From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

"THE FRONTLINE PROTOCOL" is officially activated.
After Jim Stryker, Ex-Director of S.P.E.C.T.O.R. discovered a shadowy organization known as "The Ark" and the impending threat they pose, he activated a long dormant program designed to gather powerful individuals to take on world threatening events. The project would involve recruitment, training and equipment of this team to combat any threat head-on, including prominent metahumans if they were ever compromised. This team would be the planets' FIRST AND LAST line of defense against any impending threat, including the newly discovered Ark organization.
OOC Notes:The Frontline is a heavy RPSG inspired by Marvel's The Ultimates, Avengers (MCU) and Blizzard's Overwatch teams. If you're a "soldier, scientist, adventurer or oddity", you should fit right in with our group. Our flavor of RP combines elements of spy thrillers, modern comic book storylines, and good ol' fashioned capes and tights with just the right amount of goofiness to have a good time. Currently, we are not recruiting openly.

NAME: Jonathan Morrow

The accident in the dimensional timestream has granted Jon enhanced strength, speed and agility, as well as a faster metabolism and recovery rate. It has also slowed his aging tenfold.
Having studied warfare for almost 100+ years, Jon has mastered several fighting disciplines which he has combined to form his own fighting style.
His combat experience has given him unique insights to battlefield situations, allowing him to conjure up unorthodox solutions ensuring maximum effectiveness with minimal casualties and effort. Fight smarter, not harder, is his motto.
Jon's bravery, situational awareness and "team-first" mentality makes him an effective leader. Always "knowing the score" and what to do in the situation to best lead his team has earned him a reputation for being one of the finest field-leaders in the meta-human community.
A combination of special Rikti Metals and Impervium, this near indestructible shield allows Jon to absorb impact, and disperse it twice as hard.
Standard HUD provided by S.P.E.C.T.O.R. increases his effectiveness in battle. By analyzing combat data and making recommendations, Jon is able to put together sound battle-plans on the fly.
Standard Vanguard battlesuit modified for Jon's personal use. Can withstand small explosions, small arms projectiles and most stabbing apparatus.
High Impact Concussion Grenades meant to be able to knock-down even the toughest villains in the world. Jon carries 30 at a time.
Given to Jon by Jeffery Elwood, a comrade-in-arms during theAmerican Revolution. Jon believes it gives him luck in battle, and never leaves HQ without it.
Jon Morrow was dubbed the "soldier of tomorrow", after finding himself stranded on PRIME EARTH, 1863. Originally from a future, alternate version of Earth, Jon crashed on Prime Earth through a dimensional rift. The crash altered his physiology forever when the serum he was injected with reacted with the dimensional timestream. Jon used his newfound abilities to help people while preparing himself to complete his mission, which was approximately 140 years into the future. Jon, dubbed "Morrow" by the people he helped participated in every major war in Prime Earth history up until WWII.
Towards the end of 1945, Jon was gravely injured and put in cryostasis by allied scientists. While in cryostasis, Jon was studied and examined, becoming the foundation for what would become the "Steadfast Soldier Initiative". Designated Soldier-One, Jon's blood served as the catalyst for numerous Steadfast Soldier spinoffs; including Steadfast Soldier Gamma: Metacide.
Fast-forward to 2020, Jon has served his mission and now works tirelessly to protect PRIME EARTH.
NAME: Classified

Hercules Type-S Battleframe grants the pilot super strength that can rival Statesman. The super strength also allows for Overpower to leap vast distances.
The armor also grants the pilot with protection and enhanced durability.
The armor allows for flight and can gain mach speeds.
Overpower is also capable of energy projection, shooting energy projectiles from his eyes and chest.
Overpower can push his armor to its limits by rerouting all the suits' power to go into BURST TRIGGER MODE. Burst Trigger allows Overpower to perform 40% beyond his upper limits for a short time period, drastically increasing his strength, speed, and energy projection abilities. Tests show that when in BT Mode, Overpower can lift buildings.
Overpower's pilot fought in <REDACTED>and has vast combat experience.
Disciplined, decisive and precise, <REDACTED> has developed exceptional leadership abilities while serving <REDACTED> during the <REDACTED> war.
While serving the<REDACTED>, Overpower became one of the world's finest pilots and vehicular specialists, becoming the go-to-guy for several high-level missions.
A hybrid of modern technology and captured Rikti tech, the Hercules Type-S is one of the most powerful armors on the planet.
Man or machine? The true identity of the hero Overpower remains unknown to all but a select few. What is known, is the awesome might and superior force to which all his foes tremble.
Lt. Calvin Johnson stomached 4 years of strenuous qualifying exams and training, including an additional 3 years of brutal advanced preparation to finally don the Aquatech he currently operates.
Lt. Johnson is the ultimate warrior and he now uses his abilities, along with the suit, to combat naval fires and perform at-sea rescue. Recently, the branch has granted him permission to use the technology for outside rescue activity. The Frontline’s fight against the ever present Ark could prove complicated for his relationship with the US Military.
NAME: Wyatt Riley

The Armor of God pieces in Wyatt's possession grant him with the ability to expel energy externally in the form of a sword or fist offensively, or a shield defensively.
The armor grants Wyatt with increased strength.
The armor also grants Wyatt with superhuman durability.
While Godslayer has very rudimentary fighting prowess, he compensates with an unpredictable style. Telepaths have trouble reading his moves because he doesn't even know what he's going to do next. Wyatt claims this is skill, while other think its due to his stupidity.
A powerful gauntlet that endows Wyatt with the ability to channel DIVINE ENERGY.
A powerful greave that endows Wyatt with the ability to channel DIVINE ENERGY.
Wyatt Riley has always put himself in harm's way to help others. Unfortunately, rarely did he have the strength or the smarts to help. Not until he put on the GAUNTLET OF GOD. which bestowed upon him great power. He'd used the gauntlet to do good things in his life, but was quickly swept away with stardom. Eventually, that all came crashing down, and now he's more known as a washed-up, drunk, has been.
NAME: Elena Espinar

Anyone with experience with Kheldians would not be surprised with her powers.
Soulsurge is able to take forms of Photovoltaic's prior hosts.
Most of Soulsurge's moves come naturally rather than any training due to 'prior lives', so to speak.
Elena Espinar always wanted to be a hero, just like her parents. Her wish came true when she merged with Photovoltaic, a Kheldian. But it came with the price of Photovoltaic separating from its prior host. Now Soulsurge struggles with its own, incongruent merged personality while continuing to fight for justice.
NAME: Flint Ivachev
STATUS: ACTIVE | PLAYER: @Fared Lighting

While Flint does not have superpowers, he is in peak physical condition.
Flint was raised to be an exceptional archer from a young age. Trained by his adoptive father, Flint's archery skills rival the best in the world.
Trained by Wyvern in 2003, Flint is well versed in CQC, making him more than a bowman.
A gift from Manticore for graduating Wyvern School, the HERMES' HAND. is a tactical bow with a special impervium string, making it both flexible and indestructable.
Given to Flint by his mentor, Johann Lawrence, for his accomplishments as part of Wyvern.
Flint Ivachev was abandoned during Post-Soviet Russia. After his Father went missing, Flint was adopted by Scott Abrams, the leader of a traveling circus. Scott taught Flint everything he knew, and soon Flint was one of the best: enjoying his new life as a circus performer. But soon, Scott Abrams was gunned down due to his debts to the mafia. Flint's anguish drove him to seek out the mafiosos responsible for the murder of his father figure, and took them down. He vowed that he would never let gangs torment another life again.
NAME: Sara Petrou

The souls within her literally give her the strength of thousands.
Varatha can make shadow copies of herself across a space.
Hades has empowered Varatha to claim the wicked souls of her foes, feeding on them to heal her wounds, allowing her to withstand great physical punishment before going down.
Wrapping herself in shadows, Varatha can become nearly invisible to the untrained or inattentive eye.
Varatha's mastery of the shadows and darkness makes her extremely proficient at slipping past defenses and remaining undetected.
Years as an archeologistand her status as a Champion of Hades have made her the subject matter expert on the magical, mystical and mythological.
Varatha's powers of darknesshave the side-effect of giving her great clarity of vision in the dark.
Varatha has No practical equipment outside her costume. The armored pieces are decorative. She relies on her powers.
Codename: Varatha, Sara Petrou was an aspiring archeologist specializing in Ancient Greece, with a specific interest in Mythological artifacts and the deities tied to them. A perilous encounter with 5th Column treasure hunters in a temple of Hades left her at death’s door. Hades saw great potential in Sara, and offered her a deal - in exchange for her survival, she would become one of his champions on Earth. She accepted, and armed with the souls of those unjustly slain, she became Hades’s spear, Varatha, an avatar of justice and vengeance working from the shadows to smite those who oppress the weak, do harm to others or seek to take power for themselves.
Her power has come at a price, as Hades’s gift is a double edged sword - she lives a haunted and ageless existence, drowning in the whispers of those long gone. She is doomed to watch those she loves grow old, and to constantly fight to maintain her personality and self, as to not be consumed by the the souls that give her power.
NAME: Jared Lennins

While he has no powers, Jared's experience as a SFX supervisor on various projects allows him to create very interactive, high-level SFX which can be used to divert and distract his opponents.
Excel not working properly? Can't save on word? Identical can help.
As Identical, Jared's gauntlets are modified with tangible aerial and volumetric graphical projectors.
Jared's helmet has a customized heads-up display for interactive control of his equipment.
Jared Lennins was an SFX supervisor on various projects that took him from Hollywood to government projects and back again. He never intended to get into the hero life but a chance encounter with a rough group of hooligans on a remote set showed him he could use his effects for more than just entertainment. Making it all compact enough to carry around without a truck and trailer was a massive pain in the ass, but he has managed to build enough of the essentials to engage in some relatively low-key hero work.
Unlike folks who rely on their powers, Jared relies on gimmicks and trickery to fight crime. His set up takes a little longer so he’s much less likely to be found duking it out with a group of villains and more likely the one disabling a security system or sneaking a rescued hostage out while others get their hands dirty. It isn’t always fancy and he almost never takes the spotlight but the work feels rewarding.
S.P.E.C.T.O.R. was founded in 2003 by a cabal of high powered individuals (which Lady Grey was rumored to be a part of) as an independent metahuman police force that would function beyond Vanguard’s capabilities, answering the rising number of "extraordinary" threats that overwhelmed the police and military due to the heavy casualties suffered by the superhero community during the Rikti War.
By 2006, S.P.E.C.T.O.R. was officially endorsed by the UN Security Council of Metahuman Affairs and added a layer of legitimacy to the organization's operations. However, despite the official endorsement, S.P.E.C.T.O.R. was still met with negative opinions by the superhero community and the public, both of whom strongly disagreed with how they operated. The organization also formed strategic alliances with intelligence agencies like the CIA, KGB, and did not discriminate with whom they associated with, similar to Vanguard.
In 2007, a rogue group of SPECTOR agents, including Deputy Director Madelyn Kline splintered off to form the terrorist organization MANTIS. Madelyn Kline, aka “Mother Mantis” believed that metahumans should conquer mankind, and that their power can be used to create a "utopia": free from war and crime, and people would live in peace under MANTIS' rule. What started out as misunderstood sympathy for the non-meta population soon turned to disdain, and Mother Mantis' logic would take a dark turn: She saw the solution to saving the human race as either gaining meta abilities, or purging the earth of the weak.
Constant conflict ensued between the terrorist group and S.P.E.C.T.O.R., with S.P.E.C.T.O.R.’s ranks being eventually compromised, a number of agents and operatives becoming disillusioned with the organization's mission, and falling under the influence of the charismatic Mother Mantis. With the rise of MANTIS’ influence, and the corruption of S.P.E.C.T.O.R., Stryker had no choice but to “abandon ship” and purge S.P.E.C.T.O.R., only taking a handful of agents with him. With the disbandment of S.P.E.C.T.O.R., Stryker activated the “minuteman protocol” and sent his best undercover agent, a shapeshifter codenamed Wallflower into the MANTIS organization. Armed with intel and a pro-active superhero strike team, the Minutemen were able to execute precision strikes on MANTIS operations, hindering them in the long-run.
After many successful missions and raids on MANTIS operations, Wallflower was finally compromised and signaled for extraction. The Minutemen comprised of Soldier-One, Wildcard, Sidewinder and Exfil, along with S.P.E.C.T.O.R. Agents Stryker, Valentine Kurtz, and Cedric Cooper infiltrated the rogue African nation of Wamemaliza, where Wallflower was being held and the final confrontation with MANTIS would take place. Both sides suffered heavy casualties, with the Minutemen losing Sidewinder, Cooper and Exfil, but were successful in their mission to extract Wallflower and cripple MANTIS for good. En route back to their base of operations, a dying Wallflower completed her final mission report to Stryker, handing him a USB drive with all the intel she's gathered over the years, letting out a final warning before finally succumbing to her wounds.
Wallflower's intel highlighted MANTIS' operations, bases and plans, but one thing stood out from her reports: the emergence of a mysterious organization called "The Ark". Wallflower's discoveries led to a revelation that MANTIS was only a small part of a grand scheme: a greater plan and threat to the world. The information on the Ark was scarce, but one thing was clear; they were everywhere, and they were ready to execute.
The Ark was everywhere. Some of the most powerful and influential people in the world were possibly members: politicians, celebrities, and even superheroes. Not willing to take the risk of being caught unprepared (again), and with the mysterious organization's agenda still uncertain, Stryker informed Soldier-One of a special project he had been working on over the years. The project was a successor to Stryker's "Minuteman Protocol", designed to gather powerful individuals to take on world threatening events. The project would involve recruitment, training and equipment of this team to combat any threat head-on, including prominent metahumans if they ever compromised. This team would be the planets FIRST AND LAST line of defense against any impending threat, including the newly discovered Ark organization.
"THE FRONTLINE PROTOCOL" was officially activated.
Spoilers! Highlight box below to view the hidden content. |
The Frontline was actually formed to execute the following directives:
1. Provide cover for a larger game plan. The Ark is their number one (1) priority. The Frontline Supergroup was created to "flush out" the Ark. Having a public face will also allow Stryker and his shadow team to work without being compromised. "The brighter the light, the bigger the shadow".
Spoilers! Highlight box above to view the hidden content. |

Bunker-X (or ten) is the temporary headquarters and base of operations of The Frontline. It is part of a network of secret bunkers and safehouses that Stryker established back in his day as Executive Director of S.P.E.C.T.O.R. Bunker-X is situated deep in an underwater cavern that forms the foundation of a remote island in the middle of the Atlantic. Access to Bunker-X requires modified S.P.E.C.T.O.R. communicators, tweaked with Rikti teleportation technology. This allows team members to quickly access the base from any part of the world. The communicator helps base personnel to pin-point the individual's whereabouts, opening up a "gateway" which allows access to the base. Currently, Bunker-X is kept functional by a small team of former S.P.E.C.T.O.R. agents and personnel.

The Crisis Command Center is the heart of the bases' operations. Multiple screens which project the situation


The BRUTE MK II is a repurposed S.P.E.C.T.O.R. VTOL combat troop carrier used by The Frontline to get from mission to mission. It's been upgraded to feature...