Dory James

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Dory James: Hero, Slayer, Smart Ass.
Dory James
Player: @MDanger
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Dory Elizabeth James
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 20s
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Monster Hunter
Place of Birth: Galaxy City, RI
Base of Operations: Earth, The Phoenix Force
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: N/A
Known Powers
Martial Arts/Invulnerability
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

Dory James is one of my pocket characters. A version of her lives in every MMO I've tried. The first name is taken from a former girlfriend. I've always liked it and it's usually available. The City of Heroes version of Dory has gone through many changes, and will likely continue.



In-game bio

Your first time is the one you’re supposed to remember forever. It was a beautiful spring evening. The half moon shone brightly in the cloudless Paragon sky. Paul Robertson! That was his name. I was thirteen then. I can’t believe that it’s been ten years already.

It was supposed to be this wonderful, magical moment. For me, it was almost a total disaster. I thought I knew everything. I had read all the right books. People have been doing this for, well, ever it seems, how hard could it be?

Sharpen your stake, take your aim, plunge it through. Poof, the vamp is dust and you've saved the town from another impending scourge. So easy even a caveman could do it! But not that night.

I was so very lucky. Paul Robertson, 1977-1997 Loving Son and Good Friend, was just a pale faced, dirt behind the ears vampire. I must have staked him 20 times before I finally got it right.


I have this recurring dream. It’s supposed to be me at least, I think it is. I’m always fighting. I’m fighting nightmarish creatures, things straight from the bowels of Hell. They are all teeth and horns and claws, scratching, slashing and burning everything in their path.

I fight them as long as I can as hard as I can. It doesn’t occur to me that I should run away. It simply isn’t an option. If I cannot stop them here then everything is lost anyway. It never takes them long to overwhelm me. When I die I am frustrated that I couldn’t do more, that I wasn’t strong enough, fast enough or skilled enough. I am sad that I didn’t save my loved ones, my friends or my world. I’m also relieved that it’s finally over.

Then I am at peace.

Then there is nothing.

Then I am awake again.


Powers and Abilities

High flying Dory.

Martial Arts

A combination of training and mystical know-how keeps the monsters at arms length.

Extra-double Strong

Monsters are notoriously strong, which means I'd be useless if Dory weren't at least as strong.


In addition to being able to dish out the pain, Dory is a wee bit resistant to having the pain returned to her in not-kind.

Special Recognition

Dory James was awarded Hero of the City on 08/02/2008

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