, a nethermancer needs to be proficient in specific techniques to direct the etheric forces being channelled through their own physical shells. Even counting that arcane magics use interplanar essences while nethermancy use the extraplanar the difference between the two in practice is essentially a non-factor. We learn what we do for knowledge, not power.

EW: Planar? So that would make Portal Corp astral travellers?

M: Not quite. They have done fantastic work, do not mistake my sentiments, but they remain rooted in this plane of reality. These 'alternate realities' are all separate realms residing in the same plane. Forgive me for using the trite analogy of an onion and it's layers but here it is most apt. Until Portal Corp made these fantastic discoveries we had no inkling that these other realms even existed. In answer to your question their travel is more interrealm rather than interplanar.

EW: Where does necromancy fit into all this interplanar/extraplanar concept?

M: Necromancy has the unique nature of utilizing etheric energies through more conventional arcane methods. Though, along with demonology and divine magics, some necromancers are granted their abilities through other beings, many claiming to be gods of some kind, though it is not unheard of for the practitioner to be unaware of their benefactors.

EW: Along the lines of Ermeeth? And different forms of demons?

M: That is correct. Though there can be no doubt that these creatures exist, and indeed some are intensely powerful such as Ermeeth none can be claimed with absolution that they are gods. Whether they are not not, they foresee the desire to be seen as much and have instilled abilities of one form or another. The vast majority of demons known to humanity are actually from separate realms rather than planes. With that said there has been etheric presences felt in recent times, though we know nothing more on those at this time.

EW: What is the religion your order follows? Do you have a patron deity?

M: We are a spiritual order, Mister Wallace, not a theological one. We neither encourage or dissuade religious beliefs in our brethren. As part of their education every neonate learns of the tenants and characteristics of each and every religion. If a chord is struck with any of them then there is plenty of information in the Tren libraries if they desire to learn more. We find that if it one's path to be pious, then this is the best method to ensure they believe as they do honestly rather than due to societal expectations. Generally though most neonates adopt an agnostic view, even if it is a view borne from the desire to learn more. Since even the self-proclaimed Gods such as the previously mentioned Ermeeth have neither been proven as real gods or exposed as admittedly powerful shams we accept all forms of religious doctrine, whether it is Islam, Voudun, Hinduism, Catholicism or even the older Greek and Norse religions. These alternate viewpoints allows a varied perception to be held by our order, an invaluable trait in studying the Aether.

EW: Wait... Greek and Norse? As in the mythologies?

M: Mythologies are merely religions which have fallen out of public favour. If someone has reason to believe in one of these classic theologies, how is that less relevant than if the individual followed a more common path?

EW: Theology wasn't one of my majors at PCU, so we may need to move on from that if we could. Let's just cut to the chase: What happened to cause this rift between brothers and sisters of the cloth? What was so terrible that your people are killing one another?

M: This is not a state of affairs which came about overnight. For the better part of forty-five years the Velarii have been struggling with keeping pace with the rapidly globalizing world around them. Increasing paranoia and fears of being discovered by civilizations becoming more involved in the biggest espionage war the world had ever known so frightened the Velarii that they passed new procedures to be followed by our numbers. An example would be the new practice that stated that the child of any nethermancer were to be compulsorily inducted into the Jaaen Ta-Issa and separated from the parents.

To the younger brethren who had little to no experience of the outside world this hardly seemed like an issue but the more world-conscious of us were able to identify these changes as the tyranny it represented. Apart from an unsuccessful and very damaging attempt by a number of Estertii during the nineteen-seventies our order had, like so many other organisations before and afterwards, relented to the madness of our representatives.

Then along came Bahram Reinhardt.

I will not disclose any details which will make him more of a target than what he is already but his hardships caused by the Velarii, directly and otherwise, followed by his stout defiance of his masters sparked the opportunity for numerous elders, myself included, to spearhead an exodus of those no longer willing to bow down to our criminal leaders. Many of those who followed were Estertii, though a number of Sutanarii and even some Aukarii have followed our much less-walked path. The situation has since gone far beyond 'volatile' which has lead to the civil war between our rebellious brethren and those who remain loyal to the Velarii.

EW: So it was Bahram who ignited this powder keg? Is this why he has been attacked by the Jaaen Ta-Issa? Does he still pose such threat to warrant the time and resources spent against him?

M: It is not what he has done or what he intends to do that makes Bahram such a concern. The simple truth is that he wants nothing more to do with either side of this war. No, the real threat he represents is what he is, what he may become and what repercussions this may entail for those around him. I can see by the look in your eye that you wish to ask more about this. Be mindful that I was assigned to be his guide when he arrived in the United States. He may have broken ranks entirely but that makes no difference to my responsibilities to his well-being.

EW: Alright, in that case can you give me an indication of how much of a threat does he pose?

M: Theoretically he has the potential to be more dangerous than Ghost Widow; a gjenganger who's existence and sanity is tied to a movement lead by a man fuelled by anger and jealousy. The being known as Dante Ex Infernaeus is still the Jaaen Ta-Issa's greatest concern, though that is not only due to Bahram's benign nature, but the young man has yet to disregard the very nature of the Aether like the self-revived inquisitor.

EW: In what way did this Infernaeus 'disregard' the Aether's nature?

M: When his soul was released after death, it at some stage tore from the Pathways, similar to how we discussed it before. The difference here was that it was he who consumed the predators. Most worryingly though was his return to this Earth. Revivals have happened before, true, but normally that is only possible when their soul still lingers on this plane. Once a soul has crossed over only an extremely powerful summoning will suffice in bringing it back here. Somehow, Infernaeus managed it all on his own which is most impressive and, especially in his case, terrifying.

EW: Apart from differences in behavior and that Bahram is less... aggressive than Infernaeus, what separates the two?

M: Almost nothing. Which is why the Velarii want Bahram removed and even myself have contemplated it, though it's possible that death will be just as temporary for him as it was for the Inquisitor.

EW: If Bahram detests the Jaaen Ta-Issa enough to abandon them, why does he wear their robes still?

M: How would you react if I stated that the United States, ignorant of the world beyond it's own shores, is even worse than the Velarii? That greed, selfishness and narcissism have been the cornerstones of your society? A society which fuels a military force which has never learned to fight without technology and have since proven to be most deadly to their own allies? Most likely you would take umbrage at my words and cite the more positive elements of your country.

EW: For the sake of discussion let's say that I would.

M: Bahram is much the same. The Jaaen Ta-Issa is his real nationality, the Estertii his family. Our order adopted and practiced ideologies such as non discrimination towards gender, race or religion centuries ago while the outside world still struggles with the concept. Add to this a non-commercial society which promoted understanding as a basis of life while here if one tripped over a flat footpath most likely their first reaction would be to sue. I could go on but you get the point; Bahram is not proud of the Jaaen Ta-Issa nowadays, especially not the Velarii, but he is an Estertii now and always.

EW: You said earlier you were part of the Velarii once. What role did you play in Bahram's fate?

M: You have one more question before we send you home Mr Wallace. I suggest you make it an intelligent one.

EW: Ok, I understand. My last question is: If you win this civil war what will happen to the Jaaen Ta-Issa?

M: I do not endeavor to dissolve the order nor to allow it to return to the shadows as once we dwelled. It is my ideal that we, like the Midnight Squad and the Legacy Chain, can remain a part of this world as we explore what lies beyond. Alright, Mr Wallace, that is where we end this. You will be offered a shower and a hot meal before we smuggle you back inside of Paragon's walls again.

>> The recording is blank after this<<

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