Freedom Darling

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"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be helped by what is right with America!"
Freedom Darling
Player: @Basque
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Alison Collins Dawson
Known Aliases: Daughter of America
Species: Human
Age: 20
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 126 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American Citizen
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Center Harbor, New Hampshire
Base of Operations: Greylock Building, Paragon City
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Trained in Hand to Hand
No additional information available.
[America] will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
- Elmer Davis

This article about a character is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?



Freedom Darling is a young woman with a tried and true moral compass that points north in even the worst of storms. Growing up in Paragon City, she would often follow her favorite heroes on television or in the streets, having aspired to be a heroine herself from the moment she tried her blankets on as capes at the age of three.

Since then, she has adopted her strong, though old fashioned values and faith in the American way as a part of her heroic persona as the Daughter of America, a symbol of the strength of the American people.


Enthusiasm for the opportunity to help the helpless and save the needing, in the true American way, with an approachable but moderately simple and tiresomely sentimental attitude. Mawkishly old fashioned, in following a bold, though generic code of morals that do not allow her to very often see or act beyond the conducts of the four colored heroes of old. When it comes to her heroics, she follows to the core the values of those Heroes she grew up watching and admiring, believing everyone has a chance, and no one should be left without a choice.

She always has a smile for friend or stranger, lending her shoulder and a kind word to anyone who needs the support.


Note: Anything within the [ ] brackets is information currently unknown to the character.


The Liberty Society

Early Childhood

Taking up the Shield

As promised by her Grandparents, at the age of twenty they allowed her to begin taking up the heroic mantle. Her Grandfather had made for her at his place of work where he has a part time career as a welder her shield to present to her on her birthday, to look similar to that of the shield carried in an image from an old newspaper article of the hero National Son who had saved her Grandmother and three others from a hostage situation long ago that Alison had always been partial of, [unknown to her this hero having been her Father.]

She fashioned a home made costume based around the shield and took to the streets under the moniker Corporal Freedom, as opposed to the concept of Corporal Punishment, taken from her law studies as a student at Paragon University.

Though as prepared as she could have ever been, her first impeded crime was still as much an intimidating and daunting moment for the young woman as she had ever found herself in, but through her confidence in her convictions she quickly adapted to the routine and had become moderately well known within her local area of Paragon City in a few short months, her shield having become something of an icon of its own, a bastion of bravery and the American way.

The Golden Age Heroes

Early in her heroic vocation, Freedom Darling joined the ranks of the community and team, the Golden Age Heroes, having become a close friend and admirer or the hero and leader of the team at that time, Mr. Virtuous, under whom she sidekicked until his retirement and leave of the team in late 2009. With his departure, signifying her move from sidekick to being a true heroine of her own right, she left behind the heroic moniker of Corporal Freedom to become Freedom Darling, changing too to her current costume from her old. Since then, she has stayed a member of the younger branch of the Golden Age Heroes, all of whom she considers close friends and allies.


Currently, Freedom Darling continues to work alongside the Golden Age Heroes and their coalition of allies to safeguard Paragon City for its residents, while finding herself in almost constant conflict with her recent arch nemesis, Ipso Facto, [whom unknown to her is the same teacher with which she has great respect at her school despite his more cynical views of law, much the same as he is ignorant of her being one of his prominent students, the young woman he intends to help mold into the kind of person he would like at his side.]

Recently she has come into contact with a once proud, middle aged man of unkempt appearance and a disheveled manner, who seems to have been watching for her safe keeping since childhood. [This man was formerly the last National Son, and her Father, who while keeping his identity a secret from Alison has been her silent sentinel since leaving her in the care of her Grandparents.]


Named Ms. Paragon City, 2009 - Virtue

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