Colonel Hero
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
Colonel Hero is a fictional character in the MMORPG game City Of Heroes. He is based on a combination of "Ultimate" Captain America, Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series as well as Jason Bourne from the "Bourne" movies.
Contents |
- United Nations Security Council MetaHuman Affairs Department
- United States Government
- Central Intelligence Agency
- United States Military
- S.C.O.R.P.I.O.
Character History
The Beginning
In 1938 the allied forces had assembled a special forces unit that specialized in 'questionable' tactics, and contained members that possessed abilities that bordered "Paranormal" and "Super". The unit was codenamed "Wormwood" due to their ability to do terrible things on the battlefield. The Wormwood unit was headed by a man named Samuel McKenzie, codenamed "Master", for his outstanding leadership abilities and "ahead of his time" fighting abilities. He was the most skilled soldier the world had ever seen. According to allied reports, Master single-handedly destroyed several Nazi weapons facilities, taking on hundreds of armed soldiers without so much as breaking a sweat. His military genius was unparralleled, and included skills such as infiltration, stealth and armed/hand-to-hand combat. Most military career men consider "Master" as the father of modern warfare.Towards the end of WWII in 1943, Master was fatally wounded and eventually died while in the care of the allied nation's intellegence and research department. Not wanting to lose one of the 'assets' to their side, the allied commanders gave the green light to the "born again project" AKA "Lazarus". The project involved taking the subject's most desireable traits and implementing them into a pre-grown human fetus. This not only allows the 'new' soldier to be born with the exact same abilities, but also gives the implementors the power to shape/program him however they want. The project went underway, and Samuel "Master" McKenzie's combat prowess as well as military genius were implemented into a "host". The result was a bouncing baby boy 'grown' in a testube with the potential to be the world's greatest living weapon. The "weapon" was christened Andrew McKenzie, taking his predecessor's last name.
Early Life and Career
Andrew McKenzie was born to be a soldier. Every single day of his life was dedicated to the protection of his organisation, and to being the best soldier he could be. At the age of 9 in 1952, Andrew was deployed in Korea as 'insurance' to the Allied troops that were deployed there. Andrew lived up to the name of his genetic 'father' and completed several high priority missions involving the assassinations of four high ranking officers. Andrew spent the next few years doing the dirty work of the now split UN Security Council, trying to keep the world at "peace" with the sucess of his missions. At age 18 the United States government decided to "confiscate" Andrew from the UNSC, claiming he is thier property due to his father being American. They got thier wish and put Andrew into the "Masked Man Initiative" or "MMI" in 1961. He was given a 'suit' to wear resembling the colors of the United States and fought under the moniker "War Patriot". His role this time wasn't to fight in the shadows, but on the frontlines, motivating troops with his superhuman feats in battle.In 1970, Andrew (War Patriot) was captured by superpowered guerrella troops, and tortured mentally and physically. It took the US government 6 months to retrieve War Patriot, exchanging some valuable information for the return of the US military's most prized weapon. The state in which Andrew was in was far from good. His physical and mental condition was a complete mess, and if something wasn't done soon, he would die of not only physical pain, but mental stress. The US military's R&D department decided to put Andrew into a cryogenic chamber to help slow down his physical and mental deterioration, and to also help him recover.
Becoming Colonel Hero
Andrew was "put on ice" for 25 years while scientists treated him for his various physical and mental damage, all the while preserving and slowing his aging tenfold. In 1995, the UN Security Council 'stole back' Andrew from the US Government, using blackmail as a bargaining chip. The UNSC felt that they needed a 'presence' to help keep peace around the world, but at the same time a 'weapon' to instigate it. When he was woken up (rudely), he was fitted with a suit that not only helped him recover quicker, but boosted all his genetic inherent abilites several times over. Andrew was also given the codename "Colonel Hero", a name that signifies rank, and an ideal.
Agent of S.C.O.R.P.I.O.
The Colonel has recently returned from a failed sabotage mission for the UNSCMAD regarding the Rikti forces. With the aid of the Ouroboros organization, Colonel Hero and a team of four MAD Agents were able to go back to the beginnings of the current Rikti Invasion to carry a sabotage mission of four Rikti Motherships. Unfortunately things didn't go as planned, as a leak in the organisation caused an ambush on the otherside. It turns out that US military official General Zero was trading weapons and secrets to the Rikti, and was manipulating the military from the inside. It was also General Zero who had sold them out to the Rikti. After a daring escape, and an uncovering of the truth, the Colonel thought it best to kill the General and return home with his team, deeming the mission a failure for not reaching thier objective. Upon his return to the current timeline, it seems that it what had been a week, was actually 8 months. The Colonel was also arrested on grounds of "treason" and "murder". It seems that General Zero had planned for this contingency, and the entire team was set up. After a long trial, the UNSCMAD and US military decided Colonel Hero was too valuable an asset to thier ranks. So a "suspension" procedure was decided on, as the Colonel was deemed unfit for duty.
Days before the "suspension", a mysterious man appeared in Colonel McKenzie's cell. After a brief conversation, the man stepped out of the shadows to reveal himself as the legendary Jack Slayton, a comrade in arms in both the Korean and Vietnam war. Slayton explained that he had been monitoring the entire situation, and that it was in the process of clearing the Colonel and his team's name. It seems that Slayton was way ahead of the intelligence department of the UNSCMAD. Slayton then offered Colonel Hero a spot on the "Meta-Ops" roster of a newly formed organisation similar to the UNSCMAD sponsored "Frontline" that the Colonel had previously worked for. The organisation was called the "Strategic Command Objective for Research, Protection + Indictive Operations, or S.C.O.R.P.I.O. The Colonel accepted, but queried about his involvement and responsibilities with the UNSCMAD. Slayton explained that one of the initial conditions of Colonel Hero's "suspension" was that he be "put on ice" as the weight of his actions were quite heavy. After evidence was provided of the Colonel and team's innocence, the court still felt that his actions were "out of control", even though they were justified. Slayton offered the UNSCMAD a compromise; Colonel Hero would be under the watchful eye of the organisation, and if evidence is displayed that he is in fact out of control, then S.C.O.R.P.I.O. would be responsible for his punishment. With that, Colonel Hero was cleared of his charges (due to Slayton's "connections") and officially became an Agent of S.C.O.R.P.I.O.
Colonel Hero's personality is a combination of old school, "macho" man and hardcore, by the book soldier. On the battlefield with a team, he is aggressive, confident, and in control, making sure his unit/team is efficient in reaching thier objective. Alone, he is stoic, and focused on the mission/task at hand.
Although a commanding presence on the battlefield, off the field, the Colonel is the opposite. He is well mannered, quiet and polite around 'civilians' and others. This is due to his upbringing; Part of the Colonel's training was in etiquette, because as "War Patriot" he had to meet several high ranking officers as well as the President of the United States from time to time to show the public that he is not only a good soldier, but a also a model person, thus making him what many children aspire to be.
Abilities Explained: The Mars Gene
Colonel Hero's abilities stem from the "mars gene", a special gene present in select people in the world. This natural phenomenon can simply be explained as "excel-human" genetics; A step down from Meta-human and mutant genetics, but a step up from normal human genes. Excel-Humans have naturally advanced abilities; Intelligence, Strength, Stamina and Speed. Thier muscles are perfectly structured and perform at the peak of the human apex. The Excel-Humans' metabolic system is also enchanced, breaking down fatigue poisons in the body allowing for higher stamina and recovery. An Excel-Humans' apptitude for learning is also greatly advanced, making it easy for an individual to absorb complex information almost in an instant. The gene that is responsible for the individual's physical as well as mental talents can be attributed to the "mars" gene.
Discovered in the Early-1900s by Dr. Ernest Azarcon, the mars gene is said to only be present in 1 in 60,000,000 people in the world. Of those individuals, only 10% are categorized as A-Type Excel-Humans. Throughout the history of the world, great warriors and conquerors have been known to have the characteristics of A-Types. The known A-types of the past include: Achillies, King Leonidas of Sparta, Geronimo, and Hattori Hanzo. In 1943, it was discovered that one man possessed the "mars" gene and A-type characteristics. This man was Samuel Archibald McKenzie; Codename: Master. The gene was nicknamed "Mars" for its ability to produce natural warriors, as well as being dominant in Males.
The Steadfast Soldier Initiative
In 1943 during the peak of the second world war, Nazi super-soldiers StormKorps terrorized the British Isles while the Japanese Empire's Imperial Wind tried to seize control of the Pacific. Fearing the worst, the allied militaries proposed a joint super-soldier project in case they became tactically crippled in those key areas. The project was titled "The Steadfast Soldier Initiative" and from it stemmed many super-soldier projects. One of those projects was "Lazarus", the super-soldier method designed by Dr. Arthur Frank and gave birth to Colonel Hero.
Weaknesses and Limitations
Although a living, breathing human weapon, the Colonel is susceptable to injury, and death. The Colonel is NOT a metahuman/mutant and is still a natural/normal human being. He can be killed, and/or injured just like any other human being. He is also weak against psychic/mental attacks as well as magic.
Colonel Hero's equipment includes the following:H.I.D.E. Exo-Skeleton: Highly Impenetrable Defensive Epidermis. This exo-skeleton was specifically designed for Colonel Hero. The Exo-skeleton monitors Colonel Hero's health and mental state, as well as amplifies his already amazing abilities. The exo-skeleton features an internal temperature adjuster (which adapts to the climate the wearer is in), a noise reducer, which minimizes noise in the wearer's movement, and also functions as a second skin which is resistant to heat, harmful chemicals and bullets (not like he needs it!).
Utility Belt: The Colonel also wears a military issued utility belt. In it he can carry mission documents, rations, medkits and other essential battlefield supplies.Throwing Knives: The Colonel carries around throwing knives as part of his equipment. Although seldomly used, they are useful for taking out hostile units from afar.
Revolver: The Colonel normally does not carry sidearms, however the sidearm was a gift from the commander of the Shinsengumi unit in Paragon City, Shigetaka Kadekawa.
Combat Knife: The Colonel carries a standard issue military combat knife. It comes in handy for various situations.