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Soon to be work in progress. Stay tuned for updated on this character!

Player: @Epelesker
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 31
Personal Data
Real Name: Maxgrey Bent
Known Aliases: Cumy, Cloud-Man
Species: Human Mutant
Age: 15
Height: variable
Weight: variable
Eye Color: Considered blue
Hair Color: Either white or brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Canadian
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
Base of Operations: Atlas Park
Marital Status: '
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Gaseous cloud form, generation of natural electricity and rain
Known Abilities



Maxgrey Bent's mutant abilities to transform into a vaporpous form manifested in childhood, spurred on by young imagination and the loss of a dear relative. Persecuted in his hometown of Churchill, Manitoba, he fled southward: much of his life after that is assumed to have been spent in self-imposed isolation. He resolved to come to Paragon City in order to find himself a purpose in life, though he overgeneralized his place as a child in the adult City of Heroes: thus he tended to separate himself by employing a quiet and distant demeanor.

New Age Mutants

Cumulatrole's biggest breakthrough in his personal goals came when he was personally offered an invitation to this group by the Acting Seneschal Gravity Blast. With the prospect of new friends and new adventures, he resolved to throw himself into the group to develop his potential and his inner confidence further than he has ever attempted before. Nolan was vastly intrigued by Maxgrey's powers, even commenting once about how interesting it was to teleport the young hero in his vaporous form: it is obvious that the Seneschal saw much potential in him.

He continues to work hard for the group, even now that the man who was responsible for his personal growth has disappeared from the roster. He has made friends with others such as Pulse Light and Solar Flare.

He was recently awarded the position of "Mentor" by Singularity.

Powers and Abilities

Cumulatrole can control his body down to the atomic level and metamorph into a vaporopus being: this "cloud form" usually appears to be much larger than his regular form, though he can control its size. He explains that he doesn't need to consciously control his own form while metamorphosed, and that the cloud's human shape is formed from a sort of molecular memory. His powers give him the ability of flight and generation of natural electricity and freezing rain. He can also rotate at high speeds to form a vortex that tosses enemies into the air. In addition, it is possible for him to shift his cloud form into other shapes, but it requires taxing concentration to prevent his molecular memory from reversing it, and is thus rarely used.

While Cumulatrole is in gaseous form, he is incorporeal and can survive without material sustenance indefinitely. However, any serious dispersion of his "mass" causes him to tire out easily while trying to repair the damage.

((He is learning abilities from the Storm Summoning and Electric Blast powersets, and the Flight, Speed, and Concealment pools.))

Cumulatrole's human form.

Other Info

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