Architect Entertainment Presents: The Paranormalists

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There are some things that aren't seen in this world by even the mystics of Paragon City and the Rogue Islands. The reason for this is because of a small band of individuals who investigate, police, and contain the forces of the paranormal when they get TOO out of control. These people are called The Paranormalists! Sometimes though, even they have moments where they get in over their head, and so they call for help! After all, with the world they live in, help is in great abundance!

The question though would have be at this point... What could possibly happen in the world that is so terrible, that a group who is obviously trained and equipped to handle such things needs to go and ask someone for help? Only one way to find out!

Arc ID#: 484436

Publisher Overview

The Paranormalists is my personal homage to one of my favorite movie series of all time: The Ghostbusters! I tried to coin as many references as I could in the story arc for this mission set that would make fans look at it and go, "Oh snap!" Hopefully that is something I succeeded in doing. People should find the characters in the story at least some what familiar despite the efforts I made to make them also seem like they are in NO WAY supposed to be like Peter, Ray, Egon, and Winston (and of course lets also not forget Louis, Genine, and Dana). Unfortunatley I set this story arc up to be a heroic arc, so... Sorry red siders. Unless you don't mind being called a "hero", your out of luck.

Current Status

This arc is totally, 100% done and published kiddies! I was able to make things work as I wanted finally for it, so it is all a go!


Sometimes people forget to give feed back on a mission arc while in game. Or in some cases, the information your allowed to provide isn't enough. So this segment is reserved to the players that wish to provide any comments or feedback about the mission arc in question.

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