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Psymin base.jpg
"Psymin says..."
Player: @Happy-Pants
Origin: Science
Archetype: Dominator
Threat Level: 32
Personal Data
Real Name: Simon Collins
Known Aliases: None known
Species: Human
Age: 26
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 212 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Psycopath
Place of Birth: Millbrook, Illinois
Base of Operations: Sharkhead Island
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Telepathy, Mind Control, Telekinesis, Teleportation
Known Abilities
Trained soldier and boxer
No additional information available.

Psymin is a known villain and psychopath operating largely in the Rogue Isles.


Before the Villiany

The psychopath known as Psymin had rather simple beginnings. A kid from a small town in rural Illinois, Simon Collins grew up in very normal environment. He went through school with average marks, he was a boy scout and eventually an eagle scout, and he showed an aptitude for art that he kept fairly hidden. He was highly imaginative, and above average in intellect, but he never purued any interests that seemed odd. When he graduated high school he joined the US Marines, hoping to get out and see the world while serving his country. His record in the Corps was outstanding, and eventually he was given a choice assignment as one of the soldiers in the Shadow Shard.

He was on a routine assignment, guiding refugees back to Camp Zulu, when the Wisps attacked. Simon and his unit tried to fight them off while the civilians escaped, but in the end, they were caught. Several heroes who were aiding Firebase: Zulu eventually rescued the unit, but not before they were subjected to psychic torture by the wisps. Simon was broken, his mind torn apart by the attacks. When the doctors found out they sent him back to Paragon City for treatment. The mental assault however had awoken Simon's latent psionic potential. The doctors overseeing him, allied with Crey, sought to bring out the Psychic power. Unfortunatly for them, they succeeded. Simon's damaged psyche ripped at them, killing or mentally lobotomizing the lot of them. The Wisps had warped his mind, unleashing his id, stripping all morals and restraint from the young man.

Fun Times

Now calling himself Psymin, the new villain simply sought out fun, indulging in every impulse that came, acting on every whim, with no care or empathy at all. He stole, he killed, and he did things that would make a death-row inmate sick. The cities heroes soon caught him, and he was sent to the Zigg for psychiatric evaluation. Unfortunatly for many it was soon after the Lord Recluse's forces attacked, freeing many inmates, including Psymin, and taking them to the Rogue isles. Since then, Psymin has run amuck, answering to no one, having the time of his life.



Psymin looks like the consumate bad boy. Bald-headed, tattoed, an unshaven face, a fun-loving grin, and a look in his eyes that says "I'm completely insane." He doesn't wear costumes, preferring normal street clothes, though for a time he ran around in his Zigg prison uniform.


Take a normal person. Then remove every moral constraint and reservation from them, everything that keeps them from indulging the selfish voice in their head, and you have Psymin. He can be charming, and he has a quirky sense of humor, but to him no one else is really truly real. They're all just playthings to provide amusement to keep life from being dull.


Psymin possesses an extreme psionic potential, mostly manifesting in telepathic powers and mind-control. He is very practiced at controlling minds, and regularly utilizes this ability to make his opponents fight each other. He is also practiced in reading minds, and unlike most with this gift, he has no qualms whatsoever about casually looking through someone's thoughts, wether it's an enemy, an ally, or just someone on the street. He has minor telekinetic powers, and posesses the ability to Teleport across vast distances, and to teleport others with him. He has so far only been able to teleport willing people, a limitation that frustrates him greatly.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Psymin is far from completely sane. His actions tend to be chaotic and id driven. He rarely plans out his actions or takes into consideration the ramifications of his actions.


Fun Facts

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