Avenging Crow

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The Avenging Crow
Player: Confidential




Threat Level:


Personal Data
Real Name:

Cain Geffen

Known Aliases:

Crow, The Omen Bird, Stinkfoot (given by Sarah Jacobs)



Date of Birth:

1987 (age 38)




185 lbs

Eye Color:

Celadon Green

Hair Color:


Biographical Data



Music teacher in an orphanage and Paragon City conservatory.

Place of Birth:

Kings Row, Paragon City

Base of Operations:

Paragon City, RI

Marital Status:


Known Relatives:

Mathew Richard Geffen (father) Ane Marie LaRouche - Geffen (mother), Cristopher Geffen (older brother), Kait Geffen(younger sister), all deceased

Additional Data
Known Powers:

Enhanced Strength via Nethermatter

Known Abilities:

Master of Shotokan Karate, Kempo and Winchu martial arts.

[ Source ]



It was a dark agitating night the one that would trigger all the events that would lead to The Avenging Crow's birth. Extra Extra! Read It all, Hell in Kings Row! Yelled the newspaper boy as he handed the daily news containing the story that covered Cain Geffen's family's death. The Hellion's attack again! Yelled the boy once more, and as the word Hellions pierced through eight year old Cain's ears, he began to remember. It was a cold, dark night, with a fool moon. As Cain was playing hide and seek with his siblings, as he hid under his bed, he heard loud footsteps and maniacal laughters. Soon after three gunshots were heard and the screams of his mother, "Mathew!" she exclaimed as he fell dead on his knees. The house began to burn, as Cain saw his mother and siblings fall one by one by the hands of these villains. As soon as he could, he came out and jumped off his window, located on the second floor. He was terribly injured, but alive, and under the rain he passed out.

Two weeks later, "You're finally awake, tell me young one what's your name?", "my, my name?" Cain said confused, "Yes, that's right your name", as his voiced sank in confusion and pain he said "Cain...", "Hello there Cain, I am Statesman", his eyes opened wide as he saw his favorite childhood hero infront of him. "Take care of the kid" He said to the nurse as he left the hospital. (It would be the last day he would see him as Cain Geffen). Soon after he recovered he was sent to an orphanage where he stood until the age of twelve. During his life in the orphanage he found a dying bird, a crow, in the play ground. Without doubt he took it and took care of him, "If I survived, then you will too" Cain said as he pet the bird as his palms emanated a dark energy and the bird soon recovered. "See you're all fine now, but you need a name, what about Lacelot? Yeah like the Sir Lancelot from the round table, and I'll be King Arthur" he smiled as he took his new friend with him, "We'll become best friends". Since then Cain and Lancelot have became inseparable.

At the age of twelve he escaped the orphanage and started to live in the streets. During his life in the streets he learned several tricks and ways to survive. But Cain was not like the other kids of his age that lived in the streets, he earned a living. Instead of stealing and being a thug he earned a job in a small cafeteria, were he would wash the dishes. Working late he became friends with the manager's daughter, Sarah Jacobs. She would bring him food and help him out on anything he needed. Soon they became best friends.

At the age of fifteen when Cain and Sarah decided to take a walk to Perez Park they found themselves surrounded by Hellions. "So you are the old Simur Jacob's daughter eh?", "He owes us real money girl, and we'll take our token", immediately Cain stood infront of her, "You won't touch her", "Get out of here boy" said one of them, and they all rushed to beat him up. As he was lying on the floor bleeding, the Hellions tried to take Sarah. But at that moment Cain heard voices in his head, and full of rage his body got covered with a dark, cold energy. Cain stood up and and stroke each one them, and as they fell down injured one by one. The leader then pulled out his gun and shot. The bullet missed Cain, but got Sarah. As Cain held Sarah on his arms covered in blood, he cried "Im sorry, Im so sorry", Sarah smiled, and said "It's not your fault my love, there was nothing you could do. I knew you were special, since the first time I saw you. Promise me you will use this gift to help others". (Cain made that promise and has kept it forever). He carried the body back to Steel Canyon, where Sarah's fathers' cafeteria was located. As he entered through the door, Simur cried "Oh my god, why!, why!, what have you done!", Cain explained everything, but Simur didn't want to listen. In desperation Cain ran away.

During Sarah's funeral Simur came to Cain, and as he laid a hand on his shoulder he said "It's not your fault kid, there was nothing you could do". "There was nothing you could do" Those words obsessed him for days, months. "There was nothing I could do, no there wasn't, I wish there was" He said, and as he strived to keep the promise he made to Sarah he found a book of symbolisms. "The Crow: Symbols of: Omen, death, ill fortune, carrier of souls, purgatory". The symbols of the crow fascinated Cain and he easily related it to his powers coming from the netherworld. "Well, if the Crow is a symbol of ill fortune, I will be ill fortune, for those who seek to hurt others. For those who seek to take advantage of innocent ones. For those innocent lives under the hands of corruption, greed, and evil-doers. For those who were never aveged, I will avenge them. I will become The Avenging Crow".

And our hero, The Avenging Crow was born

Other distinguishing features

A scar on his back which appeared during his encounter with the Hellions on his attempt to save Sarah. Tatoos on both arms representing the old Japanese Gods: The White Tiger, The Blue Dragon, The Red Sparrow and The Green Turtle.

Strength level

Above Average if not using nethermatter. Very Strong if using nethermatter, not as strong as Super Strength

Known superhuman powers

The Avenging Crow is able to channel the netherworld's energies to himself to aid him in battle. Using his abilities he is able to wrap his limbs with nethermass and become very strong, quicker, and more agile. Wrapping his feet with nethermass also allows him to jump at incredible distances of hundreds of yards. By manipulating nethermass he is also able to weaken his foes, make them feel tired, and even induce panic in their minds. These connection to the netherworld also allow him to communicate with certain spirits which guide him on his journey warning him and helping him locate whoever is in danger. The Avenging Crow works as a beacon for these dark energies. The more evil a person's heart has the stronger the Avenging Crow gets. Because of this, he is able to feel a person's soul. However, these abilities have a price. When facing a person with a dark heart, part of this darkness is transferred into the Avenging Crow and slowly deteriorates his mind and body. It is as if he would allow his soul to take part of the burden the other person carries. He keeps this aspect of his abilities as a secret, along with his ability to communicate with the dead. As a result this has kept him somewhat distant from the rest of his team mates and friends.

Other abilities

The Avenging Crow is a master of Shotokan Karate, Kempo and Winchu martial arts.


Physically he has the limitations of any other human being. However, his power of will and stubborn personality will force him to push himself beyond limits.


Lancelot, Avenging Crow's crow



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