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Broken Heart

Kay made the call to Chris and Bobby Jo after breakfast. After last night she knew the only logical step to take, for Will's sake, was a visit with his adoptive parents. A pastor and his wife, she hoped they would have some insight into what to do for him, how to reach him, how to help him live. Of course it also meant she would have to share everything with them. Her own mistakes. They agreed to meet two hours later. Though they lived in Minnesota she would be taking advantage of her Mother's Coven once again. Just like when she'd traded favors for access to a portal spell for her and Will's second date in Australia, she traded another favor for another portal spell.

She had time to spare so she left the house, saying a quiet goodbye to the man she loved who now didn't want to leave the house and who had canceled all his appointments through January. Her heart heavy she made a pit stop.

Stepping out of the access portal she appeared in the forest, that forest, the forest where it had happened. Her blood ran cold, her breath ragged, as she followed the path from that day.

The spot where the psionic emitter took her down, their ambush of Alistair, gave her pause. The memory showed itself in her mind's eye, that moment when her head had felt like it was going to explode, her body refusing to listen to her demands. Helpless and watched over by one of his acquaintances, a woman she'd never met, Kay had done nothing as Will and his Kheldian, Starblaze, were left to take the brunt of Alistair's attack.

Out of sight.

Will should have ran, should have retreated, but she hadn't been able to tell him that. Words had been hard when she. Breathing had been hard. Violent nausea, a body that shook, and eyes that couldn't focus. That's what she'd been, her reality, while Alistair was killing Starblaze, trying to kill Will.

Kay inhaled slowly, her body shivering as she lifted her head and followed the unseen path to that spot, that place where she'd found Will on his stomach, stabbed in the back, Starblaze infected and dying. It hadn't rained so she could see the blood. It had dried, obviously, but it was there. Dropping into a crouch her fingers touched that evidence. His blood. Will's blood.

Closing her eyes she took a long, slow, deep breath.

It was here that Starblaze had died, where half of the man she loved was ripped away. Stolen. Kay felt anger. Sorrow. Shame. She dropped to her knees, and took another breath. This one was ragged, wrapped around a sob. Closing her eyes she couldn't shake the memories. Not just the memories of the murder but the memories of Will now. Broken. Torn asunder. Raw and hurting. A man suffering from something so deep and painful that he lost all semblance of who he was and was as lost as a man at sea stuck in the middle of a raging storm. She would never understand, never be able to comprehend what he was feeling.

For a woman who cared so much and fought for every person she met, Kay was left on the outside with nothing in her arsenal to help make things better. Her magic could do nothing. Her beliefs and desires to save those around her, to believe in redemption, that could do nothing.


Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling down over her cheeks. She had spent so much time trying to save Alistair. While he made advances that made her uncomfortable. While he spouted hate and committed evil, heinous acts. There had been hope, she had declared to everyone who would listen. It wasn't the man but the creature inside him, Sammael, not him who was choosing to do what he was doing.

She had been wrong.

“I'm sorry,” Kay whispered to the gentle wind that kissed her purple hair, lightly lifting the strands. “Oh god, I am so sorry.” Her voice broke, her eyes closing, as she remembered Will's voice, the expression on his face, as he found her trying once again to reach the man she'd thought worth saving. The woman Will loved, the woman who'd been his lover and as such Starblaze's lover, conversing with his murderer.

The resulting conversation, the end to the night before, had shown her the error of her ways.

Kay buried her face in her hands, her body shaking as she rocked forward and back, and she cried. Then, anger and helplessness at the forefront of her emotions, she lifted her head and looked at the trees. She heard the birds. She saw the sun sprinkling through the leaves. She saw what appeared to be peace but there was no peace. It was a falsehood, a lie.

Hansel and Gretel, Kay's blades of light, appeared in her hands, crossed and waiting. But there was no enemy she could strike. There was no one before her who could pay for it all.

“Why?” She yelled, her face tilted up towards the sky. “Why him? Why, when he is one of yours, would you let this happen?” On shaky legs she stood, turning in circles. Her voice raised, her cheeks flushed, she threw a tirade of questions and accusations towards whatever entity was listening. She hoped that if Will's God was listening he would somehow, in someway, offer an explanation, defend the very existence of such horror.

“Why? How could you take him away? How could you turn Will into the man he is right now? How could you give him the beliefs that people can be saved? That people can be reached, helped, can become the best versions of themselves. What about Alistair? What about me believing not in you, no, but in helping people despite all odds?” She turned in circles, swinging her blades this way and that. Each step was violent, harsh, angered stomping. Without noticing she brought her defensive magic up, her body shrouded in light. Glowing. “What did that achieve? What good did it do for me not to face the truth? Will saw his face. Did you know that? Will saw the look in Alistair's eyes when he turned him over, when he chose to stab him. He CHOSE to stab him! Why did I try? Why did I think that I could make a difference? He killed Starblaze, he killed half of the man I love so very, very much. And STILL I tried to reach him. I tried, I wanted to save him but I can't save him, can I?”

She waited for an answer but none came. Tears poured down her cheeks, emotions contorting her face. Red splotches, a flush on her cheeks, the perfect example of an ugly cry. Her body shook with the intensity of what she felt.

“What do I do now?”

Kay's blades faded in her hands and she once again dropped to the ground, defeated. With shoulder's slumped she asked again. “What do I do? Is he broken beyond repair? Are he and I so broken that we can't come back?” She felt her heart breaking, a sharp pain bringing her hand to her chest, pressing against her heart. “I love him so much and you know that. Everyone knows that. I need him to be okay, to be alright.” With a sharp intake of breath, hitching in sorrow, she cried out. “God, please! How do I continue from here? One man I can't save, I can't defend him. I can't think it's the right thing anymore. Do you know how much it hurts to be wrong? How ashamed I am that I didn't listen to those who said it was hopeless?”

Her fists clenched and she shook them, punctuating her sentences. “Save Will for me. Save Will for him. Save Will for all those people his words and life can touch. I'd give anything to make him whole again. My life. I'd give up my life in a heartbeat, take Starblaze's place, if you'd let me. If anyone would let me.” The words came out quickly, fueled by her apparently bottomless emotional reservoir. “I was wrong, okay? I was wrong. I know I was wrong. I'm sorry. So, so sorry. Please just give him back to me, to all of us. We need your help. I need your help. I need to learn to see, learn to let go, and really see what's there in front of me.”

Shaking her head she let out a breath, finally stopping to breath as she wiped at her tears. She wanted to feel better, wanted her little outburst to mean something, but she couldn't be sure anything had changed other than the fact that for the first time in her life she had to give up on someone.

It wasn't Sammael. She couldn't blame him anymore. It was Alistair, himself. It was him who'd killed Starblaze. It was him who now wanted to kill more Kheldians. It was him who had caused the devastation around her.

“I was wrong,” she admitted to herself, to the world around her as the words floated away. “And I accept the consequences of that. I own it. I accept my responsibility in this.” Kay pushed herself up off the ground, brushing away the crusted blood, grass, and leaves off of her pants. She took a few deep breaths, running her hands over her face. It was time to go, time for her to go face the two people who could possibly love Will more than she did.

Her eyes glanced down at the ground again and then took in her surroundings. She had no intention of ever returning to this place but she didn't want to forget. She would not forget any of it, could not forget it. How could she?

Life had changed. She had to change. Will had given up on humanity and she wanted to do the same. But she couldn't, she wouldn't. Kay would care enough for both of them. She would continue to make a difference, to believe in the power of change. She would have hope.

Just not for Alistair.

“I won't make the same mistake again. I swear it,” she whispered then turned and flew away. There was much to do.

She Seems Drunk

((This happened in Team Chat. Takes place in Peregrine Island. It's a rough copy. Enjoy!))

Halfwitch: *glances back* What? Nothing.. just.. watching the water. It's so... all encompassing... *shrugs* Okay... let's shut them down.

Witch-Blade: "You just seem. . . Odd, is all."

Halfwitch: *skimmed the water, laughing, as she made her way to the mission* Odd? I just feel.... good.

Witch-Blade: "You seem energetic and well. . .Constantly jittery a bit."

Halfwitch: I feel like I drank a bunch of energy drinks. *chuckles*

Witch-Blade: "I don't think that's a normal feeling." He chuckles softly

Halfwitch: It doesn't feel... normal, no.. but it does feel... good.

Witch-Blade: "Sounds like a crash in your future."

Halfwitch: Found it!

Witch-Blade: "Nicely done!"

Halfwitch: *nods, breathing heavily, cheeks extra flushed and her eye color fluctuating between light gray and dark gray* They didn't stand a chance.

Witch-Blade: ". . . Did your eyes usually do th- I don't think your eye sdid that. . ."

Halfwitch: *actually giggles a little* My eyes? *She rolls them around as if she could see them herself and then giggles* I can't see them....

Witch-Blade: "They're changing colors. And you're acting. . . Less like you've energy and more like you took a few shots."

Halfwitch: *straightens up and crosses her arms, tilting her head and narrowing her eyes at him* I only drink 1 drink at a time. *She uncrosses her arms to punctuate the sentence with each hand sporting an index finger 1* And you saw... no drinking on patrol!

Halfwitch: *doubles over laughing, near giggling, then straightening* ONWARD!

Witch-Blade: "I did- Do you even hear how you sound?" Eyes fluttering as the look of being dumbfounded. "Onward?! What is this, Toy Story?"

Halfwitch: TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! *giggles*

Witch-Blade: "Okaaaay, so apparently touching rocks either makes you drunk or you're possessed. . ."

Halfwitch: I am NOT possessed! No more creepy lady turning me to pretty stones. AND I haven't drank a thung.. thing.. Halfwitch: *grins wide, WAY TOO wide* Next? Remember, we're playing follow the leader.

Witch-Blade: "I don't think it was playing and that was. . . Before you started to sound like you're five."

Halfwitch: I am not five... I'm more than multiples of five... or... multiples of five plus some. Halfwitch: Something like that. Older than YOU. With more fives.

Witch-Blade: "And also more drunk sounding than me."

Halfwitch: You're drunk? Halfwitch: You don't look drunk.

Witch-Blade: "You probably should take a break, go home and tell Will you're off. No, I'm not drunk. You're definitely sounding drunk."

Halfwitch: *steps forward and sniffs him* You don't SMELL drunk....

Witch-Blade: "Did you just -sniff- me?"

Halfwitch: Umm... how else would I know how you smell? Duh. Witch-Blade: "Why would you even need to know that right now? We're talking about how off you are." Halfwitch: I'm not off. I'm very, very on. *summons her blades* See.... On. *fades them* Off. *summons* On. *fades* Off. *giggles* COME ON.. let's keep going. There are always more bad guys to stop. We've got this!

Witch-Blade: "I don't know about 'Got this' not when you're acting really. . . Off." Witch-Blade: "And rushing ahead with a really drunk-like stupor. . ."

Halfwitch: Did we win?

Witch-Blade: "I don't think that's the point."

Halfwitch: *nods emphatically* So.. I'm good. VERY good. Halfwitch: *arches a brow* When I can BARELY see you.... can I run my hand through you like a spirit or ghost? *looks like she wants to try*

Witch-Blade: "You're not even close to being 'okay'. Or 'Alright' like you were saying." Witch-Blade: He facepalms lightly. "What kind of drunk question is that?!"

Halfwitch: *inhales slowly then giggles* It's a FUN question. It has nothing to do with drinking. AT

ALL. EVER. Nope. NADA. Zilch. NO Alcohol here. You've been with me the WHOLE time!

Halfwitch: So.... are you... corperial.. coorporea... can I put my hand through your nearly invisible face? Witch-Blade: "I have been with you and. . . I seem to be the only one actually aware of the two of us." Halfwitch: That's because I can't SEEEEEE YOUUUU!

Witch-Blade: "No you can't. . .? I mean, I am still here." Witch-Blade: "That isn't why!"

Halfwitch: It is sooo why. Halfwitch: Totally completely why. Witch-Blade: "You've been off ever since the cave." Halfwitch: I don't feel off at all. I feel... like I could fly! Halfwitch: Wait. Halfwitch: I CAN fly! Halfwitch: See? Halfwitch: *giggles*

Witch-Blade: He stares at her deadpan. If there were crickets in the building they'd be singing. "Did you. . . You. . ." He sighs softly. "You're officially out of your mind."

Halfwitch: *rolls her eyes and flies forward, hands out since she can't really see him and bumps into him with her hands* There you are! You really are solid. How ... how are you invisible, too? That is an awesome trick. *pokes at him as she hovers in front of him.*

Witch-Blade: "Oomph!" Is bumped into , legs stretching slightly from the prodding pressure. "Hey, hey! Stop poking at me!"

Halfwitch: Sooooo... are we going to do -something-? PLEASE?

Witch-Blade: "You're not stable, Kay!"

Halfwitch: *pokes him a few more times then hovers a little bit away* I am VERY stable.. well... not in the air. Wind kinda pushes me around but I fight on the ground, remember.

Witch-Blade: He rubs at the mask lightly. "Why do I even bother. . ."

Halfwitch: Does that mean we'll go DO something...?

Witch-Blade: "That means I am shipping you off to Mom or Will." Witch-Blade: "Maybe one of them you'll listen to better."

Halfwitch: OH! One of the new guys is on the comm! That... is awesome. *starts to talk into the comm*

[SG] Raaja Baagh: Evening [SG] Halfwitch: Hi! I'm Kay! [SG] Halfwitch: *giggles* I'm having fun! Well... not so much right now. My brother's being boring. You're new. [SG] Raaja Baagh: Good to meet you [SG] Halfwitch: You, TOO!

Halfwitch: *hovers away* I will not be shipped! Halfwitch: *giggles* Unless it's with Will, of course.

Witch-Blade: "That was awful. . ." Witch-Blade: "And you know how comms work!"

Halfwitch: I DO know how they work! Duh. Wanna meet a new person? A BRAND NEW person?

Witch-Blade: "Not with you drunk like you are." Witch-Blade: "That's really unsafe and you're really not in your right mind."

Halfwitch: *frowns* He went poof.

Witch-Blade: "Probably because you aren't acting like yourself, maybe. . .?"

Halfwitch: That makes like... no sense....

Witch-Blade: "Makes perfect sense. You're acting like you've had several drinks." Witch-Blade: "Mixed with an AIrhead."

Halfwitch: But I -haven't-!

Witch-Blade: "Just because you -haven't- doesn't mean you aren't acting it!"

Halfwitch: *pouts* Can we please go do something?

Witch-Blade: "You're not even -listening-." He sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Witch-Blade: "It's like being around a five year old. . .”

Halfwitch: We already went over that!

Witch-Blade: "You're pretty much, 'Oh Shiny' and giggling like a Middle schooler passing notes."

Halfwitch: *shakes her head* That makes no sense... I'm... just me... Though shiny sounds... fun and comforting at the same time.

Witch-Blade: "It doesn't make sense to you because you're showing signs of being drunk." Witch-Blade: "Even down to being entirely unaware."

Halfwitch: *seems confused and sits down on the floor. She puts her elbows on her knees and leans forward, narrowing her eyes and staring at the carpet, looking like she's thinking hard*

Witch-Blade: "Blergh. . . Nevermind. . . Your mind is too trashed to understand right now. . ."

Halfwitch: I'll figure it out... I will. *stares at the carpet* Cave. Fun. You're mad. We're doing -nothing-. *shakes head and repeats herself*

Witch-Blade: "I'm not mad I'm worried because my Sister is acting odd."

Halfwitch: I don't want you to be mad at me. I -want- us to have fun like we were.

Witch-Blade: "Again, I'm not mad. You went from your usual personality to. . . A near childlike one."

Halfwitch: *looks up at him* You know... if we're not -going- anywhere you don't have to be a ghost anymore.

Witch-Blade: "I'm not a 'Ghost'."

Halfwitch: Fine. Pretend ghost.

Witch-Blade: "I'm not that either!"

Halfwitch: Are you sure? Halfwitch: REALLY sure?

Witch-Blade: "Absolutely sure."

Halfwitch: *nods slowly* Okay. You don't have to be a not-pretend-ghost. *she tilts her head and looks at where his voice is coming from* Are you too scared to become visible? Halfwitch: You know... we -could- go to the D. We really could. It's SAFE for you there. Promise. Witch-Blade: "No, I am not. But I also don't know how unpredictable you are right now either. . ." He squints at her for a moment, still try to peace things together. "But it's not safe for -you- there."

Witch-Blade: "You're already acting drunk."

Halfwitch: I'm sitting here being just fine. And I'm not drunk! Halfwitch: *grins* I -could- go without you. I DO know how.

Witch-Blade: "You're not acting normal either." Witch-Blade: "Ugh. . ." He rubs his forehead.

Halfwitch: I FEEL normal... or.. not normal because I feel like life is amazing and I could do ANYTHING.

Witch-Blade: "The fact you said that should be a major alarm in your head. . ."

Halfwitch: I've got goosebumps and ... just... it all feels like one thing. One whole wonderful world. Like fuel for smiling.

Witch-Blade: "Now you sound like you're on drugs." Witch-Blade: "Probably far more accurate. . ." He murmurs

Halfwitch: You really need to make up your mind.... Halfwitch: *stands up and grins* If we can't leave then we can play here.. maybe you'll smile if you can catch me. *lifts into the air and flies forward, reaching out to smack him... somewhere since she can't see him then flies away*

Witch-Blade: "That is- Hey!?" He facepalmes strongly. "Great I am a baby sitter. . ."

Halfwitch: *giggles then slaps her hand over her mouth as she seems him fly into the room. She tries to hide deeper in the the leaves and branches of the tree*

Witch-Blade: Tapping his chin for a moment he flies up into the air near the sprinklers and the fire alarms - using a spell to push the detector to an extreme and activating the water system - Water raining from the ceilings.

Halfwitch: RAIN! It's RAINING INSIDE!!!! Halfwitch: *hops out of the tree* You made it RAIN!!

Witch-Blade: "Is -that- all it took to make you break your spot, really. . .?" He sighs shaking his head as the water drenches his outfit, hood sinking. "Yes, Little Kay, it's raining."

Halfwitch: *raises hands and does circles, closing her eyes and tipping her head up so she can feel the drops. She smiles*

Witch-Blade: Blinks a few times and takes out his phone. . . To record this. He needed to proof in case her senses came back and she didn't believe him.

Halfwitch: *lifts her head, shaking her head and letting water fly. Then she shakes her top half almost like a dog to send the water flying.* Now I'm all wet. Halfwitch: *giggles a little* Rain -does- make you wet so.. duh... I'm wet.

Witch-Blade: "That's some kind of logic you jumped to, Little Kay!" Witch-Blade: "You do know it's not rain though, right?"

Halfwitch: It could be. Halfwitch: Magic, remember? *wiggles her fingers* Halfwitch: Well... not mine. But MAYBE yours.

Witch-Blade: "Coming from the sprinkler system. . .?" Witch-Blade: "I am not that good."

Halfwitch: How would -I- know? I don't know what you can do!

Witch-Blade: "I don't think you'd understand if I told you in your current state either."

Halfwitch: OH! Someone on the comm again!

[SG] Blake Sigurdsson: Hi! Anyone need a hand with anything?? [SG] Halfwitch: Oh! Hi! You're back!! [SG] Blake Sigurdsson: Just passing through. [SG] Blake Sigurdsson: If you don't need me, I'll let Fu get some practice with the Rikti.

Witch-Blade: "Little Kay, you shouldn't bother the adults while they're working."

Halfwitch: *frowns* He's gone, too!!! Halfwitch: *sighs*

Witch-Blade: "What's wrong, Little Kay?" His head tilting to the side. "You look like someone just bought the puppy you wanted."

Halfwitch: *sighs mroe dramatically and shakes her head* I don't know... *her words are quiet* Maybe?

Witch-Blade: ". . . Maybe? I. . . What?"

Halfwitch: I don't know. My brain feels.... fuzzy. Maybe someone did take my puppy? Halfwitch: *looks over at him* Did someone take my puppy?

Witch-Blade: "No? How would we even know? We've been her- Wait, wouldn't -you- know?!"

Halfwitch: I don't know.... what I know. Maybe I had a puppy. Maybe... *she lifts her hands, palms up,* Why is it raining inside?

Witch-Blade: "Don't think it's, I don't know, strange you don't know?" His head tilts briefly. "It's not rain! It's the Fire Sprinklers, you know, to stop fires?"

Halfwitch: *eyes go wide* There were fires? Did everyone get out safely? Did we save everyone?

Witch-Blade: "No, no. There weren't any fires! I just tricked the system into thinking there was."

Halfwitch: *rubs her hands over her arms* It's really cold in here. REALLY, REALLY cold. Witch-Blade: "Probably should get out of here anyways. You need to rest or something or. . . Probably jump on Will and Your's bed like a trampoline."

Halfwitch: Jumping sounds fun. And warm. I want to be warm. *looks at him, obviously drenched* I'm hungry. REALLY COLD and REALLY HUNGRY. Can we get food?"

Witch-Blade: "Where would we even get food from?"

Halfwitch: And you're sure everyone got out okay, here? We saved them? ALL of them? *looks around as if she's really worried. She shivers, goosebumps on her skin* There are LOTS of food places. You know that.

Witch-Blade: "Relax, there's no fire. As I said before. . . And still means picking a place and me babysitting and all that."

Halfwitch: I think my head is full of marshmallows... the toasted kind. It feels.... thick and sticky. *tilts head* Marshmallows sound yummy and gooey. Can we have marshmallows?

Witch-Blade: "That's. . . I don't think that really counts as 'food'."

Halfwitch: Yes it does. You eat it.

Witch-Blade: "Okay, it's junk food.

Halfwitch: So we can eat it.

Witch-Blade: "We probably shouldn't. You're already hyper."

Halfwitch: You can eat something else but I want marshmallows. *turns and heads toward the buildings exit, walking not flying*

Witch-Blade: "This is what it means to baby sit Dennis the Easily Distracted. . ."

Halfwitch: I don't need a babysitter. I'm older than YOU!

Witch-Blade: "Yet you're acting younger than Rae's nephew."

Halfwitch: *runs outside* Halfwitch: *starts running to different buildings, looking in the windows for marshmallows. She does not have her shields on.*

Witch-Blade: "What ar-!" Witch-Blade: "Massive target on your back!"

Halfwitch: *barely misses getting hit by a car. She might have forgotten she can fly*

Witch-Blade: "KAY?! -SKIES- You were nearly freaking hit!"

Halfwitch: Marshmallows. Marshmallows will make everything okay. It'll make my head feel better, make everything make sense again...

Witch-Blade: "How does -that- even make sense!"

Halfwitch: I don't think they have marshmallows. That wizard doesn't look like he's every had one.... Halfwitch: HEY!

Witch-Blade: "Ngggggh.. ."

Halfwitch: *shakes her head* That was very rude... very mean... I was just looking in the window!

Witch-Blade: "Kay! You know there are -VILLAINS- out here!? You don't even have your shields up!"

Halfwitch: *shakes her head, wincing a little* I... just want marshmallows. That's all. I'm not asking for anything else. That's all. They're like snow. Soft snow that squishes kinda like... I .. *shakes her head again and mumbles* Why does my head hurt? Halfwitch: *turns and runs off again* Halfwitch: A duck? A duck won't help AT ALL.

Witch-Blade: "Your heart hurts because you've got something wrong happening! And you're putting us in dan- Ack!" Is shoved aside by one of the citizen."Oomph. . ."

Halfwitch: *mumbles* Do you think they'd have marshmallows? Halfwitch: Maybe it's warmer in there. *goes inside*

Witch-Blade: "I don't kno-!" Witch-Blade: "This is how I die. Watching out for snipers and jumping in the way."

Halfwitch: *starts searching every aisle, eyes pealed* You won't die. They can't even see you. Just don't jump. Halfwitch: *sighs and taps an employee on the shoulder* Do you have Marshmallows?

Witch-Blade: "They can see -you- and you nearly got fried!" Witch-Blade: "I'm sorry, Ma'am. My Little Sister here is going through a rough time."

Halfwitch: *The employee apologizes and says no, looking at her oddly then nods to Philip, and says "Okay... sure.." He wanders off*

Witch-Blade: "They don't have it here. But you know? You may find some back home. Where it's safe for you. And you wen't get fried."

Halfwitch: *Kay looks at Philip. She seems on the verge of tears* They don't have marshmallows.

Witch-Blade: "Oh. . . No not the tears. . ." Witch-Blade: "That's cheating. . .!"

Halfwitch: *she sighs and walks past him and out the door, slowly and sadly, shoulders sagging*

Witch-Blade: "Okay, OKAY! I'll get you some!"

Halfwitch: You will? Halfwitch: *sniffles*

Witch-Blade: He sighs. "Yeah, I know a way to get some. . ."

Halfwitch: Where? Pocket D? *perks up a little* They have EVERYTHING...

Witch-Blade: "I was going to go there. . . It isn't like it's safe to take a kid like you there." He rubs at his head

Halfwitch: And people and friends.. maybe they can make my head..... feel better. Less fuzzy. It's hard to think... *closes her eyes and shakes her head, rubbing the goosebumps on her skin* I'm not a kid, Philip... I'm... just.... nothing makes sense.

Witch-Blade: "Until you get your 'Adult Faculties' back I have to treat you like one. Don'y you even get what you JUST did?" Witch-Blade: "Your ran by a bunch of Nemesis goons. -Without- your shield."

Halfwitch: *steps back startled, as if he's yelling at her. She flinches* I just... I was looking in the window. That's all I did! I swear.

Witch-Blade: Sighs rubbing at his face lightly shaking his head. "Nevermind. . ." Witch-Blade: "After all this I'm going to need to shove myself into the deepest parts of the mists possible." SHifting his shoulders as if there'd been a heavy weight

Halfwitch: Excuse you! *yells at a citizen that elbows her out of the way*

Witch-Blade: "You need to sit down or something somewhere."

[Halfwitch: *nods* Okay... let's find a warm and green place. Halfwitch: *takes off running*

Witch-Blade: "I don't know whe-" Witch-Blade: "Yikes that was freaking close. . ."

Halfwitch: *points* Lots of green.

Witch-Blade: "Lots of Nemesis too, you know." Witch-Blade: "That steam isn't a heat source you want."

Halfwitch: Grass and trees.. *glances at him* Bad guys, right? I think.... *holds her head for a minute* That hurts... STOP PUSHING ME!

Witch-Blade: "Kay, you really need to lay down you're not. . . You're holding your head in pain."

Halfwitch: *two citizens bounce her around. She glances back at him and lowers her hands. Her eyes still fluctuate in color.* It hurts, okay. It's just a headache. I'm okay. I'm always okay, remember. *pauses* Are we going to fight the bad guys? Those bad guys?

Witch-Blade: "You're not okay. . . Lying doesn't make it 'Okay'." He frowns disapprovingly. "Fighting? You have a headache, you don't have your shield up. . You've been walking instead of flying. . ." Witch-Blade: "I don't think you're in a condition to fight, Kay."

Halfwitch: *gets bumped around repeatedly then starts to try and dodge them*

Witch-Blade: "Gah!"

Halfwitch: Too many people.... it's too much. *tears fill her eyes* Let's stop the bad guys. That's what we're good at. I'm really good at it. Promise." Halfwitch: I've got blades. They're ... mine. *eyes narrow, her face revealing how much her head has started to hurt*

Witch-Blade: "Kay. . ." He walks over trying to reach his hand out to touch her shoulder gently. "Breath, deep breaths." Witch-Blade: "You're not well and pushing like this will get us -both- hurt."

Halfwitch: *says quietly* Why can't I think? Marshmallows like clouds. They go by soooo fast.. I can't reach out and grab them. I -want- to. If it stops and stands still for a few seconds even... if I could stand still..

Witch-Blade: "You can't think because something happened back at that cave. I don't know. . . What. Some kind of induced high or something."

Halfwitch: *rubs her arms* I'm cold.. *she shivers, closing her eyes* Maybe if I sensed again? I'd ... I don't know... *opens her eyes and looks over at the villains* Someone has to stop them. Arrest them. *tears fill her eyes, her breathing quickening*

Witch-Blade: He wraps his arms around her tightly into a hug. "Shh, it's okay. . Someone will, there are others that can. . ." Voice dropping into a gentle whisper. "We can't save anyone if we don't first care for ourselves and our issues."

Halfwitch: I had it in my fingers, tingling all over with.. purpse and I felt connected. *says in a whisper* I can feel it slipping away. I feel like I'm slipping away. Why do I feel like that? *she trembles in his hug and lowers her head to his shoulder*

Witch-Blade: "I don't know. . . Maybe it was trying to take something from you or maybe something else I. . . I don't know."

Halfwitch: It's all wrong... all of it. When it shouldn't be. It shouldn't be.

Witch-Blade: "What's wrong?"

Halfwitch: I don't know.

Witch-Blade: Sighing gently shaking his head. "You're a bit unhinged. . . And sound lost. That's not good in this particular neighborhood."

Halfwitch: *looks over at the villains* You're sure someone will stop them? You're sure I can't? I'm not useless... I'm not broken. *closes her eyes and whispers* I'm not broken.

Witch-Blade: "You're not broken and you're not useless." He shakes his head lightly. "There's also nothing wrong with admitting we aren't up to the challenge in the moment."

Halfwitch: Are you sure? You won't be disappointed in me?

Witch-Blade: "Of course I won't be disappointed, Kay." Reaching up to stroke her hair gently. "Your health, your wellbeing is equally as important as the world."

Halfwitch: *looks like a wounded animal, terrified but confused* I don't feel.... me, myself, not the me I'm supposed to be. Maybe I -am- broken? *looks around* I don't want to be here... They'll see it and I don't want them to see.

Witch-Blade: "Broken and disconnected are two different things. You just need to reconnect, far easier than repairing." Nodding slowly. "Yeah, we need to get you out of here. And don't worry, someone will stop them. I guarantee it." Witch-Blade: "Just need to think of a good place. . ."

Halfwitch: Somewhere safe, somewhere not here.. *looks around and trembles, almost in fear of the citizens themselves. She winces and rubs her temple*

Witch-Blade: "Okay, okay. Can take you back to the shop. That's a safe place for you, right?"

Halfwitch: *nods* Yeah... Magic. Magic is good. Right?

Witch-Blade: "Er, depends on who you ask and who uses it." He chuckles weakly.

Halfwitch: Oh... okay. Halfwitch: It's hard to think. The shop.. where's the shop? *looks around* Thinking isn't... working. *grits her teeth, upset. Anger and fear and confusion warring in her eyes with still fluctuating color*

Witch-Blade: "Either way, we need to get you to the Shop where you'll hopefully be able to relax and gain a bit of your thoughts back." He shakes his head light giving a gentle hushing sound. "Kay, I'm here. . . I'm right here."

Halfwitch: If I disappear will it stop? Can I fade away just like my blades? *looks up at him* Should I? Would that make everything better for everyone?" Halfwitch: My head wouldn't hurt. My heart wouldn't hurt. I could think again. REALLY think, maybe?

Witch-Blade: "No! Don't think about fading you silly woman." Taking a finger and gently bopping her on the nose. "Disappearing means you'll lose what -you- care about too, you know." Witch-Blade: "Mom, Dad, Will, Me - Others you see yourself close to. The reason why you fight each day to enjoy those moments."

Halfwitch: *blinks at the bop on the nose, confused at it and almost smiling. She nods slowly* I can't lose that. Can't lose... them. You. All of ... them. Okay.. I'll try to remember that. Them. Fight to think for everyone because.. I have to.

Witch-Blade: "Yes, for everyone, for yourself too." Nodding slowly towards her. "One of the most important things to fight for is, 'WHo we are'. Who we are helps to reminds us why we have the people in our lives that we do."

Halfwitch: *looks at him* That's... complicated.. Who am I? Oh! Someone's stopping them! *points at the man fighting the villains across the street* Halfwitch: You were right...

Witch-Blade: "See?" He grins brightly. "You are Kaydora Henson. A Big Sister, a Loving Daughter, A Strong Wife to Be." Witch-Blade: "Heroine to people both with your superpowers and with your charitable heart and mind.”

Halfwitch: *whispers under her breath, as if reminding herself* Kaydora... that's me.

Witch-Blade: "Mhm, Someone whose beaten back people trying to take who she was before."

Halfwitch: *nods then puts her face in her hands and her hands on his shoulder. She shudders and whispers* Take me to the shop. Please. I don't know if I could find it by myself. *she seems ashamed to admit that*

Witch-Blade: "Hey, nothing wrong with that. . . I'll take you there. Luckily, I can remember for both us right now." He smiles softly

Halfwitch: Okay. Thank you....

Witch-Blade: "Of course! Come on." He starts to hold her tightly while flying up in the air to head towards the Shop.

Halfwitch: *surprisingly doesn't fight back at being carried. She can't make herself fly and she knows it... but she's ashamed of that, too*

Witch-Blade: Led the way into the Shop once they'd made it there. Acting as a crutch and guide for Kay when it seemed she needed it most.

Halfwitch: *she'd go to lean against the rock and slide down, head back against it, sitting in the grass*

Witch-Blade: "Easy. . . You're back, er. . . To one of your homes."

Halfwitch: *she shivers, eyes closed* It's warm here. Warm on the outside and warm on the inside

Witch-Blade: "Warm? Why did you suddenly feel cold?"

Halfwitch: *opens her eyes and looks at him. The color still fluctuates but her confusion, fear, and anger seems to have lessened* I don't know... After the rain....during the rain?... I got cold and it just... it felt like I'd never be warm again. Halfwitch: *says quietly* And we never got marshmallows... Halfwitch: Or... I never found them.

Witch-Blade: "Your eyes are still going a bit haywire too. . ." He murmurs to himself for a moment before shaking his head. "I'll bring some for you later. There are larger worries for now and all."

Halfwitch: *puts her head in her hands, rubbing her palms into her eyes as if that'll help clear up her mind* What's wrong with me?

Witch-Blade: "You got high." He tries to joke but finds no true ground in it. "You seem to be assimilating elements in a way. . . Or sensing them. Something in you is triggering."

Halfwitch: Assimilating elements?

Witch-Blade: "Well, it all started underground, with the Earth and all those emotions. And then when the water touched you, you were cold. Like water usually is in most cases."

Halfwitch: That doesn't make sense... not much makes sense right now. *sighs and leans are head back but keeps her eyes on him. She seems to be getting ... better?* Halfwitch: I remember the roller coaster. *smiles softly if painfully* I remember feeling great.. like I could take on the world..

Witch-Blade: "Yeah, apparently that was what made you unaware of the world around you too a bit."

Halfwitch: I -wanted- to take on the world, all of it... fix it all. I -felt- like I could. Halfwitch: Unaware of the world?

Witch-Blade: ". . . I again point to the Nemesis goons that shot a stream of fire at you."

Halfwitch: *scrunches up her face* What?

Witch-Blade: "You don't remember going to a window looking for Marshmallows. . . With no shield. . . Running by the Nemesis soldiers like they didn't exist and then catching their lovely attention?"

Halfwitch: Why?.. I... *shakes head* I remember... I felt they couldn't -see- me, maybe? It's hard to feel now what happened... I just needed - yeah... marshmallows." Halfwitch: Philip? Why did I need marshmallows?

Witch-Blade: "You said because your 'Head told you to.' they were warm and toasty and gooey and you just -needed- them."

Halfwitch: *seems more confused and ashamed* I'm supposed to use my shields.. why didn't I? *she arches a brow* That... doesn't sound like me...

Witch-Blade: "I mean. . . I have a video of some of it." He shows his phone to her, playing the recording of when she first jumped into the downpour of fire sprinklers. "I figured you may not believe me.. . .Or that I couldn't actually explain just how bad it was."

Halfwitch: *takes a couple long deep breaths* Everything's fuzzy and blurry... I can only remember snippets or fragments since the cave and pulling at those makes my head hurt. *looks at the video* Oh god....

Witch-Blade: "You actually screamed, 'RAIN! And rushed out into the middle of the room."

Halfwitch: *looks at him, paling* I.... oh god.... no... I.. wow.. you're right. I wouldn't have believed you.

Witch-Blade: "I was trying to get you somewhere to rest, you weren't acting right. But you also were -really- stubborn about just not doing that."

Halfwitch: *nods and pulls her knees up, wrapping her arms around them and lowering her head down. "I don't... remember it like that. I remember... what I remember.. it's not complete. It's fractured."

Witch-Blade: "It's almost as if you're coming off a high or a drinking binge."

Halfwitch: I've never been drunk or high so I wouldn't know.

Witch-Blade: "Textbook case base. 'Being at the top of the world' 'Thinking you can take on anything.' You forgot how to fly - which honestly thinking on it. . ." Witch-Blade: "You may have forgot how to use your defenses too."

Halfwitch: I'm sorry. I'm so ashamed, so embarrassed. *lifts her head, her eyes clear but it looks like her eyes are not going back to just light gray anytime soon* I remember my mind..... it was fuzzy? I think I remember saying that?

Witch-Blade: "Your mind was fuzzy, head hurt, couldn't think. . . Oh, right, your eyes." Witch-Blade: "They were changing betwene light grey and dark grey."

Halfwitch: What about my eyes?

Witch-Blade: "They're still doing it now."

Halfwitch: Well, shit. What does THAT mean? Halfwitch: Maybe... maybe I shouldn't have sensed that cave wall after all...

Witch-Blade: "I am unsure. It's tied to it all, maybe the reason why your heads all garbled. Your eyes reacting to that rhythm in your mind. . ." Witch-Blade: "Probably not in hindsight. . ."

Halfwitch: If I ever do it again.... sedate me afterwards. Halfwitch: *shakes head* I'm sorry. Really, really sorry. It sounds like I was ... a lot trouble.

Witch-Blade: "After you sensed it your mind jumped to different places. It wasn't. . . 'Constant' in its track. One moment you wanted to play hide and seek, to keep patrolling or really to just do 'something'. " Witch-Blade: "Then you went searching for Marshmallows because you were really hungry. But then a bit after that you started to get a bit too grim." Witch-Blade: " 'Maybe I should disappear like my blades.' And all the really morbid connections there."

Halfwitch: *nods* I remember everything was moving so fast.. my mind, my insides, they wouldn't or couldn't settle. I remember feeling that. *she pauses and tilts her head* Really? Wow... I... Halfwitch: *closes her eyes, trying to remember. she shakes her head* I just.. remember my head started to hurt and I wanted it to stop. I wanted all the sensations to just stop but I think... I felt like if they did then I might just stop, too.

Witch-Blade: "Yeah, asking that if you faded away would it make eveyrthing better. And how it'd at least make the head hurting stop." Witch-Blade: "Yeah, you said that too. That it was 'slipping away'"

Halfwitch: *looks at him, tears filling her eyes* I'm sorry. I am soooo sorry! I couldn't control any of it. I swear. It was me but... I wasn't me? *sighs and looks down at her knees*

Witch-Blade: "Yeaaah. . . Little Kay was like babysitting Dennis the Menace and Kevin McCallister in one go."

Halfwitch: *nods* So... bad. Very, very bad. *doesn't look up but shakes her head as if in utter disbelief at what happened, at what she'd done*

Witch-Blade: "I'd say the more difficult part really was that that. . . 'You' really didn't listen. Heh." Witch-Blade: "That and always ran ahead." Witch-Blade: "Had to dodge a Sniper or two. . ." Witch-Blade: "And that Malta squad that showed up."

Halfwitch: *looks up* I remember runni- Halfwitch: Oh god... I... *shakes head* I could have gotten you hurt or any of the citizens.... Halfwitch: *tears start to fall* Please tell me no one got hurt because of me...

Witch-Blade: "Yeah, that was the unbelievable part. I mean, when you walked by the Nemesis guys you just turned around and remarked how rude they were- Oh, no. No one was hurt." Witch-Blade: "I mean, my pride was hurt. But pride is meant to be." He chuckles

Halfwitch: Your pride? How? Halfwitch: *wipes at her tears but seems at least relieved no one was hurt but yeah... so much shame...*

Witch-Blade: "It was the one moment I had to babysit my Older Sister! Talk about awkward." He singsongs gently

Halfwitch: *nods* I'm sorry... I guess I can be a joke now... a sad joke... You should never have had to do that, to see me like that... I'm so ashamed, Philip, you just can't... know how bad I feel.. and I can't really remember it!

Witch-Blade: "Hey, ease, Little Kay. . ." Both of his hands lifting up and patting downwards in the air. "No one got hurt, yeah you revealed som. . . Stuff and it could've gotten worse but it didn't." Witch-Blade: "You're no joke."

Halfwitch: Little Kay... oh.. you called me that.. I remember that, I think.. maybe.. *blinks* Revealed stuff? Like what? *pales again*

Witch-Blade: "Well, I guess technically revealed your inner child. And yeap. You actually pouted because you couldn't find marshmallows." Witch-Blade: "Tears forming up and everything."

Halfwitch: *is instantly relieved that's all it was* I... wow... I remember they were important. I don't know why but... they were all I could think about... everything in my head was moving so fast and it's like I saw those and that gave me a path? If that makes any sense.

Witch-Blade: "Nope. But I guess it's kind of like when a kid fixates on cookies or something."

Halfwitch: I think it was like I had a goal. I had a straight line in my head. Get marshmallows. If I could achieve that... if I could... find my way to one thing.... *shakes head* I don't know.

Witch-Blade: "Just make sure you don't go sensing stuff without a spotter. You kind of forgot where the shop was. . ."

Halfwitch: I forgot how to fly, use my shields, and where I live... Wow...

Witch-Blade: "And had difficulty remembering who you were a bit."

Halfwitch: Who I was? I .. forgot myself?

Witch-Blade: "In a sense. . . I guess more accurate to say you forgot your 'Sense of Self'. " Witch-Blade: "Had to remind you, that you're 'Kaydora'. That you're a daughter, sister, and a wife to be." Witch-Blade: "A way to kind of ground what could slip away."

Halfwitch: *nods slowly and takes a couple deep breaths* If you hadn't been there... I don't know what would have happened. *bites her lip as tears slip out again* How could I forgot things like that? What was it that did this -TO- me... How and why?

Witch-Blade: "That I don't know. I thought it may have been due to the elemental places. . . Sensing the Cave and the presence from it, then when the rain hit you started to get cold seeking the heat." Witch-Blade: "Now you're here, in a place that offers heat to you."

Halfwitch: *nods* Maybe... maybe what I felt and saw.. what -we- felt and saw... just... it was too much? I looked too long, maybe?

Witch-Blade: "The Cthulhu Mythos effect? Possible. . . Maybe delved too long into a mystery."

Halfwitch: Maybe my connection to it took some of it? Took too much? My mind couldn't hold it all?

Witch-Blade: "It'd explain your mind kind of. . . Shutting down a bit in certain ways."

Halfwitch: *shakes head* I just don't know. And... not knowing is hard. Because I still... I would still love to see and feel it again. The Roller Coaster. Even knowing what it did.

Witch-Blade: "That's some kind of addiction one time and already hooked."

Halfwitch: *frowns* I know that's wrong but it felt.... so good and so right. Halfwitch: You felt and saw it, too, Philip. It was amazing.

Witch-Blade: "One of those things to probably be very worried about. . . You'll end up being drawn to it when you're alone and then probably getting lost in it with no out." Witch-Blade: "I'm not saying it wasn't. What I am saying is that it definitely had some kind of effect on you beyond that."

Halfwitch: I won't. I promise I won't go back in the caves. I don't think the cave Will made Leoone would do it.. it's not tied to this plane, this world, this earth." Halfwitch: *glances towards the bookcases where the link to that cave is. She sighs and looks back* It did, yeah. I wasn't prepared for it.

Witch-Blade: "Maybe not, there maybe a reason why Earth's caves call."

Halfwitch: *nods* I promise I won't test it, if you're worried I might. I give you my word.

Witch-Blade: "Your words, uh, a bit shaky when you're in that mindset." He smiles softly. "I am more worried that it might have flicked a switch that turns on and off at random." Witch-Blade: "Or that it may act like a siren's call."

Halfwitch: So.. basically my brain might be fucked up now? Great.... and things were good, really good. *sighs and shakes her head*

Witch-Blade: "Don't quote me on that. I know about as much as you do, maybe less so, honestly. Part of you may understand it but can't 'pick it apart' yet."

Halfwitch: *nods* I guess I should go stay at Mom and Dad's tonight, then. Will's away for a Seminar tomorrow morning.

Witch-Blade: "Yeah, now, I know you maybe against this. . . But maybe we should talk to Mom? She might have a bit of an idea."

Halfwitch: Tell Mom?

Witch-Blade: "You know the important bits. You sensed a place that you felt you had a connection towards and felt a sudden oversurge that messed with you a bit."

Halfwitch: *nods* Yeah... I know but... I'm ashamed enough as it is... *sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose* I get what you're saying, I do.

Witch-Blade: "Kay. . .? There's nothing to be ashamed about. And if it helps at all? It could've been much worse."

Halfwitch: *looks up* Yeah... I could have gotten people killed. Halfwitch: I know..

Witch-Blade: "Actually, I was going to say you could've ended up in your birthday suit screaming, 'I'm NEKKID WITCH'." Witch-Blade: "See? MUCH less worse in comparison."

Halfwitch: *sighs and looks down at her hands which she lifts and puts on her knees* Without meaning to. *blinks and then laughs* Oh god... I am not RAE! *grins*

Witch-Blade: "Hey, hey!. . . ." Witch-Blade: "Okay yes that is something she'd do."

Halfwitch: *nods* I know. I, on the other hand, only show Will my naked body. It's his and mine, no one else's.

Witch-Blade: "And the world, aka me, Thanks you for this." Witch-Blade: "I don't need to go blind."

Halfwitch: *rolls her eyes and takes a deep breath* If ... I tell Mom will you come with me? Maybe... keep me company until I fall asleep... if I can sleep? *she is aware she sounds like a little kid but she's been thrown for a loop* Halfwitch: I don't know if I'll have nightmares. Will isn't here to bless me so I don't have them.

Witch-Blade: "Of course, why wouldn't I?" He smiles gently. "Like I told you, er, the other you. I am not and wasn't mad. Like any proper brother, I was just worried about my Sister." Witch-Blade: "I could act as a personal dreamcatcher maybe. . ." Witch-Blade: "I've. . . Actually never tried that before. . ."

Halfwitch: *nods* Okay. Thank you. *tilts her head* You could do that?

Witch-Blade: "Maaaybe? I mean, Dreams and stuff like that, they're emotion heavy right? I should be able to kind of catch them or something." Witch-Blade: "If I can't then maybe act like a balance. Add good emotions and feelings."

Halfwitch: *nods* I'd... I would appreciate if you'd try. Just this once. I've remembered one dream.. the first since before you were even born. I haven't remember any nightmares yet... and I don't want to. *pauses* Are you sure you'll be okay?

Witch-Blade: He shrugs lightly at the comment of being okay. "Won't know until I try, right? But I am willing to try and give you some good sleep if I can manage it. What was that dream like?"

Halfwitch: *smiles brightly* Time with Will. The woods. Watching family, kids, playing in the snow by the lake. Jason and Terri had 7 kids. You and Rae had two. Leoone was married. Will and I had three.. at least one with magic. *she pauses, thinking* Halfwitch: Then I was training some of those kids. One had a shield. One, maybe, had a stave? It was... brilliantly sweet.

Witch-Blade: "Hahaha, okay, so I maybe focusing on the wrong thing in that dream. . ." He snickers. "But rae and I having kids? Did we make Mom's Grammy dreams come true?"

Halfwitch: *chuckles* Between you and I we gave her 5. Halfwitch: Her and Dad were soooo happy. I saw them... *looks away, remembering*

Witch-Blade: "Oh boy. . . Just don't go putting that thought in Rae's head just yet." He laughs softly

Halfwitch: *nods* I won't... though I might have already told her. I just.. can't remember if it came up or not.

Witch-Blade: "Oh boy. . ." He rubs at the side of his face with a sheepish smile. "We'll know if she attempts to tease me."

Halfwitch: *takes a long breath and uses the rock to help push herself to her feet. She wobbles a little* Yep. *pauses* I think I'd like to get this talking to Mom thing over with if that's okay.

Witch-Blade: "Yeah, I'm with you on that." Nodding gently. "Just remember, we're all family, alright? Regardless of how you feel on what happened. . ." Witch-Blade: "We support you, fully." Witch-Blade: "Just as long as you understand one extra thing. . ."

Halfwitch: *nods* I'll try. *arches a brow* Halfwitch: Understand what?

Witch-Blade: " 'Little Kay' is sticking regardless." Nods sagely

Halfwitch: Oh god... *shakes head and sighs* Yeah.. I'm sure it will. *leads him out of the shop and to their Mom's.....*

Witch-Blade: He laughs as they're lead out, wrapping an arm around her shoulder comfortingly

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