Beats Per Minute/Browser
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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At first glance, Scott gives off the impression that he's just another pompous brawler with moderate knowledge of a handful of techniques in hand-to-hand combat. He isn't a master in any sense of the word, and only recently began honing his skills in battle. Typically, he deals in straightforward punches and kicks, as flashy as they may look, and shies away from anything too intricate and variated. This is because although he may have some knowledge of combat methods such as CQC or Jeet Kune Do, he is nowhere near skillful enough in any of them so as to use them effectively in a real fight. As such (at least for the time being), Scott will stick to what he has a firm grasp on.
Again, Scott may not seem like anything special from an initial glance. But should someone take the time to pay close attention to the way he moves and shifts his weight in battle, they'll likely notice that Scott seems to have this way of knowing where his enemy is going—that is, which direction they're aiming punches or kicks of their own. It's as if he has a way to briefly see into the future and respond accordingly by way of incredibly honed reflexes.
But that's not all there is to Scott's abilities. He has a unique power that is both abstract and completely unrecognizable to anyone other than him, and it is directly related to, of all things, music. Music is the catalyst of his abilities; it is what sets them apart from any other super-powered being in Paragon or the Isles. Scott has a surreal connection to music and the way he interprets it: it literally bends colors and shapes around him to the rhythm and melody of a song, creating a sort of visualizer from the world around him. Tables and chairs pulsate and pump outward with glorious color and bright vigor, lights become distorted and refracted, and any moving object such as a person walking across a room leaves behind a trail of their entire being that fluctuates like a spike on a waveform perfectly in-sync with the song's tempo. It is a fantastic array of light and color, unlike anything in the world. Scott recalls crying the first few times it happened to him.
Aside from being a really cool psychological and genetic fault in Scott's makeup, his ability to visibly see music comes in more handy in a fight than one might think. When listening to music on any kind of battlefield, the wide array of colors acts as a practical form of thermal vision, allowing Scott to make out many details and quick movement in the world that the naked eye cannot. A person with superspeed would be easily recognized by him, as they would leave behind a very large beam of light in their path. Most cloaking devices would prove ineffective against him, as any sort of refraction or reflection of light would be given off as color that would be as clear as day to him. But should Scott be literally fighting a person, the circumstances of that such situation is where his powers become even more complex: if Scott happens to be listening to a song that he's heard before and is able to expect a part later in that song, he can create a sort of sixth sense wherein he is able to see a very brief glimpse into the future, allowing him to respond to any brief form of movement from his enemy that may occur in the next couple of seconds. This is because Scott puts himself ahead of time in a way, but only in his head. It's like a photo or a short video loop in his head that warns of him of what to come which he can then use to counterattack the enemy.
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