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OOCNotes: This section is dedicated to Cal's previous Journal Enteries and History from her life in the Teen Phalanx.

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Cal Color.jpg
Lineart by Zach
Player: @Akkai
Hero Icon Web.png
Real Name
Cal, Vix, Vixen
December 7, 1991
Siren's Call
Marital Status
In a Relationship
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
FenNec Crossbreed
Apparent Age
120 lbs
Body Type
Unkempt Shades of Blue
Powers & Abilities
Shadow (Warshade)
Shadow (Warshade)
· Known Powers ·
Powers over Shadows
· Equipment ·
Hidden claws - located under fingernail
· Other Abilities ·
Blood is black and oil looking when exposed to oxygen

Player Notes - Cal has really been a challenge for me. She is warshade, but not a kheldian by any means. I struggle with this class, so I have found that being extra creative to be extremely helpful to play her. She's a misfit and defiantly old fashioned, but with lots of heart to make up for it.

Also note Calypso is a FenNec Crossbreed. This is a race I made up myself a long time ago, it is copyrighted to @Akkai. For her, all you should note is that she has blue fox ears, and a fox tail. She does not share the other forms of normal FenNecs.




Much of Cal's past is wrapped in mystery. From what little she does know, she was dropped off at the Dill-Rose Orphanage at an extremely young age. She had been born with blue fox ears, and a blue fox tail, along with sharpened claws and teeth.

When she became a little older, they began to notice she couldn't play outside. It was confirmed that direct exposure to sunlight would not only burn her skin, but that too much sunlight would literally char through her skin's tissue. They had no explanation, so they simply kept her inside.

Dill-Rose Orphanage

The orphanage Cal grew up in was small and located in the back end of town. Their schooling was taken care of by the state, and although Cal tried to learn, she wasn't ever given the proper attention to really succeed. Her grades were straight C's most of the time, with handwriting and spelling that have not been corrected since.

The people in the Orphanage had generally felt bad for the young girl, watching as each potential adoption was always met with conflict. No one wanted a little girl with pointed teeth and animal parts. Even more so, no one wanted a little girl who couldn't go outside. The people were always optimistic, encouraging and nurturing the girl to never ever give up hope.

After living in the Orphanage until the day she turned 18, Cal had learned how to be extremely polite. She had learned how to make many different arts and crafts, from the uncounted hours she had spent in her room. Once she had turned 18, she decided that she had lived in the Orphanage long enough. She was an adult now, and she could fend for herself. Or at least she thought.

The Streets

Cal had been gone from the Orphanage for two weeks when it finally happened. A mutant by birth, Cal had always known something was very different about herself. She had always wondered why she was unable to go outside in the sun, but it never occurred to her that should could ever posses meta human abilities. She had walked under a flickering street lamp when everything around her became shrouded in darkness. She could extend and manipulate this ability in projectiles, and other various means. But this did not mean she had any mastery over her abilities. She had gotten in over her head quickly, finding herself wounded and injured at the mercy of the streets she lived on.

It was then that a little pixie came to her rescue! Using his abilities and his connections, Thimble healed her and introduced her to people that could help her learn control over her new powers.

Teen Phalanx

Cal joined the Teen Phalanx on July 5, 2010. She was set up with a room she currently shares with Brooke, that is constantly disorganized. Cal keeps her one bag of belongings secured under her pillow, and attempts to keep her bed made if possible. She already loves her new home, filled with people that are 'unique' just like her. She's even managed to settle in pretty well, finding herself an Australian boyfriend in the process. The only problem has been her nightmares.


Ever since her 18th birthday, Cal has been troubled by very intense dreams. She complains of three specific people in the sea of shadows she swims through. There is a lady in red with long red hair. There is also a lady in black with long black hair. Neither women ever turn around to show their face, though both share fox ears and tail as she does. The third figure is a man in complete blackness, described as having glowing eyes and wings. She has not been able to completely determine what these dreams mean, but she is under the impression it must have something to do with her origin.

She currently sleeps with a power dampener beside her bed. She has been working with the people within the Teen Phalanx to try to figure out why she is sleeping for days at a time. They have contacted a professional psychiatrist/psychic to assist in a mind dive. More information to follow once that occurs.

</center> This Journal belongs to Calypso, aka Cal

The first page of a notebook

The notebook this entry contains seems to be normal and very plain looking. The handwriting that follows seems to be largely misspelled and illegible. This is due largely in part of Cal's lack of practice in writing, as well as her lack or proper schooling.

Dear Journal,

I have never wanted to remember a day more in my life, than I have wanted to remember today.

It all started about two weeks ago. I had gone to bed on a typical day, when I was suddenly struck with a very vivid and horrible dream. I don't remember most of it, but what I do remember scares me. I remember seeing a baby version of myself, complete with little ears and a tiny tail I had tucked around me. I couldn't have been more than a month or two old. For some reason I was out in an abandoned alleyway and was screaming at the top of my lungs in baby fashion. I remember feeling extremely cold and wet as there was rain pouring all around me. From there it gets blurry and hazy.

When I woke up, I found myself completely flattened and on top of my blankets. I had become my own shadow, and could only move along flat surfaces like the floor or the walls. I had tried everything I could think of to try to undo it. Bubbles couldn't register I was there, and direct sunlight (YUCK) didn't even do anything. To be honest I was scared I was gonna either dim away to nothing, or the shadows would have burned away to leave me exposed to the sun. That would have been pretty bad.. Anyway.

So today, I walked into Roger's Hall to find Sully and Dazza. Sully was actually hitting on Dazza, but he hits on everyone. Basically after getting a sandwich from Dazza, Sully offered to help me with my problem. He somehow pulled me into a mirror world which left my shadows behind in the real world. He explained how he had once been trapped there, but was really nice to ease all my fears. When we finally came out of the mirror world I had been fixed!

Obviously I was in a good mood after that. I didn't feel hidden or ashamed anymore that I was just a shadow on the wall. So.. (There's a big smiley face drawn here with little ears like hers)

I told Dazza I liked him. I know everyone likes him already, but he's been really sweet to me. He politely said he wasn't really looking, but said maybe there could be an us someday. That's good right? He seemed happy I wasn't making fun of his band's tag like Maddy (Rachel - X Omega) was at least. I dunno, I am just happy to be meeting someone new.

And then to top it all off, Thimble asked me out of no where to be one of his rivals. I'm thinking.. 'ok it's a little fairy, what can he do?' But then he started pinching and biting and tickling me! But out of no where.. Dun dun da! Dazza to the rescue!

Why he even helped me after Jason turned off the lights for Epode, and my shadows wouldn't go away. He helped me go outside and burn them off! I have a sunburn now, but Bubbles confirmed it wasn't bad at all. Still might have Thimble look at it though.

He also told me I need to remember to be myself. He didn't flinch when I showed him my smile up close either! ..I hope I can remember to do that. I have such a hard time with the big crowds. Oh well. It was a really really good day so I wrote it down.

Thanks journal, Calypso

Second page to a plain Notebook

The Following is written in typical Cal fashion, filled with spelling mistakes and wobbly letters. There are a few spots on the page, that seem to be something that look like ink blots

I felt today was another day to write down and collect some thoughts.

- I confronted Zoe today about what happened. She didn't give up on the fact that she loved Dazza, or even budge. I can't blame her, but at the same time I couldn't help feel that what she did was wrong. Dazza is my boyfriend, and said he wanted to be with me. She knew that, but pushed on anyway. There's a splotch here

I got carried away though, even yelled at her a few times. She could read into my thoughts somehow, and I accused her of manipulating him. She corrected me, but not before she called me a monster.. who knows? Maybe she's right. Ultimately, what happens from here is all up to Dazza. I just hope I don't have to deal with her anymore. I didn't like that she could read me like an open book.

There's a few splotches here, bleeding some of the words together

- My nightmares are getting worse. I don't even know if they can really be called nightmares anymore. I still don't know who anyone is in them, because they won't look at me. There's three main people though from what I can tell: A younger girl with red hair, a lady with black hair, and then the man with wings and red eyes. Both of the girls have a fox tail and ears like me, where the man looks like a demonic monster.

The monster takes on many shapes and voices. Sometimes he's been my inner demon, my bad thoughts coming back to remind me just how worthless I am. Other times he is something else.. something more real that has something to do with the women. There's always so many shadows that when I wake up I don't remember everything.

Lately I've been waking up in torn sheets.. and worse. I hope Brooke doesn't notice, most of the room is a mess anyway so maybe she won't. My origami seems to have held up though, I'm glad Dazza helped me put those up. There's another splotch here They help when I wake up alone.

- I need to schedule a health exam with Thimble.

- I need training on my teleportation. I need training for control.

- I need to go to Siren's call where they told me I came from. Maybe there's some answers there.

- I need a good night's sleep.. There's another splotch here

Page Three of a Notebook

Dear Journal,

I thought it was time to sit down and collect my thoughts, so here goes.

Mostly what I wanted to cover was what was told to me by Eli. She overheard Dazza and I talking about what our next plan of action was. We discussed how we were going to get someone Magical and someone Techie to try and help me. Thimble helped out with the medical exam, and diagnosed me as healthy.. but with something foreign in my blood. But anyway, Eli overheard us. She asked me some questions like, 'if my nightmares were getting worse' and 'what color her tail was when she had it'. When she read my aura, she said that something was there that wasn't supposed to be.

In the end? She thinks someone is trying to posses me. That's a scary thought for me, or for anyone I think. She said it'd be safest if I started sleeping in the isolation rooms. Looking back on it, maybe she's right. But at that moment I didn't want to think about sleeping on display behind glass.

So Dazza suggested a portable power dampener. I didn't even know there were such things! Eli didn't think that it was going to be enough, considering whatever it was could still get through to me despite our protections. I keep thinking that it's the man with glowing eyes from my dreams. The one that shows me things in my past, something important I need to remember.

Well, the last few days the dampener has made a small difference. I seem to be resting better and I don't wake up with scratches or tears in the sheets. However, a few things haven't changed. I still sleep for nearly days at a time. I still dream of murky shadows, but the images that normally dance in them have gone away. And I can still hear him whispering to me, but he's much more angry now.

I think I can count that as a magical opinion though. Now I need some technical advice. And I think I'm gonna take Thimble and Dazza's suggestion to go to Gremlin.. even if he does call me sonic.

Page Four of a Notebook

Written in typical Cal fashion, her handwriting akin to that of a six year old

Dear Journal,

It's been a month since I last picked you up to collect my thoughts. Honestly? Not that much has changed since then.

I was asleep for a week this time. Dazza continues to bring me food and forces me to eat it while I'm asleep. I don't remember when he does this, but I know that I don't wake up starving and shaking. I was supposed to have a sleep study with Gremlin so he could watch what happens to me, but I think I slept past when we were supposed to do that.

I called Lucius Anima, a man who used to help me back in the orphanage when my dreams first got a little scary. He said that we were going to be scheduling a Mind Dive thing where everyone goes inside my head with me to face whatever it is doing all of this to me. I'm supposed to take people who will help me face my fears and boost my confidence. So far I've asked Gremlin, Epode, and Sully. I don't know if I did the right thing asking Sully, but he did help me out once before. I don't want him eyeballing me in my.. Of course I want Dazza there, and I was thinking maybe Luke and Osprey.. Ouul said he wanted to know the results, and I'm scared to even ask anyone else. No one else needs to know

My nightmares haven't seemed to have gotten any better through all of this. Every night I can feel myself being pulled closer to something dark and .. well scary. Even when the dreams are nothing but shadows and voices (Those are the better ones) I can still feel something evil lurking behind every corner. The power dampener has stopped being so effective. Whatever this is, it can get to me no matter what. Maybe I should lock myself up in isolation

I need more coffee, I'm starting to get tired again.

Page Five in a Notebook

Written in typical Cal fashion, her handwriting akin to that of a six year old

Dear Journal,

It's been a little while again since I wrote in you. I don't like putting my thoughts on paper though, people tend to read things they shouldn't.

I did a sleep study with Gremlin a while back. He wasn't exactly clear on the results but said that he would forward it to my Professional Psychic Psychiatrist. We should be getting close to doing the mind dive, but until then I was given a psi blocker.

Great news is, it worked!

Bad news is, it doesn't any more.

I don't remember when the last time I was awake was. It was a while ago. I'm afraid to come out of my room. The man in my dreams isn't happy at all with what I did. He overcame it and he's harder to fight out then ever.

I think I'll just stay in here.

Page Six in a Notebook

Written in typical Cal fashion, her handwriting akin to that of a six year old

Dear Journal,

Not too much has happened since I last picked you up, but then again what ever changes?

I woke up a few days ago for the first time in almost two weeks. I'm starting to wonder if being awake isn't the dream. Everything feels so distant and out of my grasp when I'm awake. Being asleep isn't any easier though. It's so hard to fight him.. I feel scared of what might happen if lose. But I can't give up.

No one was awake at that hour, so I went outside. I needed fresh air. It was foolish, dangerous, but it felt so nice to feel the night's breeze on my skin. It was several hours before sunrise, but Croatoa never seems to sleep so I went there. I was in the university library, more or less just exploring when I heard my name.. Not just my name, but my full name.


There weren't many people that knew that name, but I didn't recognize the voice. When I wheeled around to see who it was, I didn't know what to make of the girl in front of me. I'd never seen her before. She had green hair and a weird tail.. I dunno. Scorpion? lizard? I don't know.. it looked almost like both.

Turns out, it was Leia from Dill Rose. I hadn't seen her in over 6 years! I was so sad when she got adopted, but I couldn't ever let her see that. It was a little painful at first, but we had a nice talk over coffee together. I don't know why she was out so late, but a part of me was glad to see her. She's gotten a little bit more weird than I remember, but I guess I just stay the same.

Or am I changing? It's getting all so murky and hard to tell. I know it's getting harder to fight back my inner urges, but I can't let anyone see them. I will not be a monster. I can't stop fighting ever. I

I'm starting to get tired again.. I don't want to sleep. I'm struggling more and more. But.. I have to keep doing. Going.. fight.. *the pencil drags to the bottom of the page*

Page Seven of a Notebook

Written in typical Cal fashion, her handwriting akin to that of a six year old

Dear Journal,

Reading back from the last page a whole bunch has kinda changed since I last wrote. I didn't mean to let it go so long, I really sorry journal. I hope you forgive me. I will do better I promise!

Hailey is gone.. or I can't find her. I've only asked a few people if they've seen her, but I hope she still got my Christmas present. Maybe she said she was leaving? I don't remember.. things are so hazy I keep forgetting things now. I can't find Gremlin either. I forgot to ask about him.

I've been waking up a little bit more lately. I'm really happy about that. Brooke even said the other day that, I was cute enough to model! Though, I wonder if that's cause I'm so thin now or if she really just liked my ears... Either way, I told her I couldn't. Facing a big scary crowd like that? Uh uh, not me.

I also have been lots better about removing my bandages from my arm when I wake up. The little hole from the needle isn't all that big, and I'm really careful to change them out. I might have to talk to Thimble about where I can get more though. Little bedside bubbles is good about finding new fluid stuff for me though. I wonder how that works.. hmm.. oh! and I found out some robots aren't all that bad! I spoke with this one robot, named Advent! He was really nice. .. really I hope Ivan forgives me about the kitty.

But I might get things fixed really soon! Doctor Lucius called to schedule an appointment for me this weekend. He said he wanted to finally take a little peek in my head. He also said that I should bring someone I really trust, so I asked Dazza to come. He said he could make it too! I hope things are really looking up.

I'm so glad he can make it. I've been seeing him a bunch more cause I've been awake. It makes me wish I didn't have to sleep all the time. I. nod off sometimes too, it's really embarrassing. I even hit my head once really hard, but hopefully everything will change soon. I'll be so happy when it does!

Until then though.. I'm feeling a little dizzy. I think I'm gonna go lay down again for a while.

Page Eight of a Notebook

Written in typical Cal fashion, her handwriting akin to that of a six year old

Dear Journal,

I woke up yesterday for a few hours, and built up the courage to go make some coffee. I had said hello, not expecting anyone to be awake, but they were! Thimble asked for me to come help in the med bay where Ami and another lady were already there.. I didn't like Ami’s smell, it really put me on edge. Thimble asked me to say hi to 'Angel'. He said he didn't know her real name cause she didn't speak and couldn't write. I said hello, and began to wag my tail. -Bad Idea-. She came around the table and tried to pet it! I couldn't help myself as I jumped away from her. After I calmed down, I finally let Angel pet it for as long as I could stand. I was already on edge… but if that wasn't enough, Thimble must have noticed.

I had just settled down a little bit when Thimble darted out in front of my face and began to flit back and forth in concern. I could feel something itching under the surface. I tried to fight it, but between the smells and the small little movements I was losing control. I tried to excuse myself politely, but I before I could get away... "Cal, are you feeling ok?" Thimble had asked me, and I felt like it was someone else responding back. "If I say I want to eat you, is that a good or bad feeling?" I flinched at his shocked expression, and after watching him fly to hide behind Ami, I left. They didn't need my help; I wasn't doing anything to help anyway.

I went back into the kitchen and poured myself another mug of coffee. I could see my reflection as I stared into the steaming liquid, the vague outline of my sunglasses were a glaring reminder I was changing. I sent Thimble a message from the phone I had been given, saying that I was sorry for what I said. I said that I promised I would do everything I could not to eat him, but if something happened and I did that I was very very sorry. His reply was really hard to read, but I think it was something about me being too nice to eat him. I should have replied to him, but I didn't know how to tell him.

I don't want people to worry about me.. But, I don't think I have much time left. I asked Lucius if we can try to do something about it. I'm at 98%, and I'm afraid of what will happen if we don't get him out soon.

I can feel something is different. I haven't triggered the power dampener in nearly three weeks. Axel says it's working, but that can't be true. He has always used of my powers, why would he suddenly stop? It makes no sense, but for whatever reason either my power dampener is already broken or the man in my head doesn’t need my powers anymore. …Vilaerus. That’s right, from what Dazza and Lucius tell me, he has a name.

.. I hope I can face him.

Page Nine of a Notebook

Written in typical Cal fashion, her handwriting akin to that of a six year old

Dear Journal,

I am writing in this, hoping it's not the last time. His words have me nervous, despite everyone telling me that it's all gonna be ok... He said that I will have to give up on the life I live now and wake up to embrace reality. I don't know what that all means, but I refuse to give up the life I have now.

I started having my nightmares last year in December just after my 19th Birthday. They were just bad dreams that happened every night. Then they started to become worse; I began to sleep longer and started becoming violent in my sleep. I have been through countless bedsheets and pillows, over this whole thing. I had hurt people if they tried to wake me up.. I would have never thought that I could have had someone in my head causing this, but that's the truth of it all. I'm 20 now, and it's still going on after a year.

I didn't want to tell anyone I had a problem. I still don't like telling people, but I don't have much time left. My little bubbles machine says I'm at 99% contamination levels, and I'm gonna need all the help I can get.

I have so many friends who have all said they would help me, Zach was right. I had a lot more than I thought, and still some I haven't been able to find. I hope that everyone is safe after all of this. He has a lot of power right now over me, but I won't stop fighting. I want to get better.. I wan__

Her pencil drags to the bottom of the page

Page Ten of a Notebook

The following is written in typical Cal fashion, handwriting comparable to that of a six year old

Dear Journal,

I'm still alive...

Tuesday's mind dive was going according to plan up until the end. Something hatched inside me.. something woke up that had been slumbering before. Is this what he meant? To give up my life; wake up and embrace reality? Is my reality to be this.. this monster?

I don't know what else to call it.. maybe the Beast? I don't know, but I can't control it. I can't control the urges, I can't restrain myself anymore. The urges take me places that I don't want to think about. I don't even feel the option to hold back anymore. I just change into.. it.

I've changed a few times now, but all of it behind the safety of my locked door. I haven't had anyone come to look for me yet, but I'm glad that they haven't. 'It' hasn't figured out how to undo the locks I have on my door yet luckily, but I need to do something more about it before 'it' escapes.

But I won't leave my room if I can help it. Emiline was nice enough to get me another comm after smashing mine, but I haven't turned it on. I'm afraid that.. I'll learn my worst of fears. Dazza... I hope you're still alive. If you are? I understand if you never want to speak to me again. ..I don't think anyone has seen him since that night. Emi said they would look for him.

My back still aches. I don't remember why, and when I look in the mirror it's just a big red blistering circle on my back. I haven't wanted to ask what really happened. I don't want to know why there was another person there who apparently wanted me dead. I just want my problems to go away. I can finally sleep now without the dreams, without the black dark man in my head, but at what cost? Was all this really worth it?

I don't think it was. I'm alone and scared of myself.

Page Eleven of a Notebook

The following is written in typical Cal fashion, handwriting comparable to that of a six year old

Dear Journal,

I think I plan to use you more as a milestone and memory keeper than a journal. I don't even know how long I've had you, but I know it's been more than two years.

I wanted to write down where I'm at. From my last entry some things have changed, but my problem still has not. I still can't control the beast, but.. well I think it's gotten a little better? I don't change at the drop of a cap, but those urges are very strong. And I'm.. well I'm not as weak as I was, but I don't know about strong, but I think stronger. I feel like I've changed. Lots of things changed.

I can't find anyone in the Teen Phalanx other than Dazza right now. I woke up in my room, and everyone was suddenly gone. I checked all the rooms, I asked bubbles, and everyone was just.. gone. Maybe there was a party? I don't know. I went out to try to find people, and I found Dazza! He.. says I was gone for weeks and then had a really weird dream. But.. I had the same dream. I don't know, I'm really confused on what's going on.

On the best note though, Dazza proposed to me! The ring isn't really shiny and I'm not sure what sort of white stuff it's made of, but it's still nice! He really suprised me with it, since I was having a hard time, but I said yes! Dazza is the only one for me, and I'm happy he's around right now. I miss everyone. It doesn't feel right to stay in the dorms when it's all empty.

Here's hoping the apartments we are looking at are nice.

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