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And shadow will need light to survive.
Player: @Jessimay
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Jessica Marie
Known Aliases: Enchant, Chante, "Strawberry" (close friends only, and even then..)
Species: Human
Age: 20
Height: 5'6"
Weight: N/A
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Superhero, "Bounty Hunter"
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: It's complicated.
Known Relatives: Mother, living; Father, deceased
Known Powers
Kineticist and Mentalist
Known Abilities
Makes a sassy cup of coffee

((Hey Paragons! This character has been retired - I may still play her from time to time, but it will be considered OOC. Chante has hung up her cape! This page will remain for the purpose of a tribute to my first ever level 50 AT in City of Heroes. Thanks for the great trip!))


"Too many of us are not living our dreams, because we are living our fears."


Recent News

Headline: Heroine Spotted Once Again?

Though not publicly announced, a young woman calling herself 'Chante' has been seen in and around the city.

Physical Description

"Time to stop hiding.."

Enchante's mask is gone. She has given no reason as to why she took it off, where she left it, or why she no longer even possesses the mask - she simply doesn't hide her face any longer.

After being kidnapped, then given the choice to go by Masume Yasuda, she stayed and received training from him. This training put her body through a bit of a change - she's still medium of frame and will probably never be as slim as most of the heroines of the city, but it is clear she's earned some definite muscle tone and body strength. She averages five feet, six inches, but prefers to be seen in at least some form of heeled shoe. Without the mask, she sees little reason to wear the flashy costume. She's reverted to wearing some of her more modest clothing, most often a nice pair of pants or jeans and a comfortable shirt.


In removing her mask, she has nothing to hide behind. She's quite a quiet person unless addressed, but a fair amount of her shyness seems to have been conquered during her time in the Rogue Isles. Being a bit of a bookworm, she's a knowledgeable person, but still has trouble with social skills and interaction, despite being polite - almost to a fault. She will rarely approach those she doesn't know without good reason, and though some of her sass is seen on occasion, she is still introverted.


Enchante is known by a few to be a telepath of some skill. She can pick up on the thoughts of others, either intentionally or accidentally, and can be quite clear in communication - even going so far as being able to link minds of non-telepaths. She never uses this skill to harm, only to subdue those criminals who she's trying to arrest.

She's also skilled with kinetics, being able to easily transfer energy from one body to the next or vice versa. So far she's found she's able to "borrow" vitality from her enemies to aid her friends, slow them down by using their action potential for her own, and create a force-field of energy so strong that it can literally toss back any on-coming foes in a tight spot.

"The Old Mask"

Weaknesses and Limitations

She is a moderately powerful psychic and telepath, but she's still quite vulnerable other mentalists. This is mainly due to her previous desire to keep her barriers working towards protecting her identity. That information, by default, is still difficult to glean from her mind, but much of its protection has been taken away to guard some other secret.

Her emotions are easily read from her mind, as well as thoughts of those around her, and sometimes skilled telepaths can "overhear" her mental conversations with others.. at least, her half of them.

That being said, while her mind is open to readers and the like, it can be very difficult to try to control her with such. She will never be controlled into doing something that she's absolutely against, such as murdering her allies, or the like.

Being shy as she is, it can sometimes be crippling to her. Never in a fight, but social situations are awkward when she's focusing on her faults.


Supergroup: Dawnstride Syndicate




Character History

Born in Paragon City, Jessica lived in Atlas Park, not far from Town Hall. When her father died, however, her mother was unable to afford property there. They moved to Steel Canyon, where she continued school. Enrolling in the University, she would see Heroes come and go.. whether to invent at the school's facilities, or to give pep talks to the students there as a civil service. It inspired her.

Then one day she came across a book in her studies. It wasn't titled.. it read more like a diary or journal than anything. It spoke of magic, but in a very.. logical manner. Intrigued, she began studying more.. and to her surprise, found out it was very real.. and that she had a knack for it.

So she continued to study and learn, finding an innate ability to manipulate energy like she had never imagined she could.

Always having been fond of mysticism, and encouraged by her own progress so far, she sought out to explore other avenues - until the day she started thinking thoughts that weren't her own. It was faint at first - just an odd idea that didn't seem to fit with what she was thinking at the time, with a foreign feel to it. At first she ignored it, but soon these alien presences in her mind brought her to the realization that she wasn't hearing her own thoughts - but those of the people around her. The idea of it frightened her at first, but she soon came to the conclusion that her work with the energy around her had simply opened her mind - the more closely she practiced with the energies around her, the more vulnerable she became to the forces of life in turn. Whether or not this is the truth of the matter is unsure.

It wasn't long before she became comfortable and even skilled with dealing now with both the energies and thoughts around her, and sometimes further. It also wasn't long until those abilities came in handy - her first heroic act was quietly mentally communicating from her dorm-room window with a boy who, through her telepathy, she knew was going to attempt revenge on some of the crueler students in the school. The entire situation frightened her, but she managed to talk him out of it. She still doesn't know quite how many people she 'saved' that day.

Feeling the call of responsibility, she registered with the city - through their secret identity program - and began work as a hero.


Player: Enchante

Enchante's Soundtrack: (Note: I apologize for any and all unpleasant videos. The point was to let you hear the songs.)

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