Leda Trachis
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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Leda Trachis | |
Player: @Saucy Mynx | |
Origin: | Mutant |
Archetype: | Stalker |
Threat Level: | 50 |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Leda Trachis |
Known Aliases: | No known aliases |
Species: | Human |
Age: | 28 |
Height: | 5'11" |
Weight: | Confidential |
Eye Color: | Blue |
Hair Color: | Black |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | American |
Occupation: | Confidential |
Place of Birth: | Chicago, IL |
Base of Operations: | Rogue Isles |
Marital Status: | Single? |
Known Relatives: | Confidential |
Known Powers | |
Can pull energy particles from around her, forming barriers | |
Known Abilities | |
Hand to hand/boot combat | |
Equipment | |
Fists, feet, sass | |
No additional information available. |
James Trachis and Eileen Hauser had met while attending Northwestern University. He fell hard for the leggy senator's daughter. She was drawn toward his outgoing nature and dark good looks. They had a whirlwind relationship and married after eight months of dating. They finished their degrees the following year, and James took a position in the lit department of Northwestern University. Shortly after, Eileen became pregnant with their first child, a son they named Charles James. It was at this point that Eileen's resentment of her new life began.
Used to attending social functions on a whim, and having anything her heart desired when it desired it, Eileen was not satisfied with James' income as a professor. She cared for him and did her best to ignore the feelings, but it slowly began to eat away at her.
On April 5, 1982 they had their second child - a daughter that James insisted be named Leda, much to the dismay of Eileen who had wanted a more sophisticated name. It didn't help matters that Leda seemed to prefer James' company.
Three years after Leda Clarisse was born, her mother suffered a miscarriage. It was this incident that seemed to break the camel's back. Internally blaming James for everything, she began keeping a mental list of his infractions. James did all that was in his power to fix things. He spent less time at the office, carted her away to social functions, took Leda and Charles out to give Eileen alone time. It wasn't enough.
Charles and Leda watched quietly as their parent's marriage dissolved over the next ten years. The day Eileen admitted, quite proudly, that she was seeing someone else was a turning point in the Trachis household.
Eileen delivered the divorce papers to James, leading to their worst arguement ever. Thirteen year old Leda listened angrily from the next room as her parents tossed arguments around. When James asked for custody of the children, Eileen mocked him and Leda left for her room. She sat in the middle of the floor, staring out her window. The yelling escalated and Eileen sent Charles to retrieve Leda. Not wanting to be part of the situation, Leda closed her eyes and angrily wished she were invisible, glaring out the window with her teeth clenched - ignoring her brother's knocking. The rising levels of stress coupled with Leda's adolescence to trigger her mutation... the energy particles shifted around Leda's form, hiding her from view. A worried Charles opened the door and looked around Leda's room, leaving only when he'd searched to his satisfaction. She watched with amusement when he did not find her and left exasperated.
The divorce was finalized a month and a half later. No doubt due to the senator's influence, Eileen received custody of the children, something Leda held against her mother. A difference of opinion which she was determined to express.
Leda began her rebellion by quitting any activities her mother had previously enrolled her in. Ballet, music lessons, most anything her mother thought a good young lady would need to do. Leda's only area of non-rebellion was her schooling, and this only for her father's sake. She maintained near perfect attendance and a 4.0 GPA. She began hanging out with the wrong kinds of people, and at the age of 16, she started going to bars using her good looks to gain admittance. She got into fights on days when her mother wanted her to make an appearance at a social event, showing up with a prominently bruised eye. Leda enjoyed the fights and found that she had a knack for it. Taking moves from different styles, she developed her own fighting technique.
Not long after graduation, Leda was approached by some members of The Kings, a growing gang in the Chicago area. After a bit of talking, and a lot of sass, she joined thier ranks, becoming close friends with the King brothers, including Johnny King. So close, in fact, that when Leda and her mother had an explosive argument regarding her behavior, Leda moved in with their mother for several months.
She remained with The Kings for several years. Then, when the two older King brothers were killed the gang broke up, disheartened. Leda lost contact with Johnny until one day he called asking her to come to the Rogue Isles and help him re-establish The Kings. She did, and they started The 3rd Street Kings. Over the next few weeks, they became closer and started dating. The Kings went well enough at first... but then rough patches came, and Johnny disappeared. When he returned things were different. The Kings broke up.
Leda joined Johnny in The Giordano Family. He came and went, but Leda has stayed loyal.
(( coming sooooooon ))
(( Coming soooooon ))
Leda tends to take things in stride. She is generally laid-back and while it sometimes comes across as broody, people who talk to her are sure to find her easy laughter and smiles at hand. Leda tends to avoid starting problems, but is ready to step in if a situation requires it. She is close to members of The Giordanos and does not appreciate people who threaten them. Leda is the kind of person you wouldn't really want to cross, but would rather have on your side. She cares for her friends, and not for idiots.
Leda gets her coloring from her father's Greek ancestry. Most of her looks are from her father's side... the curvy figure, her black hair. The long legs and blue eyes are the only traits of her mother's side that she posesses. It seems to work out quite well. Leda carries herself with a confident stride, looking dangerous and beautiful at the same time. If you were to catch her with a bare midrift, you would see a tattoo on her lower back. It is a flowing script that says "The Kings" with a small crown dotting the i.
Since the initial activation of her powers, Leda has trained herself to manipulate the energy particles around her. She uses this to hide herself, and form protective barriers around her while she fights, and has recently learned how to absorb energy from her opponents during battle allowing her to fight longer when others may get exhausted.
Leda's fighting is an amalgamation of varying styles, relying heavily on her ability to deal damage through kicking. Leda picked up a few moves watching some classmates spar after school. When they saw her interest they had her join and helped her with her stances. Leda kept the moves she liked, dumped the ones she didn't and developed her own style of fighting. Her penchant for finding trouble helped her smooth it out and make it even more hers as time went by.
Leda may be a mutant, but she is still human. She does not possess extreme regenerative capabilities, nor is she invulnerable. As such, she is able to be damaged. Her shields are strong enough to absorb a good deal of impact, but over time they will weaken. She bruises nicely, but has so far avoided a broken bone. Injuries to her legs or arms would severely limit her ability to fight, and likely piss her off.
The Thorn Bandit - Leda mostly kept to herself the first eight months she was in the Family. Until Ryu decided she was cool, that is. He started talking to her and making her talk to the others in the family. Leda thinks Ryu is badass, and they've become friends, bonding over their ages and Ryu's awesomeness.
Chill Yeti - Leda thinks Blake is a cool guy. Easy to talk to, they hit it off pretty quickly. Blake has already claimed he is going to go for the rebound if Narc and Leda break up. Rebound calling seems to be a hobby of his... though he's been pretty slow at actually following up on the calling.
Consulted - The two ran into each other during a few jobs and started to spend quite a bit of time together. Rumor wonders what exactly their relationship is, but neither are declaring it anything but friends.
Sin Bandit - Blue. Ryu's protoge, amazing thief and sexy leaning post. Leda found herself easily relaxed around him, and attracted to his cocky attitude and smirking demeanor. They dated for over a year before he became a bitch and left her for some tiny girl. In retaliation, she added bleach to all of his hair products.
Lacertus - After some intra-Family drama, Leda and Lace had a long conversation which resulted in their friendship. They look out for each other and Lacertus seems to have a knack for knowing when Leda has something on her mind. Leda has no problem talking to him, regardless of her mood. He was one of her closest friends.
Lady Sigh - Leda met Sigh at the club Tainted over a year ago. They hit it off and have become good friends. She invested in Tainted when Sigh decided to buy it out, and oh the interesting conversations that have happened since.
Adam Walters - Being in the Giordanos and a close friend to Lacertus, it was inevitable that Leda would run into Adam. The two of them have become friends, and have often been seen in each other's company. Though she doesn't know him very well, Leda thinks of Adam as a friend and would not hesitate to help him.
Garret Prince - Until his most recent return, Leda never really talked to Garret. Now they talk almost every day and hang out in the D. She considers him a pretty good friend, even when he is in Naked Man Group mode.
Shining-Fury - Leda met Reese through Lace. Originally introduced to her as Tin Man, Leda wasn't sure what to think about him, and he thought she was creepy. Finally after a few talks in Pocket D, she decided he was a good guy. Their friendship has been sealed recently, when Reese gave Leda seeds from the apples on his tree. She is currently working on growing them.
Angelpyre - Leda doesn't know much about Lily, but she likes her. Sweet and sassy at the same time, Leda thinks of Lily as a little sister. A little sister that still owes her a song on her guitar.
Narciso Macabuhay - At one point, Leda dated Narc. She was pretty happy with him, but stupidly ended the relationship. They haven't talked much since, understandably.
Father - James Trachis, lit professor at Northwestern University. Leda is closer to her father than her mother. James seems to accept Leda's decisions as part of her nature, though he doesn't approve of all of them. He recently married a colleague from the college, a sweet science professor named Lorraine, whom Leda likes.
Mother - Eileen Hauser-Scott, daughter of a retired Senator. She holds a B.S. in art history, working part time at the Chicago Museum of Art... though, most of her time is spent socializing. She recently married Geoffrey Scott, a prominent Illinois senator. She would love nothing more than for Leda to become a "nice, young woman" and settle down with a lawyer or politician. The two are constantly at odds.
Charles Trachis, brother, two years her senior. They had been quite close in their early childhood. Following the divorce, Charles made it his goal to appease his mother, and did not approve of Leda's rebellious nature. He more than ignores the fact that Leda is a mutant, going so far as to create false memories in his head that could otherwise explain why Leda was both in the room and not. Recently, Charles married Maryanne, his former secretary. While Leda is happy they found each other, she's quite irritated by how much this marriage has pushed her mother to lean on her to settle down and find a man.
Johnny King - Former boyfriend. Johnny and Leda had known each other for a while, being in The Kings together. When Johnny and Leda moved to The Isles, the relationship shifted into a romance. However, Leda got tired of Johnny's constant disappearing acts and called it off - after a little maintenance on his bar.
Shade Wield - While she wouldn't classify him as a friend per se, she and Shade were on pleasant terms and seemed to have good conversations. She made a point to remind him he wasn't getting anywhere with her and things seemed to run smoothly. She was sad to learn that he had died.
- Leda currently has a 3 year old German Shepherd named Ruben, but she calls him Rube. Leda trained him to respond to both whistled commands and various vocal commands. She has a cat which she got from Lucy Xiao, and named it Guess. He started off small, but is now.. rather large.
- Leda's themesongs include Legs by ZZ Top, and Maneater by Nelly Furtado.
- Leda is not your typical girl. She despises the color pink, preferring to wear bright jewel tones or black. And she HATES pink and yellow roses. Blood red? Black? Blue? Some white? Yeah, they're okay in moderation.