Chae Oakes

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Chae Oakes
Player: @Vi
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Chae Oakes
Known Aliases: Chee Chee
Species: Human
Age: 17
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Auburn
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Base of Operations: Paragon City - Steel Canyon District
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Mother - Tabitha Oakes ; Father - Michael Oakes (deceased)
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.




When Chae initially registered herself with Paragon City, she possessed a number of mystical abilities. Predominantly, conjuration and limited manipulation of intensely hot flames. Her physical strength was greatly enhanced over a normal human's, enabling her to rend robotic limbs, and withstand falls of several stories. The elements only had minimal effects upon her, with fire causing her little to no discomfort. With these aditional abilities, there were also physical changes. Her skin turned slate gray, her hair a shade of purple, and a glowing mark covered the majority of her face.

Recently, the marking has vanished under unknown circumstances. With the loss of this mark, her strength has returned to its typical level and her body reverted to its previous appearance. For some time after this loss, she was unable to conjure any sort of flames, however recent events have shown that this was merely a temporary situation. While the strength of her fire has shown no marked change from before, she no longer exhibits immunity to its effects.

While the ability to levitate first developed itself while the marking was present, Chae has continued to utilize this ability since then. During preliminary testing her mystical potential tended toward the weaker end of the spectrum, however further tests have shown a marked improvement in her ability. Longbow has opened inquiries into her father, Michael Oakes, a registered member of the Midnight Squad to determine if this drastic increase mirrors his own growth.


During reflex tests, Chae registered highly across the board. Reviewers believed this to be related to her magical empowerment, however since reverting to her normal self there have been no changes to her coordination or agility. This has been tentatively marked as sitting at the high end of normal human ability, however several marks do hit metahuman levels. While on duty she has evaded a variety of attacks that were previously catagorized as lethal to unpowered heroes.

At an undetermined stage in her service to the city, Chae began to utilize a variety of low tech weapons. Most notable were specialized shurikens and caltrops. Her accuracy rating with Hero Corps has been marked as unsatisfactory. Despite these consistently low scores, she continues to use them with varying degrees of success.


The Shield of Paragon

Chae Oakes is a proud member of the Shield of Paragon coalition.

The League of Misfits

Since early in her career, Chae has been a member of the League of Misfits. She has worked with nearly every member of the group, and developed close ties to a number of them. Most notably The Field, with whom she shares a sort of sibling relationship.

The Midnight Squad

Hero Corps expected that The Midnight Squad would take the young hero under its wing as her father had previously been affiliated with the group, however to date Chae remains only a part-time member.

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