Kera Langley/Rumors of War

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Kera looked down from the bluffs of Talos Island down towards the sea. One of her schoolbooks in her hand. She had been sitting there reading for her summer school courses for hours, and stood to stretch her legs a little.

A glance to one side. In the distance the Warriors and the Freakshow cast weary glances in her direction. They knew better. But Kera couldn't help but recall when she saw them - the old feeling that came to her time and time again. That need to feed. She had felt it today stronger than ever before in her time here. The memory wasn't so bad now. But she remembered feeling so angry - so very angry. She was ready to rip the soul from that dog of a man and consume it to sate her hunger.

But in the end she was stronger. In a move that shocked even herself, she had kept true to her promises, turning her back in the face of tempation. Oh sure, it was just a human, not a Kheldian. The Kheldian would be sweet meat not a sweet little morsel like an immature insulting half human cyborg man. But if only to herself, proven her own strength, and turned from the temptation. He'd taunted her with name calling, insults, and challenges to fight over it, but in the end it was all meaningless. She did not have to fight - because she had already won.

Still something Jin said had stayed lodged in her memory. "You only have a few months left to grow up." he had said. At first she thought that he was threatening her. But then he had mentioned the war was coming. In the end she had tried to make peace with him, but he had just ignored her and moved on.

Could she even grow up? Zoe could not grow up. What did it mean for her?

Kera glanced down at the waves crashing upon the rocks below as the sun set below the war walls in a brilliant fire on the horizon and gave way to the star filled night. What would it even mean? How did they know for sure? Would does war mean to a 16 year old high school girl with a hobby of knocking thugs around with dark energy and gravity pockets.

The idea of war... scared her.

Kera went back to the Zenvious base, and went to Mr. Zen's office. He was no where to be seen. Sighing a little to herself she almost walked away, but paused, and leaving a little sticky note on Mr. Zen's desk. 'Looking for you, to talk. - Kera' she wrote, and headed to the kitchen.

Much to her surprise in the kitchen a short catwoman with a wide brimmed hat was bustling around with bowls and bits of food and utensils. Kera blinked at the sight of South Paw's organized chaos. What was the Zenvious Foundations chief chef up to at this hour?

"Miri... what are you doing?"

Mirielle scurried about the kitchen, taking things in and out of the oven and the refrigerator, mixing "Ah gettin' started on breakfast! Biscuits an' muffins an' croissants..." she paused, stuffing a muffin in Kera's mouth. "Taste!" She fumbled around in the cabinets, pulling out pots and pans, continuing to spout out a long list of foods she was preparing, most for breakfast, but a few other things that would be served with lunch, dinner, or as dessert. "Ah gotta be prepared. Dunno wha people will be wantin'."

Kera chuckled munching on a muffin. "You just get up early to do this? I was about to head to bed." The teenager caught a scent wafting her way from the over. "Do I smell cookies?"

"Ayup, cookies! Thars chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and peanut butter. And yes, ah get up this early ta make food. And ahm makin' ice cream too."

"Making Ice Cream? Do we even have a freezer for that?" Kera had to admit she hadn't eaten all day and the cookies in the over were just calling to her. How had they managed without a chef? Oh right - lots of eating out. Miri's cooking usually ranged from the nuclear bonfire hot cajun cooking to these fantastic desserts. After all, Kera had shared a room with her for a short time before moving in with Shelly. Kera was more than used to her hot cooking by now.

Ah... it was the little things in life that made this new life worth living.

((this peice was never finished))

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