Gwen Burn

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Burning Passion
Player: @Fiona Lokhert
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Corrupter
Threat Level: 26+
Personal Data
Real Name: Gwendalyn Lillah-Miosaki
Known Aliases: Silent Burn, Gwen burn
Species: Human/Mutant/Demon
Age: 21
Height: 5'
Weight: 121 lbs
Eye Color: Pale Red/Silvered Rose
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: American-Asian
Occupation: Unregistered Nurse
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: In Relation
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Fire manipulation, and healing
Known Abilities
Extream acrobatics
Personal Data Assistant


Brief Bio

Gwen burn is a 20 year old mutant, born without tongue or vocal cords, she communicates with comical chat bubbles and mime tactics.

Main Bio

Early Life

Gwen was born Gwendalyn Miosaki, her family coming from Asia, but having lived in the states and mingled long enough to show very little of it in her figure, when she was born, the doctors informed her parents of the deformity, no tongue or vocal cords.

Despite her difficulties, she grew up a fairly happy girl, until her powers started to develop...her family extreme anti-mutant activists. They started to hate her, but still cared for her...waiting until the day she could be kicked out legally...that never happened though... When Gwen reached the age of 12, her parents where starting to actually be hateful to her...instead of keeping it to themselves...and in a fit of rage...she lit the house on fire and ended up seriously injuring her parents...which mortified her....and she ran away...

Street Life

For a little while...Gwen survived on charity from others, getting gifts from kind old folks, and working a tiny bit in family owned stores for food and such. Her life kept getting more and more difficult, as she matured she ended up having to resort to pick pocketing, and mugging...though she tried to remain "Good" by only targeting the local thugs and villains. This often ended up with her ass on the run from groups of them, but living on the streets allowed her to learn street acrobatics, and how to fight... often beating small groups, but running from most.

Once Her body reached the tender age of 16, and she developed...She started coming under attacks from groups of men looking for an "Easy" body to use. Until recently, the furthest a group has gotten was their hands on her, which ended up burnt and thier faces seared. This furthered her discovery of her own powers, and she learned of a way to never sleep...though at the cost of emotions due to lack of sleep.

During the years of her life on the streets, she has forgotten much about herself, her last name...exact age...even how to be social.

Meeting Suijun

While on the streets, Gwen came across another orphaned mutant...a younger girl named Suijun. Like herself, she was a mutant, and had physical restrictions, the girl was blind and Gwen took it upon herself to protect her, acting like a big sister and spending most of her time making sure she was fed, clothed, and safe.

The Phoenixes [aka Phoenix Insurrection ]

[Gwen is a Fire/Fire Dominater]

After a few years of protecting Suijun, she heard of a group that took in the downtrodden, and "Good" people in the isles. She sought them out, not for herself, but for the protection of her blind charge, though she ended up staying with them... while still anti-social, she managed to make a few people she can call friends. Recently she cut off ties with the group to try and cut the linkage of a group of super powered people in favor of staying with close friends and her adoptive family.

Joining the family

[Gwen becomes Fire/Fire Corrupter]

No, she isn't a mobster, Gwen met Eshet Lillah while with the phoenixes, and something rare for her occured...she found comfort with the woman, and sought her aid in helping with her social issues, as well as unlocking her emotions which where kept within her for so long... Eventually she was accepted into the ever growing adoptive family, moving out of the Phoenix's caves, into a room of her own at Eshet's and Dee's beach house. She also developed a crush on Eshet, as well as her wife Dee...and was accepted further as one of thier lovers, though she still remains her fairly shy self, and prefers a hug and cuddle over everything else.

After a few months, Gwen started to look into her actual blood line, having noticed a strange effect comming into contact with Eshet's luck stones, she discovered, with some unsaid aid that she is related by blood to her lover, the exact amount of relation is not well known, but with how she effects the stones, it must be at least half. While near the Stones, they glow with a faint light, growing brighter as she draws closer, touching them causes them to glow brightly, as though they where a flame of the same size. An even more interesting effect occurs when her blood touches a stone, it turns a Sapphire blue, the properties of which are yet to be discovered.

Travel To Paragon

[Gwen becomes Katana/Will Scrapper]

Gwen has recently acquired a Hero License, Officially using her family's last name of Lillah, In which she uses to help protect Eshet, and anyone else she finds needs it, at this point she also learns of Eshet's heroics, as well as her status as a Warshade.

She also decided to hold in her fiery powers, allowing her mutant/demonic regeneration to be her only signs of inhumanity, besides her tail, she can and will uses them when she needs, but to better herself, she promised herself to not use them unless she is in real danger, or someone she cares about deeply is.

The Bookstore

Eshet opened a bookstore in Paragon, named in remembrance of her very first true love, and someone who has meaning to her still, it is a small place, a few isles of books, checkout counter, and a cramped in cafe. Behind the Store are two apartments where she stays with Eshet, as well as other people who are staying with them in Paragon. Attached to the back of the store is a special backroom, where unknown tomes of rare books lay waiting for the right people.



Gwen has the ability to produce flames from her skin, from simply warm, to burning hot...she can control this fire, and it offers limited immunity to natural fire, allowing her to pass through most flames unharmed.

She also has the ability to slightly enhance the healing process of a normal body, using heat to stimulate healing.


Gwen's body heals faster than normal, small cuts and punctures heal rapidly, but if its a wound that will bleed quite a bit, she needs to seek out a way to stop the blood from flowing before her body heals the actual cut.

Burning Blood

A natural defense, When a large bleeding wound is afflicted upon her, the blood from the wound becomes burning hot, able to scald and burn most normal things at a touch, but also poses difficulties for others to treat such a wound.



Gwen having picked up marital arts, Street fighting, boxing, and various other forms of self-defense has picked up the basics of fighting with knife sized weapons, be it an actual knife, or a bottle.

She recently picked up an Oriental Blade and has started practicing with it.


Due to growing up in an outdoor urban environment, Gwen learned how to use, and maneuver around the city and other areas rather well, able to scale a building fairly easily, as long as there are grips or another building close to it.

Telepathic communication

though very weak, Gwen can project her thoughts to others, but nothing else, she can not even hear return thoughts. This is something she only uses with people she absolutely trusts.


This is a quick List of people she has claims to as friends and family.

Eshet Lillah - The Family's adopt-o-holic, as well as her half sister.

Redwing Eagle - Deidre Mietlinen, aka Dee, Eshet's wife, and someone she loves.

Spot, the Tabby kitten [not a character, jsut RPed] - One of Eshet's kitten...Spot loves to drive the poor mute insane by getting into her things, and curling up on her head and face at random times...Though he never does anything mean, and Gwen gives him the evil eye at all times, she can't help but love the lil demon in kitten form.

Operative A'veren - A Drow soldier, accidentally bought by Dee, she was freed after a while and moved away from the beach house, Gwen sees her as a good friend, and while nether talk much, gwen being mute, and 'Ren not wasting words...the respect each other, and Gwen serves as her personal nurse when injured.

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