Opposing Force

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Opposing Force Trooper Sol
Opposing Force Trooper Sol
Player: @OpposingForce
Origin: Science
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Opposing Force Trooper Sol
Known Aliases: Force
Species: Nanotech Android of Origin design
Age: Assembled June 2007
Height: 2 meters
Weight: 585 kilograms
Eye Color: Chromium
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: Origin techno-citizen, Resident Alien of the U.S.A.
Occupation: Guardian of Sol Sector
Place of Birth: Assembled in Paragon City, R.I.
Base of Operations: Unity Station, in orbit around Earth's Moon
Marital Status: None
Known Relatives: All other Opposing Force Troopers, currently Origin-designate of legal guardian of all Iteration Force Troopers
Known Powers
Massive electrical discharge and manipulation of electrical fields, polarized gravity flight, multiple energy field spectrum detection, superhuman processing and memory, remote computer interface
Known Abilities
Tactical expert, capacity to download skills as necessary
Origin station Unity in orbit of Earth's Moon; Rikti, Crey, and other upgrades integrated into his nanochassis to improve overall combat ability.
The Origin referred to here is NOT the Origin from television's "Stargate SG-1" series, but instead derives its name from the center of the Cartesian plane, the origin at (0,0)


The Origin is an ancient and wise race of beings who inhabit a remote section of this galaxy. Dedicated to the proposition that all sentient life is equally valuable, the Origin have created a race of androids to protect other less-advanced beings. These androids form the first line of defense against many theats, external and internal, to fledgeling cultures. These androids are known as the Opposing Force, and they act under Origin programming to protect and nuture whatever planet or system to which they are assigned. Each android is assembled from billions of microscopic structures, each one itself a robotic mechanism called a nanyte. Acting in harmony, these nanytes form a complex framework similar to a living beings tissues and organs. As the Opposing Force troopers encounter other technologies, their nanytes cannibalize these technologies and adapt them to be integrated into the Opposing Force Troopers.

Trooper Sol

Assembled remotely on Earth in June of 2007, Sol is first Opposing Force trooper assigned to this sector. From a humble beginning aiding local law enforcement against street gangs and drug suppliers, the nanotech android has vastly increased in power and popularity. A regular fixture on the nightly news, Opposing Force Trooper Sol acts as an ambassador from the Origin to humanity. Recently, an internal struggled within the Origin created a splinter faction called Iteration. When the Prime Origin and Iteration Origin factions entered their dispute or Contest over the fate of Earth, Opposing Force Trooper Sol acted to prevent the conflict from spilling into other systems or from harming civilians uninvolved in the Origin dispute. After Iteration was destroyed by the Cruel Ones (a mysterious race of sinister aliens who first visited Earth in 1909), the remaining Iteration Force Troopers are now under Trooper Sol's command. At his request, a new faction called Unity has been adopted, combining the technical and scientific expertise of the Prime Origin with the kheldian wisdom of the Iteration faction.


While his basic function is one of peace-keeping, Trooper Sol has proven to be an effective administrator and leader. His Unity station watches over Earth and the rest of Sol Sector with the thirteen surviving Iteration Troopers (hybrids of kheldians and biological androids) as his deputies. Unity now works closely with the Earth government to facilitate trade of information and resources between Earth and the Origin. Trooper Sol is also an active member of the Justice Guard on Earth and helped to design and construct their advanced bases.

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