
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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In repose
Player: @Grimaulkin
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Dominator
Security Level: 45
Personal Data
Real Name: Richard Summerville
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: 20
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 150
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Drug dealer
Place of Birth: Berkshires, Mass.
Base of Operations: Nerva Forests
Marital Status: Single, not looking, multisexual.
Known Relatives: Parents, 2 sisters, brother.
Known Powers
Ability to generate plant life at will and has a walking pot-plant with spikes.
Known Abilities
(Mage: The Ascension Verbena - loosely)

Copper spoon

Born into a slightly upper middle-class family, Rich wasn't the best and brightest in the school. His parents were often disgusted with his middling grades, compared to his siblings, and attempted to get him tutors and whatever was necessary to try and get his grades up.

Then, in his freshman year, he discovered botany. He'd always been interested in plants, but this spiked his interest to the point that it was an obsession. His room turned into a near-jungle (along with all the bugs that went along with it).

His uncle ran a working farm and one summer he stayed with them. There, the very Earth spoke to him, and told him what he needed to do.

Peace on Earth

Man hated the Earth because he was jealous. He thought too much of the Earth and how to destroy it. If he could find a way to stop humans from thinking of destroying the Earth, then more and more power would come to him and he would be able to learn and understand plants, their habits, and to become one with them.
When he came back to school, someone introduced him to marijuana, and then he had the epiphany. What better way to keep humans happy than to give them drugs?
He then was able to develop more powerful, more potent natural drugs than anyone had ever seen. Meth had nothing compared to his cocaine. He was arrested multiple times for possession, sent to juvvie, even sent to jail. He changed even the mold in the cells to drinkable drugs.
Eventually he was released due to the diligence of his parents, and at the age of 18, just before another bust, he ran away, getting on a smuggler's ship (after making the captain's ivy plant better than tobacco), and headed to the Isles.
Now, scattered throughout the Isle of Thorns are assorted drug - and poisonous - plants, experiments of his own botany which is not scientific, but magical.

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