Kilojoule Queen

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Kilojoule Queen
Origin: Science
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 12
Personal Data
Real Name: Jelissa James
Known Aliases: None
Species: human
Age: 26
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 200 lb
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Biographical Data
Nationality: British Citizen
Occupation: Office assistant
Place of Birth: Birmingham, England
Base of Operations: Earth
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Enhanced metabolism and durability
Known Abilities
Snackbar belt
No additional information available.


Character History

Jelissa James grew up in an unremarkable suburb in Birmingham. She had a weight problem by the time she was ten, stemming from a lack of physical activity and poor diet typical of late 20th Century kids. Her overeating problems got worse as she passed through high school, often turning to comfort food after being taunted by her class mates, thus falling into a vicious cycle.

At age 24, unhappy, single and working a low paid office assistant job, she gambled her savings on a visit to the Orgone Institute advertisements she found on the internet. Jelissa expected maybe hypnosis, or a diet plan of some kind, but was given something much less mundane by Ms. Amazing, the Institute's director.

Jelissa was given a copy of one of the Life Star's sacred books - The Orgone Cookbook!

Unsure if this was all a joke, Jelissa took the book back to the aprtment she'd rented and tried it out. Her first recipe, Orgone and Blueberry muffins, glowed with an unearthly blue flame. They were delicious - she ate the entire tray, barely able to keep her feet afterwards as she too started to glow blue with the sheer pleasure of it. Science-dish after science-dish followed - Universe Pies that contained every food group and flavour. Mobius Donuts that defied three-dimensional space. Trans-Uranic stews rich with a heavy element sauce... Transcendental Wafers... Absolute Zero Ice Cream... Unified Choc-mint Sauce....

At the end of a week-long eating frenzy, the woman who returned to the Institute was different. Her once flabby body was now sleek and powerful, and her mind seemed clearer and more focussed. She wasn't entirely convinced by the idea of donning the costume she was presented with, that all seemed a bit American. But she was persuaded to give it a try.


Kilojoule Queen is a reserve member of the 21st Century chapter of the Celestial Bodies.


Jelissa is still rather shy, and getting used to her transformation and new life. She's a very down to Earth pragmatic individual, and finds all the codenames and costumes a bit silly really, despite regular pep-talks by Ms. Amazing.

She's quite self conscious about her body still, and will get touchy about any comments about her size or weight.


Kilojoule Queen has a superhuman metabolism capable of ingesting any energy source and either storing it or turning it into immediate strength and energy. She can absorb and store food energy such as starch, sugar and fat much more efficiently than a normal human, but can also supplement her diet with complex hydrocarbons such as crude oil, organic matter sources like wood, non-biological energy sources like electricty or even radioactive elements.

Her subcutaneous fat layer and collagen have transformed into a superdense cushioning layer that can absorb and dissipate impacts of up to 1000kg. Her skin has increased elasticity and strength, allowing her to withstand small calibre fire without any serious injury. She can be cut or burned by a sufficiently powerful source, but heals quickly due to her metabolism, and also due to super-endorphins generated by her body in response to pain.

Her denser muscle and bone allow her to perform greater feats of strength than a normal human. When her blood sugar is high she can lift around 3000kg above her head.

By reabsorbing lactic acid, Kilojoule Queen does not suffer from fatigue, but can continue at peak performance until her blood sugar dips.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Kilojoule Queen needs to eat regularly to maintain her powers. Her current levels of invulnerability are linked to a diet rich in calcium, fat and heavy transuranic elements, and would diminish to normal human standards over the course of 48 hours. Her strength is linked to her blood sugar level, and drops to normal human levels within a few hours if she doesn't eat.


Kilojoule Queen wears a snack dispenser belt constructed by Ms. Amazing. The buckle contains a small computer that monitors her vital signs and dispenses suitable snack bars as appropriate to the situation - Uranium-laced chocolate chip Universe Bars for short term strength, calcium and protein rich Ms. Muscle fudge bars for regeneration, and so on. Most of these snacks would be toxic to a normal human.

Kilojoule Queen keeps the necessary Life Star cooking equipment for making these bars at home, with the Orgone Cookbook.

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