From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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Public Info
Little is known about this potent evolved, but he is solely responsible for gathering together the individuals that comprise Nation. Agony seems a born leader, inspiring and intimidating in equal doses, and engendering a fanatic loyalty by liberally applying the carrot and stick principal. It has been said that the anticipation of pain is worse than the pain itself, and in this case, it is true.
Strong, agile, and enduring to the peak of human potential, Agony would be a peerless athlete if he were merely human. Instead, enhanced musculature makes him faster and stronger than a Neutral of his build, and allows him to heal at a downright frantic rate. Bones can knit in mere hours, and bullet wounds cease to bother him in under a day. As his reservoirs of power build, he seems capable of tremendous bursts of power, and these bursts only grow longer as he regains strength lost at the hands of SERAPH.
Agony is both telepathic and telekinetic, the source of his talents being the vastly more active 'Alpha Section' of his brain. The advanced section of his brain has developed something known as a 'Leland's Gland', that lends his blood a kind of violet phosphorescence that also shines through his eyes, and seems to contribute to his potent mental abilities. With a bent toward the telepathic manipulation of neural connections, Agony manifests control of sensation rather than control of personality. While he is capable of classical telepathic control, he shows a great deal more affinity with causing varying kinds of pain, and modulating that pain in fierce waves that leave sensate organic creatures writhing helplessly, or passing out from the stress. His high level of biomod, more insinuously, is also capable of preventing a life form from losing consciousness, forcing it to feel more than it otherwise should.
Further, while Agony's telekinetic powers are only middle range, he is exceptionally adroit in their use. He uses them as a scalpel, making quick, controlled strikes like a martial-artists blows and blocks, rather than the more impressive tearing control of a classic Teke. He seems dependent on his telekinesis, using it as a crutch to offset his anomaly.
While a mental giant, and physically superior to the average human, something about the development of Agony's psyche stunted his physiology. He perceives on an entirely different level than the average human, or even the average mutant, instead being attuned to the Alpha Waves that exist in minimal levels in neutral life-forms, and in much higher levels in Meta-Beings. A GIFT Telepath who helped to subdue Agony after his capture by Malaise in 2002 said it was 'very much like they depict Neo seeing in The Matrix'. As a result of his stunted physiology, Agony is numb. He feels literally nothing, has very little sense of sight or hearing, and virtually no sense of smell or taste. While his body still responds to 'primal needs', he is only aware of them as an outside observer, as he would be aware of them in anyone else around him. Only his body's natural healing factor has prevented him from killing himself accidentally on numerous occasions, and when his powers are dampened, he seems extraordinarily weak and unbalanced, likely since his body is unable to use the inner-ear for balance, and he cannot apply his muscles without the sense of touch to guide them.
Wearing a red suit adorned with black markings and some kind of armored harness that seems to increase his powers, Agony leads 'Nation', a movement for The Evolved that has launched a space station in geo-synchronous orbit over the Sharkhead Isles. Nation has given pause even to Arachnos. Beneath the concealing body armor and the opaque helmet that hide his features, Agony is an Evolved of incredible vision and fanatic drive, a 'prophet' of a kind that is leading a rabid cult of followers to prove 'mutant superiority' and gather every Evolved they can from the surface of 'The World' below their artificial home. Agony could never pass as a typical human outside that red armor, his skin and hair as black as coal, and his ears pointed sharply at the tips, not to mention the telltale 'Leland's Glow' that issues from his eyes, and infrequently from his mouth. What's more, he stands like some Greek god, six and a half feet tall and two hundred fifty pounds, with an Adonis body of perfectly sculpted muscles and silky, hairless flesh.
Mind Control/Psionic Assault
- Domination: Agony's primary power is Domination, which Agony expresses as the Biomodification power of Nerve Impulse control. Agony accomplishes this through either tremendous pain, or irresistible pleasure foisted on his target to render them utterly helpless. Foes defeated by this power do not die, but quiver in terror, their will broken.
- Mass Domination: When Agony stretches out his power across an area, it is less traumatic, but no less debilitating. This power is a wide application use of his regular ability.
- Mass Hypnosis: While Agony has the ability to hypnotize, he does not use it. Mass Hypnosis is representative of Agony's power to stifle the senses of his opponents, and render them helpless to act until some stimulus gives them a clue and a chance to shake off the stupor this talent induces.
- Fear: While Agony does engender fear, and many foes run in terror from him, this area effect cone actually represents Agony's ability to force numbness and destroy coordination in his foes. They can occaisionally still muster the will to fight back, but it's never very accurate, and is usually pretty pathetic.
- More...
Please feel free to add IC rumors, true or not, about Agony here...
- Agony has made several assaults on Ziggursky Prison, jailbreaks allowing numerous prisoners of all descriptions to escape into Paragon City, not just the targeted Evolved he was after.
- Agony is a Messiah figure to more than one of the Evolved, some of whom would kill or die for him without pause or question.
- Agony tracks every Evolved on earth with his mental powers alone, but possesses a sophisticated piece of machinery capable of identifying the 'lights' of the Evolved for others. While he doesn't know every Evolved in detail, he can provide basic information on most, and has several targets whom he is watching closely, even now, waiting for the right moment to bring them home to Nation.
- Agony considers every Evolved a citizen of Nation, whether they know it - or accept it - or not.
- Agony is a sadist. His lack of tactile sensation has made him uninterested in conventional sex, but he gets off on displays of servitude and debasement as certain of his chosen followers prove exactly what they are willing to do to prove their love for and loyalty to him.
- Agony regards magic-users as Defilers, and would be more than happy to wipe them off the face of the planet. While he maintains peaceful relations within public areas such as the D, he will not so much as engage in conversation with any of them.
- Agony gives Woefull a headache due to the nature of his telepathic powers. The headache has known to last as long as three days but varries on the length of contact.
- Sychosis considers Agony as a father figure and often refers to him as "Daddy" or "Father". Like most children, Sychosis is afraid to get in trouble with Agony.
- There is talk, in whispered corners and dark alleyways, of murmurs in the D and rumours across the airwaves, that Agony is instigating some form of Mutant Civil War, an attempt to force the hand of other nations. This could be not further from the truth... but that's how rumour goes, isn't it?
- Some say Black Agony instigated the conflict with Run Riot and his own general Auroral in an attempt to get the two together, to take part in some sort of strange Evolved "Eugenics" program to create even more powerful future evolved children.
- Agony has not only an interest in Eugenics, but a fascination with the subject. Supposedly holding several technical doctorates in biology, genetics and medicine, the mad mutant has been heard quoting Marx, Mengele, and even Hitler and Stalin.
- Agony has been seen on the News, sometimes as a feature story, sometimes interrupting commercials and broadcasts from the Sattelite of Nation, taking such extremely ambivalent stances as 'Seeking UN Recognition', 'Condemning All Defilers', and 'Public Apology for Insane Citizens'. Whether he believes he is entitled to this airtime, or whether he is crazy is unknown, but the ideas coming from the different broadcasts seem to nearly contradict each other on several issues.
- Murder is not a crime on Nation... if you know the right people.