Arasa Dawn

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Player: Frozt
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Stalker
Security Level: 50 (plus incarnate)
Personal Data
Real Name: Arasa Dawn
Known Aliases: None
Species: Kha'Len
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 94 lbs.
Eye Color: Light fluorescent blue
Hair Color: dark blue
Biographical Data
Nationality: Kha'Len Voidwalker
Occupation: Spy/ Assassin/ Informant
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: None
Marital Status: Views such as silly
Known Relatives: Asara Dusk (identical sister)
Known Powers
Shadow manipulation and Soul magiks
Known Abilities
Two Identical Etherveil Blades

==Intended for mature readers==


The Killer In The Shadow

Seeming to come from nowhere in the Rogue Isles, most know of her when she became an assassin for hire. Her professionalism when it came to a job could be claimed second to none, for any job she was hired to take on was fulfilled to the letter. Yet few could truly fathom the story of how she came to be.

TO be A Kha'Len

To understand a Kha'Len, one must first understand who they are, as well as the world they live in. To experience their world is to lose some sense of disbelief at the laws of physics. Orbiting a blazing inferno that is the core of their world are floating islands the size of continents, each one a contradictory paradise in a realm stuck between the violent fires below, and the twinkling starlight above. Upon these hanging gardens the Kha'Len as a people developed. Many lived upon the edges of the continents, delving into a Feudal system where the majority without wings defended and protected the beautiful gardens and inland seas while their nobles took to the skies, gliding and flying from the thermals below.

While set in their ways the average life expectancy of any individual often lasted naturally to around 700 to 800 years of age. While disputes erupted as borders were strained, there was often very little in the way of bloodshed. That was, until the wars in heaven erupted.

The veil of reality that the Kha'Len had grown and settled upon was sadly a key strategic dimensional anchor to the Primal world. Rather than be divided in the conflict, all the Kha'len rallied against any invaders, be they heavenly or satanic. With battles fought they learned to craft weapons that were effective against both sides, eventually pushing them all off their lands.

Nothing is without consequence however. One of the tribes of Kha'len was all but vanquished in trying to fend the armies of law and disorder. fleeing away from the safety of the settled lands, they settled into the darkness at the heart of their home, becoming one with the darkness. They became anarchistic, angry that their fellow Kha'Len took away what was once theirs. Thus, the Voidwalkers came to being.

Such a trip down memory lane has its reasons now, for the warlord of the Blood Legion viewed these Voidwalkers with contempt, permitting raids against them as proof of a warrior's strength. His mistake however, was claiming a female as his...

Birth of the Warlord's Folly

Perhaps the best of his worst lap in judgment, he did not chase the female he captured when she fled from his domain. Should he have investigated who it was he crossed, he would have seen a powerful sorceress of unfathomable power. Hidden to his senses as a victim, she put a spell upon the embryo in her womb, permitting it to develop two separate souls: one that was of his being, the other a true Voidwalker. Knowing of ancient spells, she opened a rift into time and space after giving birth to a healthy girl, disguising the child with a look of human flesh save for her tattoo over her left eye, and sent her safely into a new world, the world of Primal.

Dimensional Walkers

A few millennium ago, the race known as the Kha'Len first came to the Primal Dimension, settling in the country that would one day be India. While various in shapes and colors depending on which clan they hailed from, they were generally peaceful towards the human inhabitants, willing to help teach them to hunt with spear and bow instead of using tossed rocks to fend away predators. There was a peaceful Era for the settlers, as they built up small towns and vistas they expanded with trade and commerce. That was, until the wars began amongst the tribes of man. Viewing such a war as a reason to why they fought against the heavens and hell, they left, abandoning the world to the fate of man. At least, until the daughter of Sanguinoth arrived millennial later. Given to the world of men and supers in a small town not too far from Paragon City in the rural valleys. It is here the child takes the name Asara in a deeply religious town. This was to become both a blessing, and a curse.

Not knowing that two spirits resided inside of her, Asara grew up rather separate from the people around her, yet was a perfect student at the schools she attended. However, the orphanage that harbored her was not quite so kind to her, often keeping potential adoptive parents away from her. She however had no ill will, knowing someday she would be free of this life. It wasn't until her 16th birthday that such happened, much against her will. Overnight she changed into what she truly was: sprouting bat like wings as her skin turned red, her eyes yellow as the whites of her eyes shifted to black. A tail grew forth as she lay in her bed, yet no one would ever truly know of her change.The morning she awoke, there was a Crey Corporation fan in front of the orphanage door as several troopers in Crey power armor stormed in, knocking her out.


The next few years of her life was spent in a white cell with specially designed glass to prevent Asara from using her psionics. They kept her in that room away from the light of day and dark of night, spending days upon days of grueling mental and physical tests with her. At first the Crey Scientists thought she was a demon hiding out around humans to prey on, but realized that she was something more. It can be said this is where Arasa truly became her own being, her awakening in Asara's mind the key to release them. With one simple slip up they together managed to dominate a Security Guard to free them, letting Asara free to flee as she took to the skies instinctively and without hesitation. With a subconscious to guide her actions, they fled to the Rogue Isles and never looked back.

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