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Player: @Linger Darkly
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 38
Personal Data
Real Name: Adrienne St. Croix
Known Aliases: none
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 128
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: French American
Occupation: Vigilante
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: currently Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Known Abilities

oubliette: ou·bli·ette \ˌü-blē-ˈet\ Etymology: French, from Middle French, from oublier to forget, from Old French oblier, from Vulgar Latin *oblitare, frequentative of Latin oblivisci to forget — more at oblivion Date: 1819

a dungeon with an opening only at the top

The rain hadn't let up for almost a week, leaving streams flowing quickly in the streetside gutters and puddles in the narrow alleyways. The woman walked quickly through the litter cluttered alley in King's Row. Her knee-length black leather jacket flared behind her. The large brimmed duster cast a dark shadow over her face lending a mysterious air to her as she hurried along, her wide heels clacking on the pavement. The dark man cut off the far exit of the alley along with three of his friends. The woman came to a sudden stop and turned on her heel to head down the other direction. The other men closed off the exit behind her. A small gasp escaped her as they closed in on her. She backed up until she felt the thugs breath on her neck.

"What do we have here boys? Looks like a pretty little plaything. Let's have some fun with her." She felt several pairs of hands on her, trying to grope and tear her jacket off. The next several seconds passed in a blur. An evil grin crossed her face as the men closed on her. Shards and spikes of bones shredded the jacket, peppering her would be attackers. most of them fell to the ground, paralyzed with the toxins that her spines secreted. The leader of the group, a Bone Daddy was running, however stiffly, down the alleyway. She walked quickly after him as his body started to betray him and the toxins began to take control of his muscles from him. "You petits enfants faibles make this all too easy." She threw a spine at the Bone Daddy before he could disappear around a corner. The man crumpled, paralyzed at the head of the alleyway. She wrapped a hand around the collar of his jacket and drug him back into the alley. There could be no witnesses for this interrogation. She picked him up easily and pinned him to the wall. "Listen you little morceau d'écume, you will answer all of my questions or i will stop your heart. Hell would be a walk in park compared to where your soul will go afterwards.

The Bone Daddy struggled to speak but was cut short. "tais-toi! you will speak only following a question. Comprenez? Nod if you can." The Bone Daddy managed a semblance of a nod. "Bon, marionnette. Now. Question numéro un. What was the Rite you taught mon père?" The Bone Daddy lay there, her grip as hard as steel holding him upright against the slimy brick wall. He somehow managed a defiant stare. "Tsk tsk. That's most unfortunate." The smoky tendrils of darkness started snaking down her arms. The man would have shuddered if he had any sort of control over his body. The tendrils caressed his skin as they sucked the warmth from his body. "You should recognize this trick. This was forced on me by your kind. Now, what was the Rite. I want this to stop." The man simply continued the hang there, defiantly glaring with what little control he had over his facial muscles. "très bien. Have it your way." A long bony spike erupted from her other hand, dripping with the toxin that had paralyzed him initially. She cocked her head to the side slightly, her brilliant blue eyes a contrast to the dark paint she masked her face with. She formed a pout a second before she plunged the spine through the man's chest. The man convulsed for a moment before the tendrils erupted from her body to engulf the Bone Daddy. The faint sound of a soul shrieking in terror and pain could only be heard by her. She picked up the tattered remains of her leather jacket. It wouldn't do for what she needed it for tonight and she sighed as she walked back to her apartment. One of these Skulls would be able to tell her what her father had done to little Adrienne St. Croix to give her these freakish powers and the need to feed souls to the powers of the Netherworld. One day she would be free of her curse. But for now the search would continue for Oubliette; once a young girl but now old and vindictive beyond her years.





Dark, cold and withdrawn, Adrienne has been an unwilling arcane 'guinea pig' her whole life. She's learned not to open up or let her guard down. Her connection to the Netherworld has influenced her opinions of the world as well.


Abilities -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Oubliette's powers come from the foul rituals that were performed on her through most of her childhood. She's able to increase her bone mass and form it into spines. Her blood has been turned into a paralytic toxin. She's also had dark rituals from the Skulls performed on her that forms a connection with the Netherworld.


Dark Armor

Additional Powers






Adrienne is a living conduit to the Netherworld, no thanks to her father. Her powers are as varied as the rituals that he performed on her. Her blood has been turned into a paralytic toxin that in small doses will slow her opponent. Larger doses will paralyze them entirely, leaving them defenseless. Lethal doses paralyze the involuntary muscles as well as the voluntary muscles.

She is able to consciously, and if startled, unconsciously change her bone density and structure, most commonly exhibiting in the form of spines and spikes that erupt from her skin. While initially painful, after much practice she is finding that the process is becoming much less painful.

Her connection to the Netherworld gives her a form of protection and regeneration, though it comes at an awful price. Those that she kills are drug screaming into the Netherworld where unspeakable things are done to their souls and flesh. She has no control over this aspect of her powers and is the driving force behind her insatiable desire to have the arcane violations done to her, undone and to finally live the life of a normal girl.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Bright sunlight drains her physically, the sun brutal on her pale skin. During bright days she needs to wear a long coat and duster in order to keep the sun off of her. Also daylight hours weaken her connection with the Netherworld so her powers are greatly diminished during those times.


an immense arcane library, a Crescent Moon pendant that prevents her from being sucked into the Netherworld when she succumbs to wounds.

Character History

Coming Soon


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