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Glowcat is Praetorian Lanara.


Glowcat was born Lacy Myers of North Hollywood, California. Her mother was an interior decorator. Her father was a mechanic that got heavily into fixodine, and was put in prison when Lacy was still young. Lacy was born with only one special power... she was unusually smart. At age 8 young Lacy was already acing achievement tests, and showing signs of growing into a genius some day. However such was not to be her destiny. Her mother was only concerned with her career. Her father went to war against the Devouring Earth and perished... or so she was told. The young girl wound up on the street. Her potential was to go to waste until a corporation saw her test results and kidnapped the child, making her part of a program trying to build better soldiers for the newly crowned Emperor Cole. Lacy Myers was subjected to litany of genetic experimentation, mixing her superhuman intelligence with animals and science to try to create something inhumanly agile, quick, strong, and resilient. Young Lacy Myers was mutated into a strange and twisted feral abomination of her former self.

This corporation got more than they bargained for. The post-mutation Lacy Myers, now calling herself Lanara instead, or just 'Glowcat', turned on her masters. She had found a way to use her keen intellect to control forces of energy and turn them on others. With that and sheer determination and willpower, she escaped her six year captivity and found her way into the underground of Praetoria. She initially tried to attack the Resistance also, but they were smart enough to calm her and convince her to stay and try to help the Resistance. Glowcat was still very susceptible to suggestion at this stage, and went right along with it. She met a man named Grimmshaw who convinced her to help him cause as much public damage as possible. Glowcat felt only a strong vengeful anger, determined to get vengeance on those that twisted her, and went along with Grimmshaw's suggestions, lashing out at anyone that dared attack her.

However Glowcat was still very feral. She had lost much of her humanity in the mutation, and had become partially autistic. She was unable to communicate clearly, speaking in growls, purrs, grunts, and stutters if she managed to communicate at all. She was still trying to recover her own humanity, clawing (as it were) at the edges of the monster she had become.

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