Grae Knight/Just Another Day in the Life: Chapter 1

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The Legendary Grae Knight

“Your sacrifice will not be for nothing!” an evil voice crackled from an alleyway just off the main walkway through Founder’s Fall, “we will make you one with the Circle of Thorns!” A dark, male figure dressed in purple robs held a poor female in a mystical grasp hovering just a few feet above the ground. Next to the mage stood sever brown robed men wielding hand crossbows. To his left stood a 15-foot demon completely engulfed in flames brandishing a large fire sword….

Meanwhile, not far from the location of the mystic ceremony, flew Grae Knight. Knight Lord of the mighty Paragonian Knights, recently returning from Atlas Park where he had met with several other super group leaders to discuss recent movements by the Devouring Earth to gain a foothold in Independence Port. Grae Knight glistened in the light of the full moon. As always, Grae was garbed in his battle gear; stark white armor forged from an unknown mystic material with his trusty broad sword “Tim” at his side. Even though it was well into the night Grae Knight still wore his trademark Ray Ban sunglasses. Grae thought, “I got to get home and get some sleep, 7 am comes fast and I got to look good for that book signing at Books-A-Million. I hope Lady Grae isn’t drunk again, I just don’t feel like dealing with that this evening. So much going on in the Knights lately, feels like I am living in a soap opera.”

Just then Grae’s thoughts were interrupted by the shrill of a citizen in trouble, he looks down to see the gathering of Circle of Thorns tormenting the poor citizen. He quickly surveys the situation, 2 Death Mages, 1 Madness Mage, 6 Thorn Wielders and 2 Behemoth…they should have brought more, he thought. Grae Knight immediately made a hasty decent and landed about 20 feet from the motley crew of mystics. “You have mettled where you are not wanted hero” yelled the Death Mage, “We will add your soul to the Circle!”

“You CoT are all the same…all talk no action..I got one warning for you, If my hair gets messed up you don’t have to worry about the food in the Zig, because you will be pushing up daisies!” Grae has been watching too many mobster films. “Armor! Defend me from mine enemies!” Grae yelled as the mystic energies in his armor sprang forth and made him highly resistant to damage. “Taste Cold Steel, Death Mage”, Grae said as he leaped into the air and slammed his mighty broad sword into the earth sending shock waves toward the Mage, he immediately fell to his knees and past out. The Behemoths swung their huge fire swords at Grae but missed by yards.

"Never Fear Grae Knight is Here!” Grae yelled as he jumped into the air, turned a complete 360 degrees and swung his sword in all directions. All the thorn wielders and the two remaining mages fell with the strike. The two Behemoths then tried to make a run for it. Grae sent another shock wave along the earth and sent one of the Behemoths back to wherever they come from. The second Behemoth was just out of range of his sword strike, so he lowered his signature eyewear and let loose a burst of energy from his azure blue eyes and brought down the remaining Behemoth.

Grae Knight pulled a communicator out of his armor and radioed in a pick up for the apprehension branch of Longbow. “Roger Grae Knight, good job…team is enroute.”

Grae looked around for their victim, when she ran up and threw her arms around the Knight Lord. “Whoa take it easy lady, you have been through a lot..we need to get you to a hospital.”

“Please don’t leave me! I am so scared, I was on the way home from my interview with Playboy magazine to do a photo shoot when they captured me. It serves me right, I should not be walking the streets alone at night.”

“Playboy interview?” Grae thought. “On second thought I may need to take you to my personal doctor, good friend of mine.” Grae Knight picks up his communicator and punches in a code. “Hey Medic you busy? I got a lady friend here that needs an examination…..yeah Lady G is at home……yes again……I need your place………should only be for a few hours…….no problem, just leave the spare key in the same place…….cool thanks, you are a true friend.”

“Okay Miss….?”

“Barbie…call me Barbie,” she said as she winked and twirled her long blonde locks with her finger.

“Well Barbie, wrap your pretty arms around me and I will take you to the ‘doctor’”

Grae grabbed Barbie securely in an embrace and flew off into the night sky. …

Just another day in the life of Grae Knight.

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