Damnation Aly

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Yeah, what you're thinking? Trust me: Don't.
Damnation Aly
Player: @Ascendant
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Dominator
Threat Level: 20
Personal Data
Real Name: Allison "Aly" Edwards
Known Aliases: Aly, Allison
Species: Human/Demon hybrid
Age: 16
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 105 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: Rogue Islander
Occupation: Criminal
Place of Birth: Founder's Falls, Paragon City
Base of Operations: Cap Au Diable, Rogue Islands
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Flame control, flight
Known Abilities
Magical Expertise
The Haruspex, Staff of Nuran
No additional information available.




In the thick of the action, Aly tends to be impatient and hot-headed, often charging into a situation before she's evaluated all the possible outcomes. There have been several times when these situations have elevated her into a bloodlust which so consumed her that her teammates were forced to subdue her. In more relaxed conditions, she is remarkably patient, willing to simply observe targets as long as necessary to find a weakness, and then exploit it.




The Haruspex

The Haruspex is a powerful magical artifact which Aly managed to "liberate" from a Circle of Thorns sect several months ago. It is a stone construct the size of a desk which is covered in a series of indecipherable glyphs. Little is known about it other than it is incredibly ancient, and operates as a sort of mystical supercomputer, answering questions posed to it without hesitation or error.

Unfortunately, as with most magical artifacts, the Haruspex does not offer anything without a price; its users literally pay for it with their lives. Depending on the difficulty of the question, the user will have to willingly prematurely age from as few as several minutes or as much as several decades to get the answer.

To date, Aly has used the Haruspex sparingly, and as such, she's only about half a year older physically than she is chronologically.

Staff of Nuran

When she first arrived in the Rogue Isles, Aly sought out as many mystics and magic users as she could find, all in the hopes of finding a way to reverse her curse. Few of these people turned out to be genuine, only one ever became her friend.

Tarin Nuran was a sorceress who fled to our dimension when the coup d’état she assisted on her homeworld suffered a devastating defeat. Tarin became a sort of big sister for Aly, teaching her to control her temper and training her in the ways of magic.

Unfortunately, Tarin was killed when bounty hunters from her world found her on Earth. With her dying breath, Tarin willed her magical staff to serve Aly "for the great conflict yet to come." Aly has no idea what Tarin meant by that, but she kept the staff just in case.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Existing in the limbo between human and demon has almost exactly as many drawbacks as it has advantages. While Aly is significantly more resilient to traditional forms of damage than a human girl (including virtual invulnerability to heat and fire), she is also partially vulnerable to wards and enchantments which are routinely used to fight demons. She suffers intense pain while on consecrated ground, and can be burned holy water.

Particularly dangerous is "cold" or meteoric iron, which, when fashioned into a weapon, can kill her as easily as any similar weapon would a human.

Character History

Allison 'Aly' Edwards had no idea that her father was the supernaturally powered villain Hellbent(the so-called "thrice damned man"), until her thiteenth birthday, when her Hellish ancestry began to express itself. Shunned by her friends and her adopted family, Aly fled to the Isles.

Over her years there, she enlisted the aid of several occult experts and found that there was only one way to break her curse: find the person responsible for sentencing her father to Hell and send them there to take his place.

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