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Player: @BigLammo
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: N/A
Personal Data
Real Name: Max O'Connor
Known Aliases: Jest
Species: Human
Age: 42
Height: 5'11
Weight: 212
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Unemployed
Place of Birth: Kings Row, Paragon City
Base of Operations: Kings Row, Paragon City
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: N/A
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Superior Reflexes, Martial Arts
Cyanide Capsules, Adhesive Webbing, Bandages, Morphine, Climbing Rope and Hook
No additional information available.

"Now I see why you king of Row!" -- Mayuiri



Jest is a man that, if he could, would live in his orderly dress suit costume day and night. In fact, if the situation calls for it, he does.


The mind of Jest is an extremely complicated ordeal, full of suprises, conservative views, and last but not least: double standards. Nearly two decades of vigilantism has hardened the man behind the mask to become a cynical, contreversal, and at times right wing do-gooder. Jest knows his limitations but has set for himself large goals. The main goal of Jest is the protection and safety of The Kings Row district of Paragon City. His secondary goal is the preservation of innocent life.

By his own admission, Jest has never quite acknowledged his emotions during his time as a costumed vigilante. Instead he acts and judges based on a set of rigid morals. These morals include non-violence, innocence, and a general sense of right. Jest cites that in order to purge lawless behavior, he must use lawless behavior; fight fire with fire. He has also been described by various sources as a very monotone man, giving off no visible identifiers as to his style of thought and personality.

Despite his views and odd belief systems, Jest is a very good being, and one that would never knowingly harm a civilian that has not visibly done something wrong or against his set of morals. The traits that earn him the title of "Anti-Hero" include: His deviation from the law, a refusal to subdue victims for the police, and a deep sense of means being justified by their ends.

Jest's strong distaste for wasted social events (although he has sometimes participated in Pocket D chatter) gains him the distrust and loathing of many people. There are in fact only two people he trusts at current and one other he would call a friend. Some would find it odd that Jest carried a relationship with The Blue Sleuth if they were to have ever to found out about the ill fated coupling; the man that both is and behind the mask keeps many things secret. The fate of his wife is one such secret.

Although not quick to trust someone, once he does the vigilante will do so deeply. Jest would commit acts such from lying to risking bodily harm for someone he trusts, or the people closest in their lives.


Kings Row - In Kings Row Jest is generally seen as a menace to the police, often superceeding their authority and sometimes ruining their investigations as a result of his own. As for the Row's citizens, their view is much the same due to his carelessness when it comes to the preservation of human life.

The Blue Sleuth - One of the only two people Jest would and does trust with his life entirely, The Blue Sleuth was introduced to Jest by a proxy, Emerie Waters. She is also the only person aside from the Solarium that knows Jest's full name, or that has seen his right eye. Jest required assistance from another masked vigilante and when he got her, surprises could only follow. After vigilante hunts and sharing long discussions with the woman, along with asking her to join King's Watch, Jest decided that he should reveal a secret that he himself could not fathom.

The secret was that he has begun to feel an attraction to the woman. Although his only reasoning for stating there was an attraction was in hopes of disolving any awkward moments between the two, and go on with their partnership Jest was surprised that The Blue Sleuth confided that she too felt an attraction. The two began a relationship and in time, became wed. This relationship did not last long - or so it would seem to others - as a ring no longer graces the man's hand.


Birth and Childhood


Of Age

The Mask and Hood

King's Watch

Lone Guardian


OOC Information

Trivia and Facts


Personal tools

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