Dark Lord Necros

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Dark Lord Necros
Player: @Necros
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: Necros, "DLN", Dark
Species: Similar to human
Age: 78 years
Height: 4' 2"
Weight: 84 lbs.
Eye Color: Bright Green
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Nobleman
Place of Birth: Alternate Dimension
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Deceased
Known Powers
Necromancy, Control of Darkness, Control of Souls
Known Abilities
Heightened Athletics
No additional information available.


Dark Lord Necros


Necros is a nobleman from a parallel dimension. Some of the most significant differences in this dimension and his include:

Necros is not truly a villain. He is a compassionate ruler and cares deeply for his people. However, the territory he ruled over was considered cursed, and locals coined the name "the Forsaken Lands" for them. Bogs, dense forests, and unrelenting mist made the place very undesirable to live in, but Necros was by far one of the kindest and most considerate lords, and the tough terrain made his militia the most powerful in the country.

However, befitting his lands, the virus began within the very marshes Necros called home. Citizens came down with strange sicknesses, their powers disobeying their will, and their skin peeling from their bone. Not even their most able of healers could conjure a cure to this, and contact with the diseased made many of the medicine men and women come down with the virus early on. Their powers warped, they could not even attempt to heal those stricken, and normally minor illnesses aside the plague became lethal. Death swept through the land. Necros could do little but watch as his people died around his castle. The greatest "scientific" minds that survived discovered a rift near where the virus originated. The rift led to another world; this world. Necros, who himself had become ill with the curse, took his finest warriors that still lived through the portal with him to find a cure and bring it back to their people. There were eight as they began their journey. They were, aside Necros himself, the following:


Necros has had mutated abilities for so long, he cannot remember how they originally functioned. Now, however, he has near total command over souls and shadows. He can manipulate these powers to summon the dead (only in a corporeal form, however), transfer souls to separate bodies, blind enemies in darkness, and open rifts within the shadows that allow his warriors to step through directly to him. Necros's dark talents also give him inhuman strength, allowing him to jump amazing distances. He also has a natural, genetic resistance to the plague from his homeland, but it does not stop it from advancing; it only slows the process.


Necros is a devout man who has much faith in his court, his militia, and his purpose. He is fiercely protective of his friends and unmerciful towards his enemies. He is intelligent, sharp, and excellent at thinking on his feet. However, he has a tendency to say things very bluntly, and often states what people do not want to hear. These habits cause people to believe he is pessimistic, but he views it as honesty.


The 'costume' Necros wears is not meant as a disguise or to distinguish himself. In his homeworld, they are robes worn to mourn the dead. However, the bandages on his hands and feet are not a standard part of this ensemble (and in fact, these bandages cover his entire body, not just his limbs). His soldiers wrapped these bandages around him to hold him together; his rotting flesh would have rendered him bodiless if he had not kept it lashed to the bone. Instead, he channels dark energy into his skeleton so that he may command himself to move.

The New Dimension

After traveling through the void, Necros found his comrades dead - they had not survived the trip through the portal. Necros gathered the most complete and finest vessels from this world and transferred their wandering souls into their new bodies. This is why his warriors are not short, as their original bodies were. However, he was short one carcass, and Bhutadamana was given a permanent corporeal form, where he could remain tangible for short periods of time to aid his lord. Necros spent the first few months in this new world gathering intelligence on whatever sources he found could aid his world. After he had gathered enough intel, he turned to what he believed would be the fastest and most able source to find a cure: Longbow. Their knowledge of interdimensional travel and their heroic stature made Necros positive they would lend a hand and rid his world of the virus. However, when he asked Longbow Officials to see what they could do, the answer they brought back was cold and harsh. No aid would be given to Necros, as they had more pressing issues in other dimensions, namely the Shadow Shard.

The Path of Villainy

Having no help from Longbow, Necros turned to the second fastest method; Force. His warriors were more than powerful enough to take on any challenge. Open defiance and disregard of law seemed viable to him... If Longbow would not care for his world, he would not care for theirs. These actions earned Necros the title of "Dark Lord" from many heroes. Regrettably, since Necros lacks the technology and equipment to find a cure, as he would have with Longbow, he must spend time gathering everything he can that holds potential. He has stolen thousands of mystical artifacts, technological wonders, and chemical treatments, and kidnapped dozens of interdimensional authorities, medical professionals, and scientific geniuses in an effort to find a cure to the plague. So far, he has found none.


While Necros was searching for his cure, Arachnos caught wind of his deeds. The more powerful he became, the more Arachnos watched his every move. Ghost Widow took a personal interest in his talents, as his powers closely coincided with her own. Arachnos Agents eventually confronted Necros and asked him to join their legion of Destined Ones, where he would become even stronger. Since Necros's personal power did not equate to curing his sickness, he cast Arachnos aside and eliminated their agents, despite their multiple efforts to recruit him into Project: DESTINY. However, it eventually occurred to Necros that Arachnos had equal interdimensional research to that of Longbow, and that they might possibly be willing to lend him a hand if he were to aid them. When he was next visited by Arachnos soldiers asking him to join the fold, Necros took the chance to sit them down and discuss the finer details. The troopers confirmed that if Necros could assist in achieving Arachnos's goals, then surely Lord Recluse would lend a hand to the fallen lord. Necros clung to this hope, that giving Lord Recluse dominance of this dimension would save his people, and faithfully followed Arachnos's orders.


Mahargenin: Mahargenin has sought Necros's aid time and time again, and in return, has offered to assist Necros with his task. While their relationship is mostly business, Mahargenin is an agreeable fellow, and Necros has taken a liking to him. Mahargenin's radioactive attacks and cold blasts make him a formidable foe, and a respected ally.

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