Frost Mission

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[1]Theme song: I'm a bitch, Alanis Morissette.

Mission grew up with her father in the Hell's Angels. She was always kinda petite, but she grew up tough and knew what it was like to have bugs in your teeth and road rash by the time she was four years old. She was happy and healthy and the Angels loved her, a cute little ride-along on her daddy's bike. ((She still is an Angel, and she still wears the jacket. When you're born an Angel, you're an Angel for life.)) She was used to rough folk. School was interesting and she got into a fair bit of fights for a girl. She tended to win them, and the principal informing her parent that she'd gotten into another fight wasn't very effective.

When Mission turned 13, she mutated. Her body turned white, including the irises of her eyes. Even her hair changed. She simply was white everywhere, and her eyes looked absolutely creepy. That took about three months to occur, and she got sent to quite a few doctors during the process. She didn't seem to be getting any less healthy though, so she ended up learning how to wear makeup and coloured contact lenses and dye her hair and make the best of it. School wasn't much different save that the teachers started treating her -better-. Teachers knew how to deal with someone with physical impairments. That at least was part of their training.

About a year later, her mutation continued its progress though. She started feeling snappish at anything. Now, most people wouldn't notice that in a biker chick, but her Dad did. A few talks, and he came to the conclusion that she needed some time away from stress and school, and took her on a road trip for a month. During that time, her condition worsened DRASTICALLY, and she began being physically violent to a degree that astounded near everyone. Her thoughts became more feral, and she eventually dove off the back of the motorcycle while it was going, rolling and dashing into the bushes and vanishing, to her father's terror and bewilderment.

It saved his life, because when her mind reached a point of a chaotic extreme, she burst into flame. literally. She no longer even recognized humanity as anything but a target, and she began to slaughter anything and anyone that she could get near, a ball of flame walking with crazy strength from the adrenaline that was coursing through her veins. She left a trail of pain beginning with a small forest fire and ending with a body count of nearly thirty people of all ages and races before the heroes of Paragon took her down. Hard. She hit the ground like a screaming animal, her powers suppressed and her mind howling with rage, a couple of bones broken that she didn't even notice.

Mission ended up in the Zig under hard suppression. Therapy was not even possible, since she had to remain heavily sedated or burst into flame again. This got Arachnos' attention after the first few guards got ignited, and she got added to the 'Destined One' list and busted out to Mercy Island. Where, of course, she renewed her murderous rampage, not even managing to fit in with the villains. Too chaotic even for most of them, she eventually got held by Arachnos with orders to terminate.


Not too long ago, a woman named Winsome Blue had come to the Isles. One of her goals had become finding girls in need and freeing them, helping them to get out of here and to lives that would not be filled with terror and death. With her contacts, Blue had found out about this demon of hell that was wandering around, and had been paying considerably more attention to the overall situation than most. Having access to both sides, she had found out the girl's past. This wasn't a bad kid. Blue's attempts to mindwalk actually encountered a mind trapped in a pain-loop of terror, in desperate need of help.

With careful application of skill and misdirection Blue managed to kidnap Mission away. Mission had absolutely no mental defenses, and Blue put her to sleep long enough to get the girl into the hands of people that she personally trusted, who actually took care of her. Proper nutrition and decent treatment showed amazing improvement, so long as she was kept calm and mentally numb. Her body began to show signs of a gentle and natural completion of her transition into her new form, which had been taking a long time to complete and throwing her hormones so far out of whack that she couldn't possibly have controlled herself.

About a month later, Mission's mutation stabilized and she stopped burning. She stopped being angry. She stopped being a screaming terror, and ended up being a fairly normal person. With a criminal record that was miles long, and no way to get back home legally. The Garage crew wangled a few visits with her father and the Angels, and a little time back home, but it was difficult to convince anyone that the risk of keeping her around was worth it after the past issues. The fires vanished, replaced with a different temperature more linked with order.

Still...that did open up another option. Her abilities stabilized to a new direction, ending her up able to decrease temperatures around her. Create ice. And she was plenty tough enough to go into Mercy on her own terms...and she knew mechanics, having worked on motorcycles since she could hold a wrench in her two chubby child hands. A perfect addition to the Garage team, red side.

Not too far in, she's becoming good friends with the Garage crew. Not too odd in general for her upbringing, she shows remarkable resilience to emotional problems. She's got healthy needs and lusts, enjoys life in general and loves to laugh. Stress seems to slide off of her, and she has an ability to shrug off major and minor issues and go on with life that's actually based upon her state of order. When she's Mission, order insists that she be calm and collected regardless, and her body simply doesn't stress all that much.

An episode with Zarp Drakken of the Foundation meeting his clone, Terror Born, brought out Mission's greatest fears though. She ended up getting magically flipped back into the Chaos Doll, the flaming killer, for about thirty seconds before Blue put her back to sleep, making the monster within her fade back to nonexistence, but it showed that the dark side of her still existed. And still, Mission goes on with life, enjoying and drinking and loving.

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