Little Songbird

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Little Songbird
Player: @Linger Darkly
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 20
Personal Data
Real Name: Mary-Kathryn Waxford
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 16
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 112 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero and awkward teenager
Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan
Base of Operations: Currently the E-Branch tower
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None Living
Known Powers
Sonic Blast, Mental Manipulation
Known Abilities
Sonic Projection
No additional information available.




Mary-Kate is a mixed bag of emotions. The death of her parents and the eventual mistreatment in the orphanage have left her with a deep melancholy mood and a mistrust of authority figures. She tends to hide her achievements from others and keeps to herself sometimes thanks to other issues in her past. When she's in the right company however she is a very energetic and witty girl with a spunky, take no prisoners attitude. Don't mistake her shy or melancholy for a weakness; you will always know where you stand with her.


Little Songbird's powers can be divided into two categories: Sonic Manipulation and Infrasound Manipulation. Her abilities of sonic manipulation consist of sonic attacks in the human audible range. Her Infrasound Manipulation abilities are made in a range much lower than the unaugmented human ear can hear. These attacks don't really cause direct damage, but can cause a range of effects from immobilization to confusion, fear, anxiety, and hallucination.

Sonic Manipulation:

Shriek: The least taxing of her attacks, it's also the least damaging. By letting out a quick burst of sound she is able to do some damage without wearing herself out.

Scream: A more prolonged sonic assault her Scream buffets the enemy with an extended attack. This causes less damage, but prolonged over a longer period of time it can be more damaging than her shriek, but also more tiring.

Howl: She opens up and lets out an inhuman howl, attacking most enemies in front of her. This attack is less damaging than simply attacking a single enemy, but it does damage in a wide area so the effects are normally worth how tiring this attack can be.

Wall of Sound: Mary-Kate is able to create a wail so powerful that the force of the sonic attack can knock a group of enemies backwards from the sheer power.

Shout: As she gains mastery of her powers she has discovered that she can focus her sonic abilities into a very short, very powerful sonic assault that does extensive damage to anyone foolish enough to get within hand to hand range of her.

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Siren's Song: One of the abilities that she discovered when she was on the road with Humphrey the Stage Magician. She can manipulate sound perceived by the human ear to be soothing, even lulling people to sleep.

Screech: Blasting the human ear with sound, Mary-Kate can disorient someone, leaving them unable to act for a short period of time.

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Banshee's Scream: Mary-Kate has only mustered up the strength to use this power once, but it was devastating to both the enemy and herself. She unleashes a sonic scream so powerful that it can render any enemy around her unconscious. It's also incredibly devastating to herself and leaves her nearly on the brink of unconsciousness herself.

Infrasound Manipulation:

Subdual: Utilizing soundwaves that synchronize with the human body, she can render an enemy's body unresponsive, leaving them immobilized.

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Minor Hemorrhage: She is able to manipulate Infrasound into such a powerful extent that she can assault her enemy in a low-frequency attack so damaging that it causes pinprick hemorrhages throughout the victim's brain.

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Minor Projection: A variation on her Wall of Sound, with Minor Projection she can hurl a single person near her a long distance due to the build-up of sonic energy around her.

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Assault: She is able project an infrasound assault directly in front of her. The attack can hit multiple enemies, leaving them weakened and unable to react as quickly as they normally would.

Concentration: Taking a moment to concentrate and build up her energy, she is able to increase how damaging her sonic abilities are for a few moments. Once she gets into battle the focus is lost quickly. But for a few brief moments she really shines.

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Body Synch: She is able to find the harmonics of other people's bodies. Using this Infrasound ability she is able to take on the bio-rhythmic abilities of the person she focuses this attack on, gaining some of their ability to regenerate and recover endurance.

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Harmonic Hallucination: Mary-Kate is able to surround herself with an Infrasound field. Using this ability can lead to hallucinations and confusion leading enemies to be unable to distinguish friend from foe.

Scare: Manipulating infrasound can cause different emotions in people. This ability creates the feeling of fear and anxiety in others, leaving them a shaking mess.

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Sonic Shockwave: This incredibly taxing use of infrasound is also incredibly damaging. As the wave of infrasound projects around Mary-Kate enemies are left disoriented and injured. Those who aren't disoriented are left unable to react and attack without forethought, leaving them open for other attacks.

Inherent Abilities:

Levitation: She has discovered how to manipulate sound to enable her to levitate and finally fly at a fast rate of speed.

Regeneration: As she matures both physically and in her powers, her body has become healthier and more fit, enabling her to regenerate at a slightly faster rate.

Physical Endurance: Through constant practice and perfection of her powers and through some physical training she is able to maintain longer in battle, her powers becoming less physically taxing on her.

Abilities -

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Mary-Kate has an amazing control of sonic vibrations. She's able to project a force of sound in various frequencies and pitches. For most of her damaging uses she has found a particular frequency, in the 5-9 Hz range to be adequate to cause damage to an enemy's equilibrium and may actually cause physical damage as she increases the volume of the projection. Using some experimentation she has also found that by varying some minor characteristics she is able to put some enemies to sleep, immobilize them, or project a "wall of sound" and knock several enemies in front of her a long distance. The narrower of an area she projects sound over, the more damaging it is.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Mary-Kate is still young and untrained. Having spent the majority of her life in an orphanage and the last several years on the streets, she hasn't been able to hone her powers to a great degree. Her powers are still wild and only honed to any degree through experimentation and necessity. She finds herself winded and sometimes exhausted after extended battles and she tends to get over-excited, leading to wild exertions of her powers which can potentially harm those around her.

Character History

Mary-Kathryn Waxford never knew her parents. As an infant her parents were killed in a car accident. The accident made local and some national media outlets because the driver of the opposite car was a Senator's son and was incredibly drunk. After the smoke cleared she was placed into an orphanage in the south side of Detroit. She grew up among thirty other orphans under the tutelage of the Sisters that ran it. They were fairly even-handed and very devoted to God, on some points bordering on fanatical.

When she turned 14 her powers began to show. At first it was small things like glass shattering when one of the girls would startle her. With a complete lack of training her powers were beginning to grow uncontrollable, culminating one afternoon. Her and another girl in the orphanage got into an argument. The argument rose into screaming, and Mary-Kate screamed back. The girl was rendered deaf from her scream, her ear drums ruptured and nearly destroyed from the force of her scream.

The Sisters took Mary-Kate into the office and disciplined her, telling her that the Devil was in her. The sisters had her exorcised the following night. When that had no effect they were going to resort to rather drastic methods. Before they could carry through however Mary-Kate escaped from her room and fled from the orphanage. She wandered the streets of Detroit from several weeks. She stole what she needed to survive and hid from the authorities, sure that they would return her to the orphanage if they found her.

After a couple of weeks she met a Stage Magician, who felt sympathy for her and took her on as a stage assistant. They traveled the country performing at many low-end venues. Mary-Kate practiced during the off time and honed several 'tricks' with her ability to manipulate sound. When her employer found out what she could do he started to use her more and more to bring in the crowds. She could manipulate the crowd with her voice to sleep, feel emotions such as joy, anxiety, or completely hallucinate.

Eventually though she started to draw more crowds than his act was and grew more and more irritated with the situation. After two years on the road together he played a venue in Paragon City, Rhode Island. After the show he disappeared, leaving the 16 yr old with only her assistant's costume and a jacket on the streets of Paragon. So once again Mary-Kate was alone on the streets of the city with nowhere to go and no one to go to. She discovered that the streets of Paragon were much different than those of her home town. With the various powered street gangs and villain groups she had to hone her powers more and more simpy to protect herself.

After several more months on the streets she was able to save enough money from items and artifacts pilfered from the gangs that she fought to register herself as a heroine.


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