Next Gen Unlimited

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Next Gen Unlimited is an ALT SG for members of Next Gen with nonmutant characters.


"Our PR department just asked for another seventeen million," said Adam(alias Galaxyan), running a hand through his silver hair, "Something to do with Crustbuster's "accident"?"

Lightnyng, ever logical and calm, spoke up, "During a bank robbery he ran across a criminal going by the nomenclature "Roughhouse". He proved to be resistant to Crustbusters strikes..." Commander Dayrunner dropped several photo's onto Galaxyan's desk and grunted, " Crust beat him with the vault door."

Adam sighed, flipping through the pictures, mumbling comments as he did. The two officers standing before him ran different components of Next Gen Inc. and were incredibly strained dealing with the rising ranks. Adam himself was kept busy with research and development of the rising corporate monster that Next Gen was becoming. The corporations PR department was incredibly rundown and understaffed trying to paint a nice picture of a mutant-only group within Paragon; the concept of evolutionary replacements didn't sit well with "joe-six-pack". The wanted their heroes classical, in colorful costumes and very much not a mutants only club. This wasn't something Next Gen could provide.

But perhaps...

Adam tapped his fingers on his desk as a thought coalesced, "I am picturing... another group..." He stood up and walked over to the picture window overlooking Talos; he loved the view. It allowed him to think.

"I am seeing a PR dream... a group formed of colorful characters, people friendly and very easy to capture on film..."

Dayrunner snickered and Lightnyng tried to see where Adam was going with this; he continued, "An alliance of heroes...we'd pay them of course and give them a meaningful name... something that sounds very secure..." He headed over to the desk computer and brought up file list they had from city hall.

"There are several heroes who might be willing to join," he started, quickly cut off by Lightnyng. "Sir, we could just as easily go to Atlas Park..." Dayrunner looked confused, ever the soldier. "So you want to start another group...," he asked, rubbing his chin.

Adam smiled, "Not any team. This team will do all the things we can't do. Our status of recruiting mutants only affects not only our PR but also our bottom line... we could change that with a new group of heroes who can be our frontline in the battle for PR."

Lightnyng pondered that for a second as Adam typed and Dayrunner's eyes turned to slits. "So this group would be our...," Lightnyng searched for the right words. "...our "boy band"," roared Dayrunner angrily; he took what he did serious and the concept of a group of heroes bonded for press purposes enraged him.

"Not quite that simple Drake," he said to the large mutant, "They would very much be heroes, but accepting anyone into their ranks and coming under our jurisdiction. They make the events we are not able to or not wanted at..." Adam brought up several heroes on the screen in his office; each was colorful and had a clean history.

"This one here," said Adam tapping the screen, "Very popular with minorities. He is a Native American..." Lightnyng tapped the face in the corner; it enlarged.

"This one here has an action figure out," said Lightnyng, biting her lip.

Drake scowled, "She's a professional wrestler..." Adam smiled, his spirits raised, "Great! An entertainer! Almost born for the job..." He promptly headed for the door, the other two jogging to catch up with him.

"We need this done quickly," Adam said heading for the elevator, ignoring the questions of the two behind him, "I want the PR department on this. Full salaries, benefits, retirement options... of course all kept hush hush..." He entered the elevator and spun, stopping the other two from entering.

As he tapped the button he spoke quickly, "I need both of you on this. Drake, start recruiting. Lightnyng, talk to the PR people... I'm going to secure space on the billboards throughout the city..."

As the door whispered closed, Drake shook his head, "This is gunna be bad. I don't need fifty years of wartime experience to tell me that..."

"Raise your spirits Commander Dayrunner," said Lightnyng, without a smile, "You at least get to increase security protocols now. You enjoy that."

She headed off as Dayrunner fumed, pondering the idea that Lightnyng might have just attempted sarcasm...

Current Story


Next Gen Unlimited is the international branch of Next Gen Inc.. Composed of a series of field offices worldwide, these centers work as recruitment centers and base facilities for teams stationed through out the world. All primary and secondary training is held within the home office in Paragon City(The Gen Tower). The separate offices each maintain their own board members that are answerable to the head office.


Internal Memo...

To Contact...

We are an RPing group looking for RPers, writers and artists! Any origin welcome!

Looking for a home? Sure, you can find us in game, but you might want to try our forums and fill out an application.
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