Gingerbread Lady

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None at the moment.

Player: @Amour
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Ginger
Known Aliases: None
Species: Golem
Age: Unknown
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 114lbs.
Eye Color: Changes
Hair Color: Changes
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Baker/Candy Maker
Place of Birth: Tyrenul, Cathadea
Base of Operations: Tyrenul
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Known Abilities


Generally she is quite nice to everyone. Shows signs of one being quite old, motherly type. If she knows one long enough, she will tend to turn almost playful. Those that have harmed her in the past are avoided at all costs.

Current Character History

Character History

Long ago, in the land of Myrynul, there lived a magical baker and his wife. They ran The Enchanted Elixir inn and pub, known through out the land for the magical confections that he could make. From singing gummy bears to taffy hearts that actually beat when held, there was nothing he couldn’t make. But he make a child with his wife. They tried everything, from potions to spells, but nothing worked. Finally, a wise woman told the couple why. In exchange for his magic in cooking, he had given away the only way he could make an actual child. A life for a life.

One would think this would have broken the couple apart, but it did not. He swore on the day the bad news came that he would make a child, with the help of his wife, out of baked goods. They were young and thought that such a thing would be easy. How hard is it to make a child out of gingerbread? Sadly, it was harder than they imagined. Many things went wrong or happened to the children that they created. And then the wife of the baker finally died of a broken heart after her child had been carried off by a pack of stray dogs. The baker closed his inn that day and devoted the rest of his life to create the perfect child.

Then, in the twilight of his life, he created Ginger. So many spells were weaved into her body to help protect her from any harm that might come her way. But the baker was too old and after one year of no mishaps in his creations life, he died.

Ginger was now set on the road of life and soon she would learn that not everyone wanted to be friends. Luckily for her, her creator told her the secret to staying alive forever. She traveled the world though found a portal to a strange world. With the help of scientists, she now has a protective shell about her that helps her stay alive longer. Now she finds herself in a new area, learning what she can.



Ginger is not just a cookie. Her creator wanted her to be as close to human as possible. Here I will go down and list just what is different from a normal cookie person.

Major Organs - Gummy. When cut, they will ooze her blood. Her heart does pump through magical means. Stomach holds no acid to digest any type of food, so she can only drink her food. Her body can process any liquid though she keeps to only milk. Brains, if eaten, will give the person a shock to the point it will stop another persons heart depending on how weak they are. This is a protective spell to help ensure that the person will not try to eat Ginger again. Lungs are not needed, but she uses them from time to time. Her breath tends to smell quite sweet at all times.

Skin - A thick covering of gingerbread. It has spells upon it to ensure that it will not be ripped if licked/pulled upon too hard or dissolve if spit upon. If one cuts her, she will bleed her candy blood like anyone else. Her skin has that baby soft feel to it.

Bones - Hard peppermint sticks. They can be broken and healed like normal bones.

Muscle - Red licorice that is attached to her bones by frosting.

Nerves - Gum with pop rocks. The stronger the pain, the louder the popping one would hear coming from inside of her.

Blood/Veins - Blood is liquid candy, cherry flavor. The tubes that carry this is gummy.

Eyes - Cream filled gummy. She can change her eye color, depending on what candy filling is inside.

Hair - Think cotton candy, but thicker. She can change her hair color and spin her own hairdos. Her scalp can be removed by herself and a new hair style can be placed. She tends to save her favorite ones away.

Tongue/Teeth - Tongue is gummy while teeth are peppermint. Both have spells upon them to ensure that they will not dissolve if one were to kiss Ginger. Her own spit is a form of clear liquid sugar that magically reproduces.

Nails - Hard candy. Can change them to whatever flavor she wishes, which will change the color too.

Fat - Taffy, vanilla flavor

Breasts - Maple cream filled gummy. The mass that is her breasts are covered by her skin until one gets to the areola and nipple area. This are caramel flavored gummies that if one sucks hard enough upon, they will get the maple cream filling to ooze out. The cream never ends, always being magically replaced and refilled. For those that want to know her actual cup size, she is about a D.

Sexual organs - She cannot have a child but she can have intercourse. If a male ejaculates within her, her body forms a crystal bubble of sugar around it. It then moves to her intestine to be passed like waste.

Notes - She can remove parts of her body to change them. Scalp, nails, and eyes. She can re-grow or remake any parts of her body that is lost. If one part of her body remains, she can recreate herself though it will take time. This is why each time she is destroyed, she will cut off her right ear and store it in a hidden place. She cannot eat any solid food. It will stay within her stomach and slowly rot. The mold will then pass into the rest of her body and she will slowly die. She does not need to breath. She can get sick, but only from mold. Any other illness cannot harm her. For those that can sense magic, she oozes it in droves.


I need to sit down and write some...

Side Notes

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