Category:Wolfen Legion

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The Wolfen Legion is a City of Heroes super group operating in Paragon City on the Virtue Server. City of Heroes is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game where you the player create and guide your superhero through Paragon City and beyond.

The Wolfen Legion is based upon, and patterned after, huge bipedal wolves; sometimes referred to as Wolfen, Lycans, or mistakenly as Werewolves. Once subjugated by humans, the Wolfen Legion is now free to shape their own destiny and vigorously defend their pack from all threats.

Wolfen Legion Website

Wolfen Legion Forums


The Lore-Master

The Great Moon Mother Watches You

The firelight reflected from the eyes of the younglings seated on logs gathered around the ancient Lore-Master’s sacred fire. They all leaned forward to not miss a single word the grizzled old Wolfen might speak. The Lore-Master had lived for centuries uncounted and in all that time had faithfully fulfilled his duty in the teaching of the ancient histories of the Wolfen people. His fur was white with age and his left eye had been blinded in combat even before these youngling’s grandsires had sat with anticipation around his sacred fire. Making eye contact with each of his young charges, the Lore-Master began his teaching.

“Listen well younglings, because I will speak of our histories; stories of our ancestors, our heroes, our betrayers, and our tormentors. The wisdom I will give you tonight will forever be yours. Hold it close to you like the honor meat from a great kill. Never forget these stories and learn from our histories, for you may be the next generation of heroes.

Our dens were not always of this world we now hunt. Once we lived in a paradise, a place of endless forests teeming with game. We called our home The Great Wild and it was so vast, that our ancestors never explored all of its twisting paths. It was here that the Wolfen race was born when the great god, The Lord of the Forest, created the first two Wolfen, Alpha and his mate. Under the gentle guidance of The Lord of the Forest and the teachings of his dark brother god, The Lord of the Hunt, these two Wolfen grew strong and wise in the ways of The Wild. As the years passed, Alpha sired many litters of younglings, who also grew strong and wise. Soon the Wolfen numbers grew and their dens filled the glades and valleys of The Wild. Even so, all were subject to the Alpha’s leadership and in turn, the Alpha was guided by the wisdom of The Lord of the Forest.

The Great Wild

It was shortly thereafter that Alpha was running a trail deep within The Wild, hunting a giant wild boar, when both The Lord of the Forest and The Lord of the Hunt stopped him. They told Alpha that a great war had broken out among the gods. They feared that the battle would come to The Great Wild and that the Wolfen would suffer. Because of their love for their children, the brother gods would leave The Great Wild. They instructed Alpha to guide the Wolfen down the path to valor, to become a great race of warriors. Furthermore, they said that one day they would return and lead the Wolfen in battle against the evil gods. In a blinding flash of light, they were gone and Alpha stood alone on the trail. With great sadness at the departure of The Lord of the Forest and The Lord of the Hunt, but with anticipation of a great future, Alpha returned to his people with the news. When the news was passed to the rest of the Wolfen, there was much concern over the path that they had been give to walk. Nevertheless, Alpha assured his children that all would be well here in the paradise of The Wild. Following the leadership of their Alpha, the Wolfen rejoiced and began to plan for their valorous future…all but Dark Step. Dark Step was a Wolfen of evil nature and sought to surpass his brothers and sisters. With the departure of The Lord of the Forest and The Lord of the Hunt, he saw his chance to advance beyond all other Wolfen. Gathering other Wolfen of like-nature to his banner, he secretly planned the unimaginable; he would kill Alpha.

Alpha, the first Wolfen

Dark Step and his cowardly group of Wolfen had their chance a short time later. They secretly followed Alpha out on a hunt and fell upon him while he was battling a Forest Silver Bear. So great was the strength of Alpha that he slew the bear and all of the craven Wolfen; saving Dark Step for last. With his attackers dead and their blood feeding the earth of the forest, Alpha turned to make his way back to his den. However, the battle and the numerous wounds he had suffered began to take their toll upon him and the fell to the ground. Hours later, he crawled into his den verging upon death. The greatest healers were summoned, but none could staunch the flow of blood from his wounds. Some say that it was the flow of blood from his broken heart that finally took its toll. Alpha succumbed to his wounds and left his children and The Great Wild in the early morning of the next day. The howls of anguish echoed through the forest and the Wolfen rolled upon the ground and threw ashes into their fur in their grief. Without guidance for the first time in centuries, the Wolfen scattered into the forest, forming groups based on friendship and bloodline. Where there was once one great nation of Wolfen, now there existed thirteen tribes: the Two Knife Tribe, the Red Hawk Tribe, the Gold Ear Tribe, the Sea Tribe, the Dull Axe Tribe, the Sun Tribe, the Far Walker Tribe, the Ice-Eye Tribe, the Oak People Tribe, the Blood Magic Tribe, the Iron Claw Tribe, the Black Rock Tribe, and the Range Hunter Tribe. Each tribe immediately began to war upon each other for the best hunting areas and for prestige as the strongest Wolfen. All was blood, fury, and chaos as the Wolfen slowly destroyed themselves without the guidance of Alpha. Soon the Range Hunter tribe grew to be the most powerful and wealthy of the tribes, but never so much that they could take control of the entire Wolfen race. What came next was the lowest moment of the Wolfen people, but it would ensure their survival as a species.

The Great Wild, under the icy hand of winter

The constant warfare and shifting alliances, always grim and bloody, eventually lead to an atrocity so great that even the most barbarous Wolfen were shocked. When winter settled its ice hand upon The Wild, it was the worst in memory. Famine, plague, and killing freezes were cutting into the Wolfen numbers like a knife. All the tribes, fearful of losing even more of their numbers, concealed whatever provisions and supplies they had, and warfare between the tribes grew even more fevered. Meanwhile, the Range Hunter Tribe decided that they had enough food to last the winter, with a surplus left over. In an act of generosity, they opened their larders to starving Wolfen strays and others who were on the verge of death. Somewhere the word on the snow trails changed from “The Range Hunters are feeding the hungry” to “The Range Hunters are building their numbers” and then to “The Range Hunters plot to conquer all the Wolfen Tribes.” Between rumors and hunger, and the heavy momentum of centuries of war, the combined forces of Eight of the Thirteen Tribes fell upon the Range Hunter den-hold; and when the bloodshed was over, they were no more. Not only warriors, but also mates and children, and animals and stock, allies and more, all died in the wanton killing of that desperate winter.

A Wolfen from the Two Knife Tribe at the destruction of the Range Hunter Tribe

It took two years before the Tribes started to confess to each other that they were not as destitute as they had pretended. With each new revelation, the horror of their act grew and grew. As among our lesser natural brother wolves, we Wolfen, as you each know have a particular set of rules regarding conduct and behavior. There was no excuse for the slaughter of innocents, the killing of helpless Wolfen mates and younglings. Nor was there anyone who could be counted as truly guiltless. Members of all tribes had participated in the grim deeds of that winter. So, the Wolfen tribes began a great dialogue among their numbers. They asked themselves those questions that all intelligent races must eventually ponder; questions about mortality and murder, and more importantly, about government and society. Thus was born, Pack Law:

"The strongest shall lead as Alpha. The pack follows the Alpha. No Wolfen shall make war upon his brother. All Wolfen are brothers."

To serve as the guides of the Wolfen, each of the tribal leaders would hold a seat on an advisory council. This Council of the Twelve would uphold the provisions of Pack Law and ensure that never again would Wolfen make war upon Wolfen. For the first time in many generations, peace had returned to The Wild and the Wolfen people began a period of enlightenment and growth, never seen before. All continued to be well for centuries under the leadership of the Council of the Twelve until one dark night the unexpected happened. The gods returned to The Wild.

In the same flash of light by which they had departed, The Lord of the Forest and The Lord of the Hunt returned to the meeting hall of the Council of the Twelve. They spoke to their Wolfen children and relayed a sad tale of war and defeat. The forces that they had led had been scattered by the daemon hordes of the evil gods. Even now, the forces of evil were searching out the defeated armies and putting them all to the blade. Now was the time of which the brother gods had spoke of so long ago. Now was the time that the Wolfen forces would march into war against the dark gods and their hordes of beasts. Quickly word was sent from tribe to tribe, armies were raised and marched to Oakhill, the den-hold where the Council of the Twelve met. Upon their arrival, orders were issued and the Wolfen warriors made themselves ready to go forth into battle. However, before the first forces could gather to be transported by The Lord of the Forest to the place of battle, great glowing gateways appeared throughout The Wild. From these gateways, hordes of beasts poured forth and immediately fell upon all they could find. Leading these hordes was a creature of pure evil, the foul god Necrom, the Undying. Necrom was sworn to destroy The Lord of the Forest and The Lord of the Hunt and therefore had tracked them into The Wild. The arrayed Wolfen warriors rallied to the defense of their gods and lands.

Necrom the Undying

Decades passed and still the battles raged back and forth, the brother gods at the fore of the Wolfen forces and Necrom, the Undying, leading his evil horde. The loss of life on both sides was tremendous and The Wild was slowly destroyed. However, for each member of the horde that was slain, Necrom would summon three more through his glowing gateways. The Wolfen numbers were quickly reduced and they were forced to retreat deeper and deeper into what was left of the forest. In the end, a traitorous Wolfen showed Necrom, and his hordes, the final place of retreat. Necrom and his promises of wealth, power and revenge seduced Grackyn, a Wolfen who had been banished by the Council of the Twelve for his crimes against the Wolfen peoples, into leading undead forces against the pitiful remains of the Wolfen warriors. The greatest examples of Wolfen valor occurred upon that final battlefield as warrior after warrior gave their life in defense of their brothers and sisters. But alas, even so great a force as the Wolfen could not stand against the uncountable evil forces. In the end, when all hope was lost, the brother gods, The Lord of the Forest and The Lord of the Hunt, channeled their magic into the creation of a shimmering gateway. They commanded the remaining Wolfen to pass through this portal and escape from the death that awaited them here upon the field of battle. They instructed the Wolfen to scatter upon reaching the other side to elude the evil forces of Necrom. The brother gods would stay behind and hold off the horde for as long as possible and attempt to close the gateway, trapping the Wolfen on the other side, but also hiding their location from Necrom. With blood still flowing from the wounds of battle, the remaining Wolfen passed through the gateway and into a new and unknown world. The last thing the Wolfen saw was The Lord of the Forest, standing over the fallen body of his brother, The Lord of the Hunt, holding back the daemons. Paradise was lost.

When the survivors arrived upon the new world, they discovered it populated by a new race they had never before seen. Thinking they were more of Necrom’s forces, the Wolfen fell upon them and killed them all; it was only much later that they learned that this new race, which called itself Man, was native to this world. Nevertheless, the die was cast and there was no going back; where peace and friendship could have been, now there was only hate and misunderstanding. Knowing that the Wolfen were in no shape to withstand another war, even one with the puny race of Man, they decided to follow the last commands of the brother gods. They would scatter across this new world and rebuild their numbers. The loss of life had been so great in the battles against Necrom and his hordes that no tribe survived whole. The bloodlines had been shattered. Once again, the Wolfen divided themselves by friendship, and what little surviving bloodline they could find, and each scattered to make their way in this new world. The year of the arrival to this world, as counted by Man, was 2500 BC.

2500BC Human Artwork

Since that time, we Wolfen have lived in the shadows. Sometimes we have fought with Man, more often we have fought against him. Like the ancient hordes at the Battle of Paradise, the numbers of Man are uncountable and we would never be able to slay them all. The bloodlines are being rebuilt; the tribes are being reformed under new names and new leadership. However, even though our people escaped from the claws of Necrom the Undying, we did not escape his curse. It followed us into the new world and to this day seeks our destruction. It is our sacred duty to fight the Necrom's evil in all of its many forms. We must not let what happended to our home happen to this world. We now fight a shadow war against all who would stand against the tribes. We must protect our dens and our families so that we can grow and regain our places of honor. Now is the time younglings, now is the time to rise and take your place among the ranks of the Wolfen warriors; to join in the quest to defeat Necrom and his scourge of evil so that this world might be saved.

Go forth and fight well my children; you are the future

Never forget young warriors, you are Wolfen; there are no other races that have your honor, your pride, and your strength. Go forth and hunt in the name of the pack. Be brave, serve your pack brothers and sisters and serve the Wolfen race. Fight, and if needed die, upon the field of battle; but know this, the brother gods, The Lord of the Forest and The Lord of the Hunt, with the great Alpha by their side, look down upon you and stand ready to judge your actions. Bring honor to your bloodline and to your race. Live and die for the pack!”

The still of the night was suddenly broken by the howls of the young warriors as they leapt to their feet and danced around the fire; their voices flying upward with the sparks from the burning wood. From the shadows, the Lore-Master looked on approvingly. Another fine generation of warriors to continue the bloodline he thought. Go forth and fight well my children, you are our future.

A Wolfen guarding the city

About the Wolfen Legion

The Wolfen Legion was formed on the Virtue server on November 10th, 2007. Conceived as a dark, "Werewolf the Apocalypse" style role-playing super group, it has since grown into a totally original and much more detailed creation. The Wolfen are not werewolves, they are a race of intelligent, bipedal, humanoid wolfs (Wolfen) from another plane of existence. They fled to this world centuries ago to avoid destruction at the hands of a demonic entity known as Necrom the Undying. Since that time, the generations of Wolfen have lived in the shadows of this world and carried on their fight against evil (which they view as Necrom’s hordes or his demonic influences upon this world).

The Wolfen Legion is very much a role-playing super group and we use a separate global channel for all "OOC" communications.

Joining the Wolfen Legion

The Wolfen Legion is a very concept driven group. The super group has a strong central theme and this must be reflected in our membership. In order to join the Wolfen Legion, you must create your character in a specific manner. The following is a quick guide on making a Wolfen:

Color, Height and Body Size are completely up to you. However, most members have chosen to be “Huge” body type to represent the massive nature of Wolfen.

1. You must choose a Monstrous Head. Most members have gone with Beast 2, (please no Beast 6).

2. You must choose Monstrous: Hands (hairy), Monstrous: Legs (most go with hairy, but other non-tech options are okay), and Monstrous Claws: Feet (hairy). Later costumes can be slightly different but the overall theme of a humanoid wolf (Wolfen) must be preserved. Please no wings or robotic parts on your Wolfen. They are a very organic race and while they will use technology, it should not be an integral part of their creation.

Some members have chosen Monstrous Hairy for Chest and others have chosen some sort of armor, it’s up to you and how you want to depict your character.

3. Finally, you must have the word “Wolf” as the second part of your name. (For example, Platinum Wolf, Ice Wolf, Silver Wolf, etc.)

With the larger population base on Virtue, it has become difficult to find good two part names for Wolfen characters. Therefore, some members have went with three word names ending in Wolf; while others have used words in other languages (Spanish, German, etc.) to find an acceptable Wolf name.

Other than the basic build requirements, all we ask of our members is to be friendly and have a great time playing. If any assistance is needed just ask (in-game or via the Wolfen Legion Forums) and a friendly and helpful Wolfen brother or sister will be to your assistance ASAP.


Platinum Wolf (Alpha), Krieg Wolf (Pack Elder)

In-Game Contact(s)

@Ryzix (Platinum), @Rex Havok (Krieg)

Out-of-Game Contact(s)

(CoX forum ID’s) PhoenixRZ, Rex_Havok

Member Photos

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