
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Goof extraordinaire!
Player: @Jupi Knight
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 7
Personal Data
Real Name: Alexandra
Known Aliases: Pantslass, Lass, Shorts, Alex
Species: Human
Age: 19
Height: 5'2
Weight: 98-100 lbs (Depending on how much she ate today..)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Pantsman's Ward/Sidekick
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Pantslair
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Mother, Father. "Disowned" herself from them.
Known Powers
Agile, lithe, quick, and witty.
Known Abilities
Sureshot with a bow and arrow.
Endless amounts of pants.
Possibly the most useless sidekick ever!
(But she thinks she's the best.)

"The Middle" - Jimmy Eat World

Basic Information

Alexandra “Shorts” McKinley. A defiant, redheaded, nineteen-year-old ball of fire. Called “Alex” by her parents, as they always wanted a boy, she reguarly found herself going by “Shorts,” instead. Always part of the lower-class, she never knew there was anything more than poor. At eighteen, frustrated by her parents being overbearing, treating her like a child, and referring to her as “their son,” she ran away. Nothing much to take with her, she had a pair of her favorite shorts, jeans and a tee-shirt. Found on the street by her mentor Pantsman, taken in as his ward with Pantslad. She is in constant need of reprimanding for her stupid, childish ways, but she is finally happy with her counterparts. Wearing a pair of pants over her face as the others to hide her identity, she may get awkward stares or comments. Not that it mattered. She’s too excited to be around other people to care when she’s insulted.

The Trio

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