Marius Thorn

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Marius Thorn is naturally gifted in magic. A natural born connection which Baron Zoria, leader of the Circle of Thorns, could sense. Abducting the Marius when he was a boy, the Circle trained him in Oranbega. Marius is one of the Circles top agents.

Marius Thorn
Player: @Sin Stalker
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Corrupter
Threat Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Marius Thornus
Species: Human
Age: 26
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eye Color: '
Hair Color: Reddish Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Mystic
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Deceased (All killed by the Circle when Marius was kidnapped)
Known Powers
Circle of Thorn magics, curces, flame spells and behind.
Known Abilities
Ability to generate magical fire & hellfire along with spells of radiating energy.
Mystical items and small tools




Marius was born was an unusual and yet very strong connection to magic. A connection that could not be overlooked by Baron Zoria, the leader of the Circle of Thorns. The Baron had the boys family slaughtered and kidnapped the boy back to Oranbega. Once at the center of the Circle of Thorns, Baron nertured the boy in the ways of magic and he learned very quickly. Being to young to remember his life before Oranbega, Marius saw Zoria has the closest thing he had to a father and there relationship, at times, seemed to move towards this but this soon ended as Marius grew into his teens.

Marius began to rebel while within the walls of Oranbega. The Circle was rarely, if ever, allowed to leave the underground city and this took its toll on the young boy. Marius went to Zoria but of course Zoria refused his request, over and over again he denied the boy a glimpse of the outside world. The older he got, the more powerful Marius became but instead of breaking lose from Oranbega, he sat and pushed all resentment deep down inside. He knew he would be able to leave Oranbega one day.

After the first Rikti invasion, Marius got his wish. The Rikti were able to pierce the sanctaty of Oranbega and invade. After that, freedom was Marius'.

Seen as a blessing by Marius, Marius still did as he was trained and defended the underground city of Oranbega. After the attack the Circle of Thorns had no choice but to venture out in there dark plans, meanwhile Marius began to develop dark plans of his own.

He works within the Circle of Thorns as one of there top agents but Marius seek any advantage he can to take control of the Circle and the world.

Marius' ambitions have lead him to become darker and darker.

The Talos Island Tragedy

A plan. Stength in numbers. My enemy's enemy is my friend.

All important and rattling around Marius' head. Finally his plan comes together. If he is a rogue member of the Circle of Thorns then perhaps there are other rogue members of other Paragon City villain groups.

Soon Marius had collected Rogue members of the many groups including, the Freakshow, the Valzalok, the Devouring Earth, and more.

An invitation was even given out to a rumored rogue member of the 5th Column. At a meeting of this rogue group, several 5th looking drones and soldiers entered with a recorded message from the Center.

"I thank you for the invitation but respectfully decline. My plans for the 5th Column are my own but I wish you luck. If you do succeed, perhaps then we can speak of us agreements."

Even with there setback of the Center's decline, they still had enough for there plan to succeed. Hostel takeover of each of there groups at the same time, support each others groups, would hit the Paragon City villain community like no hero had ever done. At least, that was what all the members though the plan was.

In truth, Marius secretly used there powers and energies to form a massive monster off the coast of Talos Island. From all around the small islands north of Talos, anything and everything merged. Off the coast, ships were pulled into the signularity, Circle of Thorns practiioners and Devouring Earth in the area were sucked in along with countless objects and sea life that lay below the nearby waters.

Marius even hoped that his spell would bring about not just a chimera of all these things but possibly channel the energies of the fabled Chimera of legend that fought the hero Talos and created the Talos Islands but such things were never confirmed or disproven.

With a flash, the sigularity was gone and in its place was a creature, a chimera, a monster standing several stories high. A mesh of primarily ships, Devouring Earth and Circle of Thorns magic.

Unconfirmed numbers of heroes, ranging in the hundreds or even thousands flocked to the seen to defend the city from this being of destruction and even. Unfortunatly they had no idea it was a trap. Once so many heroes were near by, the creature send out a shield bubble that locked anyone within it in and anyone without out. Not even the emergency teleporters would give these heroes salvage as they were slaughtered. With no reenforcements, all seemed doom.

Crowds gathered on along the north shores of Talos Island as heroes and citizens alike watched in horror, unable to tell if there was any hope at all. Within the battle, Marius attempted to give out commands, having his chimera toy with the heroes but unfortunatly, Marius did not have the power to control his own spell and the monster turned on him and ate him. In a mere instant, not only were heroes dieing left and right but the villain responcible for all of this aswell at the hands of his own creation.

From outside, everyone watched for what seemed like hours until eventually there was a flash and when the dust settled, only a hand full of heroes remained.

Because of the events of that day, noone has been able to confirm just how many heroes died. Hundreds if not thousands. This problem was also brought on by many heroes leaving the city after this tragedy as the city moarned the loss of the heroes who died and the heroes who could not go on in Paragon City or possibly at all.


Noone has seem Marius Thorn since the event that is now known as the Talos Island Tradegy and no body has been recovered. Many, like the hero Sin Stalker go on the assumption that Marius is still out there and will continue to assume so until a body or some other possible means of proof are exposed.


Marius is a student of all forms of magics. Given his training, it is all primarily Circle of Thorns magic and focuses on Fire spells, pain spells, and curse spells.

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