Pillars of Virtue

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Pillars of Virtue
Founder: Crystal Lynn
Side: Unknown
Motto: Hope, Justice, Discretion, Courage, Help
Leader(s): Elsara Jin Rah
Logo: Five pillars, rising toward center, on a shield.
Group Colours: Navy Blue and Gold
Levels: All levels
Play style: Casual
Roleplay: RP Focused
Timezone(s): Varies
Recruiting: Yes
Contact: [Via Website Application]



Started by heroine Crystal Lynn in early 2005 as a means to pool the resources of other time-deficient heroes, enabling them to make a difference in a city populated with full-time heroes.

Mission Statement

The Pillars of Virtue is a team if heroes joined under the banner of individual heroes who must still maintain full lives elsewhere banding together to thwart the forces of evil and darkness.

Pillars of Virtue is "a non-profit organization for the protection and support of area neighborhoods through acts of volunteer heroism." An official charity, Pillars enables lesser-known and part-time heroes by helping them make a difference without the frustration of facing Paragon City's complex administration alone. Some volunteers are extremely high-profile heroes, however, cooperating out of a love for small team atmosphere and commitment to grass-roots community outreach. Most Pillars tasks involve assigning volunteers of limited ability to community patrols, or to citizens reporting a serious issue who could not get help from police, or could not afford help from an entrepreneurial hero service like Hero Corps.

However, the heroes don't represent the majority of Pillars' volunteers. They are the Core Team, the set of Pillars' most dedicated and talented volunteers, who regularly agree to risk their lives on dangerous work at the request of community leaders. With several Core Team members now commended as "Heroes of the City" by the city government, Pillars of Virtue is poised to take a significant step forward in the heroic spotlight, on the threshold of moving from a local charity into an organization with national recognition.

OOC Mission Statement

The Pillars of Virtue is a supergroup based around the concept of individual heroes who must still maintain full lives elsewhere banding together to thwart the forces of evil and darkness. The group focuses on mild to heavy role playing, along with cooporating to complete missions and task forces. Character development occurs both in the game and on the creative fiction written by the members and posted on the website.


Notable Missions

(coming soon)

Base Of Operations

The Pillars of Virtue operate at a community level as well as a offering a global presence to the halt of crime, destruction and dark forces for the betterment of society in general. Paragon City has been home to the Pillars from it's inception and the physical location for public operations is within the Galaxy City neighborhood.

34 Ciela Tower

In Galaxy City, on a modest middle floor of a towering high-rise office building, a broad ribbon hangs across the path from the elevator lobby. Pillars of Virtue, the community's largest volunteer heroic outreach organization operates from within. Pillars of Virtue offices are open during public hours M-F from 11am to 11pm, and weekends 8am to 8pm

(Further Information coming soon...)

Public Roster

(incomplete list)


Known Adversaries

Due to the actions of some of the individual members a number of well known groups have taken to targeting members of the PoV.

Further Information

[http://www.pillarsofvirtue.org/ Pillars of Virtue board

Personal tools

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