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"Grrr!" *giggle* Drejar scarylings!
Player: @Germaine
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: 21
Personal Data
Real Name: Vanyasul
Known Aliases: Drejar
Species: Drejar
Age: Unknown
Height: 3'8"
Weight: 65lbs
Eye Color: Bright Pink
Hair Color: Bright Powder Blue
Biographical Data
Nationality: Primordial Being
Occupation: Irritating people
Place of Birth: Primal Plane, Isvantia
Base of Operations: Crindreck
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Arista Greatheart (mother); Hwesta (father)
Known Powers
Summoning of Grimmoires; controlling the air around teammates to protect them--and her "grimmies"
Known Abilities
She shows her affection by cozying up on an unsuspecting person's leg--about the crook of their ankle. Anyone near her, especially when she takes up such a position, would feel a gentle breeze, light and cool.

Drejar (pronounced: DRAY-zhahr), is a mythical being created in the player's mind. It is the combination of an elf or human and an Inanimae. In the case of this particular character, it was an elven woman and a Sylph. Drejar can live in either the Primal Plane with the other Inanimae, or with their Seelie counterparts, albeit in secret. Where the drejar grows up determines her ability to communicate and function in the mortal plane.



"Drejar noes impshings! Drejar is drejar!" -Vanyasul

Drejar is the term used to describe a half-elemental. Elementals are typically summoned from the primal plane to serve the summoner as needed. In the case of Hawesta, Arista summoned him and the two fell in love. Arista found herself with child and Hawesta vowed to protect his new family. The one thing the Sylph could not stop, however, was the complications that occurred during delivery. Arista was unable to bear the child on her own. With tears in her eyes, she kissed Hawesta goodbye and gave her life so that Vanyasul could live.

Primal Plane

Within the primal plane, the different elementals, or Inanimae, possessed different regions. The Gnomes (Earth) dwelt within the planes of Mustiir, the original lands of the Primal Plane. The Undines (Water) found happiness within the Great Sea to the North and Umbekk Ocean to the South. The Salamanders (Fire) built their cities near the great volcanoes that dotted the realm. The Tu'Ubeck (Energy) were few and made their colony in the center of the lands of Isvantia. The Sylphs (Air) dwelt in Crindreck, the Land of the Mountains, where they air was plentiful. It was here that the drejar Vanyasul learned her powers and learned the ways of life within the Primal Plane.

Hawesta made sure to teach his beautiful daughter how to stir the air to her aid and the aid of those who would summon her. She played with the wind and soon learned how her very breath could encase another being and protect them from harm.

But that was before the doors to Arcadia closed. That was before she learned she could not easily return to the Primal Plane--to Isvantia, her home. She had gone to Arcadia to explore--for drejar are curious to a fault--and became shut out with the rest of the fae. Forever locked within the realm of the mortals...


Can I fillet that thing yet?

Fillings? pokes at her belly Drejar fillings alreadies. Noes needings mores.

-Thresher Shark to the rest of the party, concerning Vanyasul

Drejar enjoy playing--what they call playing, anyway. In the case of Vanyasul, she enjoys making people happy--even if they don't want to admit that her presence makes them smile. She is very happy and often seems to not understand what is going on around her. She does, in fact, understand--just not necessarily the common language spoken among the people of the Rogue Islands and Paragon City.

She can be seen at the Pocket D from time to time, bantering with the likes of Knocker King, Masabakes, Arihaziel, Arctic Sea, Emberling, and Ixiie...though, her circle of toleraters is slowly expanding. Dramon Vee seems to have taken a slight interest in her--probably for experimental purposes, should she ever consent to being cut open, and Devil Fox seems to tolerate her, though the two have never spoken directly. Thresher Shark (Bitey) and Calvarium (Meanies) have also recently been exposed to her quite chipper demeanor.

Drejar are not inherently evil. They are, however, extremely mischievous and deathly curious. As an example of the "deathly curious," Vanyasul has more than once attempted to make Thresher Shark smile...No more needs to be stated here. The point is rather clearly self-evident.

New Family

Much to the chagrin of the parties involved, Knocker King has inherited the dubious title of "patres," or "Daddy." By extention, Masabakes has become "mootries," and Arihaziel (called "Hornies" by the Drejar) received the title "secmooties," or Aunt. It seems little Vanya's family is slowly growing.




"Fistings sparkies!"

"I'd...rather not."

-Vanyasul & Onyx Spark regarding Onyx's glowing fists

Being half-Sylph and half-elf, Vanyasul inherited the gift of immortality. When asked how old she is, she simply responds, "Drejar is." In other words, she's older than this plane and there probably isn't a number in the common tongue that would represent her age--at least, not one that she knows. She is as old as the current Earth--and that age is debatable.

The Grimmoires

One of the benefits of living in the Primal Plane as opposed to Arcadia, proper, was that Vanyasul had the opportunity to spend time with the other Inanimae. Her best friend was a Gnome named Gizz. Gizz loved to tinker with different things he'd bring back from Arcadia. He taught her how to build "Robits." Vanya constructed several and gave them each names. When Hawesta learned of her new ability, he chuckled and taught her how to summon them. He explained to her what a grimmoire was (and that they themselves were similar to grimmoire). Vanyasul squealed with delight and tucked her robits in a special area of the plane. They are now her only access to Isvantia.

Battle Drones

Protector Bots

Force Fields

"Stop that! I need every bit of rage I can get!"

"Ohes! Drejar helpings!" a bubble of cool and warm air encircles Calvarium and a small storm begins--no rain, simply rumbling thunder and dull flashes of lightning Grrr! giggles

"GUH! Stop that, too!"

--Calvarium and Vanyasul on a mission with the Circle of Thorns

By humming softly or taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Vanya can encase her teammates in their own personal bubbles of air. She can also cause the air to help them by causing a small storm to help enrage (which usually doesn't work), or add a scent to the air to make it relaxing (which also tends to be a bad idea when fighting).

Language & Speech

"Oohes! Bitey havings pooka?!"

"... What did it say?"

"I think she's asking if you have a dog."

"...he's a wolf..."

"POOOOOOOOOOKA! Pookapookapookapookapooka!"

--Thresher Shark, Ramon de Silva, and Vanyasul, discussing Glass Outcast


The Drejar language is an odd combination of English (or common) and Inanimae/Drow/Elven/Florified English. It can, sometimes, be difficult to understand, but with mild effort, the intent is quite clear.


Vanyasul's very name is Drejar in that it is a combination of Elven words meaning "Fair Wind"--fitting for a half-Sylph. Vanya is very interested in people's names, so if they don't tell her, she makes them up. Arihaziel, a demon, was gifted the name "Hornies" because of her prominent horns.

Common Words

When speaking with Vanyasul, the decoder must go through several filters--much like dealing with a White Wolf-based Malkavian vampire. In fact, the player is quite certain it's the same filter. >.>


Since Vanyasul is -not- an imp, sugar is her nemesis. It can send her into a coma and she tries to avoid it whenever possible.

Also, since Vanyasul is not fae in the truest sense of the word, cold iron does not affect her. However...atomized forms of ionized gases will affect her neural pathways...mercury, gallium, other atomized conductive fluid metals...

Inanimae weakness: As summoned beings, Inanimae suffer from the stress of being pulled into the mortal plane. Years of exposure can cause rifts within their psyche. The rifts can be repaired, but only be returning to the Primal Plane. Since Vanyasul is half-Inanimae, she suffers the effects more slowly. Time has no meaning to her, and, therefore, she is unaware of how long she has spent within Earth's realm. Perhaps the rift has already begun to manifest itself...

Elven weakness: Elves were not the most sturdy of creatures within Arcadia. As such, they were quite slender and lacked a good deal of strength of their human counterparts. At 3'8" and a mere 65lbs, Vanyasul fully inherited this trait from her mother, Arista.

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