Crimson Bantam

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What can I say, this guy is a hero based on a chicken. Fine, a rooster. What I wouldn't give for the Chinese Zodiac to have ditched the rooster for a bear or a lion. That would have been much easier.

Crimson bantam 1.jpg
Crimson Bantam
Player: Wei Yau
Origin: Science
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 1
Personal Data
Real Name: Charles Browning
Known Aliases: The Rhode Island Red
Species: Human
Age: 25
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Confidential
Hair Color: Confidential
Biographical Data
Nationality: United States of America
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: '
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

Currently being evaluated by The Loyal Guardsmen

This bird has talons!

Charles Browning's story as a super-hero is very typical one. Like kids all over the country, Charles grew up surrounded by media saturated with super-heroes. He couldn't help want to become one himself. He trained in several forms of martial arts, honed his body to peak of physical condition and spent countless hours working up an origin story.

Charles had difficulty coming up with a superhero identity. There were plenty of non-powered humans with fighting skills. He couldn't decide if he wanted to be "grim and gritty" or "patriotic" or "4-color comic book". There were just too many options and Charles wanted to stand-out.

In the end, Charles resorted to buying an identity from an agency which handled a group of retired super-heroes. These weren't necessarily well-known heroes; snce most of the well-known heroes had their own private agents. Charles had saved up as much money as he could, but between martial arts classes, monologue coaches and posing specialists, he just could not afford one of the better identities.

Instead, Charles had to settle for the "Rhode Island Red", a super-hero from way back in the day. The costume was well-preserved and the claws were still razor sharp. But, it all had a very "Golden Age" feel to it. Still, it was probably the best he could afford.

Charles made his way, in costume, to the superhero registration desk in Paragon City Hall. He was disappointed to learn that the codename "Rhode Island Red" had already been registered, though he wasn't terribly surprised. Thinking on his feet, Charles registered as the "Crimson Bantam".

This bird has wings!

Charles had finally started his career as a super-hero. It's been a bit of a rough start. Whenever he responds to a call, people are surprised by his appearance. Most everyone says they were expecting a man dressed up as a red flying-rodent. A few would say they were expecting a boxer-type. Almost no one ever expects a chicken-based hero. Charles is just glad that he decided against the beak-mask, even though it was thrown in for free.

Crimson Bantam is super excited to have joined .the Guardians of the Golden Age

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