Lady Powerstrike

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Lady Powerstrike
Player: @Necrolencia
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Miranda Lee
Known Aliases: Mira
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 172 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Green
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Miami, FL
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Father
Known Powers
Energy Melee
Known Abilities
Cybernetic arms, enhanced armor, rocket boots.



Miranda Lee was born a fully functional human being with two arms, two legs, ten fingers and toes and generally average physical characteristics. Her mother and father separated when she was young, leaving the father with sole custody of the girl. Mr. Lee encouraged his daughter's continued physical activity.

At sixteen, well developed and physically more sturdy than most other girls her age, Miranda took up basketball. Her height served her well in the sport and she happily filled her life with basketball and studying.

While out practicing driving with her father one afternoon, a drunk driver ran a red light and slammed into the side of the Lees' car. Mr. Lee survived with only mild bruising, his daughter, however, shattered both her wrists beyond repair and was in a coma for several weeks before emerging to find herself fitted with cybernetic arms.


The first set

The original set of cybernetic arms fitted on Miranda was intended as a test of new technology. Unfortunately, due to the complex wiring system and the metals used in their application, the arms were barely responsive and ultimately, the connections became infected. The infection quickly spread up Miranda's arms until they were amputated. Miranda was devastated. She spent a year quietly at home, learning to live without arms, slowly turning into a shell of the vibrant young woman she once was. Heartbroken, Mr. Lee searched for options to revive his daughter.

The second set

The second set of cybernetic arms were developed specifically for Miranda with the intent of giving her full functionality so she could return to her high school basketball team. Unfortunately, with cybernetic arms, she was perceived as using artificial enhancements that would impact her performance on the team and weigh the odds unfairly towards her team. Thus, she was banned from the league despite any arguments on her behalf.

The third set

A family friend, noting Miranda's situation, was quick to note that, with the proper upgrades, Miranda could find herself a job in Paragon City as a hero. Though her father was hesitant to send his only child out to such a dangerous career, it seemed the only option so the Lees moved to Paragon City where a new scientist was recruited to improve Miranda's arms and set her up for her new career.

Current Equipment


Generally calm, Miranda is only able to take such a beating through her strength of will. Thus she seems quiet to other heroes, her mind focused on the task at hand and sometimes elsewhere to keep herself constantly resistant to the blows coming her way. Despite the steadfast exterior, she has a sharp tongue mostly used to irritate her foes but sometimes her allies as well.

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