Quetzal K

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The Greatest Hero of All Time
Quetzal K
Player: @SomeKindaLizard
Origin: Science
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 3
Personal Data
Real Name: Kenneth Starr Jones
Known Aliases: Quetzal K, K-Man, Ken Starr, Idiot, Fraud, K-Fraud
Species: Human
Age: 27
Height: 6'1"'
Weight: 171 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Full-time Superhero/Would-be Media Icon
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Capable of manipulating internal energy... to shoot things
Known Abilities
Showmanship (questionable)
His helmet of justice!
In all honesty, don't call this guy if you need help.

The magnificent Quetzal K is the greatest hero in Paragon City... or so he'd have you believe. His skills are dubious at best and his record is horribly spotty. If he has any actual interest in superheroics, they've taken a backseat to his self-promotion. With boxes of unsold merchandise, it seems Quetzal K is more interested in selling his image than fighting crime.



In a desperate attempt to save dying wife, Dr. Kenneth Starr Jones created the powerful Life Boost formula that would give her a constant supply of life-renewing energy. With regular doses of Life Boost, Dr. Jones could keep his wife alive and healthy, until a permanent cure for her condition could be found. But Soviet ninjas broke into the lab and demanded the formula, killing Dr. Jones's beloved wife! Desperate to keep the formula out of the wrong hands, Jones injected himself with the only sample, unexpectedly granting himself energy-based superpowers. Now, Dr. Jones has set aside his former life to become Quetzal K, champion of justice and avenger of the innocent!

That's what it says on the packages of his unsold merchandise, at any rate. How Jones (who is not a doctor of any kind) acquired his powers is unknown. When asked, he only gives the above-quote story, not wanting to ruin the "brand" he's created for himself.

Those who've spent time around him say that Quetzal K seems to live in his own little world. He is a tremendously incompetent superhero, to the point of being an outright coward, but he seems completely convinced that he IS the greatest superhero, and that he's saved the world on countless occasions. Any criticism directed towards him seems to be filtered as a compliment of some kind, and anyone addressing him is automatically treated as a fan, no matter how hostile they may be. He seems to be so stuck in his own bubble that he rarely remembers people he's met before, as if he's met too many people to remember them all. He will use any opportunity to brag about his herosim and attempt to sell merchandise (though he does sometimes admit that he has yet to convince any major manufacturers to mass-produce any of his prototypes).

Nobody can tell if he's just really good at remaining in-character, or if he genuinely believes what he's selling. It may be a little of both.



Other Notes and Trivia

OOC Notes

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