Architect Entertainment Presents: Living Nightmares

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When a young boy's nightmares come to life and start rampaging through the world. The only ones that can stop it are the super powers themselves. The heroes and villains of Paragon City and the Rogue Islands! But are they powerful enough to fight off the very living horror's of the mind?

Publisher Overview

I've always had an interest in horror. Not the typical hack-n-slash either. I mean the sort of mess-with-your-head kind of horror that be found in things like Silent Hill, Hellraiser, Fatal Frame, Saw... You know. The sort of stuff that makes you wonder if what your looking at is actually what's going on, and when playing around with AE when not working on my other arcs, I discovered a good number of maps that fit perfectly for the sort of settings that could potentially make someone wonder what might be lurking around the corner... If done properly. Living Nightmares is my experiment in seeing if I can make that sort of atmosphere a reality in a game like CoX.

Current Status

Since this is the newest project I'm working on in CoX, it has yet to actually have anything done to it. I'm still debating on what the level cap for the missions should be, which enemies the missions should have, and how exactly the story to it will go. But I'll try to keep everyone interested posted on this one!


Sometimes people forget to give feed back on a mission arc while in game. Or in some cases, the information your allowed to provide isn't enough. So this segment is reserved to the players that wish to provide any comments or feedback about the mission arc in question.

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