
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: @FalanxRifter
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Lillian "Lily" Stevens
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human Mutant
Age: 21
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Orange Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Computer Tech
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: 'The Igniter', father, deceased; 'Fiona Flare' mother, deceased; 'Avaria', half-sister, supervillain
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Flight and Temperature Immunity
Instantaneous First Aid Device
No additional information available.

Pyroflash has the ability to psionically control fire and heat. Alongside the rest of the Galacto-Rangers she fights to ensure the safety of the citizens of Paragon City.


Extended Bio

Lily Stevens never knew her real parents. She was adopted at a very young age and raised by the Stevens in a suburb in northern Virginia. It wasn't until much later in her life that she learned she was actually the daughter of two of Paragon City's finest heroes, the Igniter and Fiona Flare. They both died in a dramatic series of events that not only led to the death of both of Lily's parents but also the birth of her half-sister and arch-nemesis, Avaria.

She was named Lillian by her foster parents, Daniel and Marie Stevens, and until she turned five she was a completely normal child. At the age of five strange things started to occur in the Stevens' household. Their gas stove seemed to flare up at random, their tap water would go from ice cold to boiling hot in a matter of seconds, and on the two occassions that a fire got out of control they both mysteriously burned themselves out without harming anything. Lily found most of these goings on to be extremely amusing and laughed whenever they occured.

When she was eight years old Lily seemed to realize that her ability to control fire was somewhat abnormal compared to most of the other kids. She began to test her abilities, and was successful in not only manipulating fire but shielding herself from it as well. For this reason Lily has only been burned once or twice in her entire life.

At the age of sixteen Lily's powers advanced to a whole new level. Whereas before she could simply control fire, she suddenly realized she could create it as well. Unfortunately her powers responded greatly to her emotional state, and a sixteen year old girl is anything but emotionally stable. To her credit she only burned down two high schools before graduating. On both occassions Lily slowed the flames as much as she could before pulling the fire alarms and making sure all the students got to safety.

After high school she decided she needed to go somewhere to learn to better control this ability. She left home to attend college at a university in Paragon City, where she hoped she might meet someone like her who could teach her better control. Although she did meet a few heroes upon arriving in Paragon City, and even shared her secret with some, none were willing to take on a sidekick at the time. Lily kept on practicing in private, being extra careful not to burn down any buildings.

The incident that made her decide to take up the cape herself happened during her first semester. She was walking home in Atlas Park late at night and she saw a woman being harrassed by a group of thugs. One was going for her purse and the others were blocking her in so she couldn't run. Lily walked up to them and told them to leave her alone. They just ignored her so Lily concentrated for a second and her palms flared up and she drew her arm back to throw the flames. This time when she asked the thugs ran, fast. The girl ran up to Lily and thanked her profusely before finally asking her what she called herself. The name came to her instantly, and Lily Stevens became Pyroflash.

Group Affiliations

Since her initial foray into the life of a SuperHero Pyroflash has made many friends. She is currently a Liutenant in the Galacto-Rangers and is close friends with most of her fellow liutenants such as Chogori, the Human Flashbulb, and Psi-Cicada

She has also had the pleasure of working with The Frontline from time to time.


In daily life Pyroflash is an extremely kind and courteous person. If you get to know her a little bit you may notice that she can also be extremely playful as well as a little sarcastic from time to time. She is also very devoted to the Galacto-Rangers and will drop anything at a moments notice to help out if they need her. It would also seem that she has inherited her birth parents strong sense of duty to Paragon City.

In combat Pyroflash is level headed and tactical for the most part. Occasionally a cocky streak will show through normally as the result of some gross display of her powers. Pyroflash has trained herself for a long time in controlling her pyrokinesis and therefore takes great pride in her ability with it, although she does resent it from time to time for ruining her chance at a normal life.

Powers and Abilities

Mutant Powers

Pyrokinesis - The ability to create and control fire and heat. Pyroflash is able to create flames hot enough to melt almost any substance. She can also regulate heat in the air which for the most part she uses to subconsciously keep her own climate at a comfy 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This is Pyroflash's only real superpower, but she has refined it to the point that she can mimic some other superpowers with it.

Additional Pyrokinetic Abilities

Flight - By pulling in heat around her body, Pyroflash can float up off the ground. With some practice Pyroflash has been able to completely emulate the free flight of other superheroes. She is currently able to reach speeds of up to seventy-five miles per hour when flying at full speed.

Temperature Immunity - Only flames that are hotter than the fire Pyroflash can generate herself can harm her. This limit is not actually known to Pyroflash because she has never tested just how hot she can go for fear of harming someone. Also, due to her ability to regulate heat, most things which would cool Pyroflash's temperature are not effective either. That's not to say that fighting off both of these effects doesn't harm Pyroflash at all. Even though she can't be physically harmed by temperature extremes it takes a great deal of her energy to fight off more powerful versions of these effects.


Instantaneous First Aid Device (IFAD) - Standard issue device carried by many heroes. Pyroflash keeps one clipped to her belt at all times, right next to her cell phone, so that she can keep herself and her friends as healthy as possible during the long hours of crimefighting.

Rogue's Gallery


Pyroflash's half-sister as well her greatest enemy. She is half hero and half succubi. She was raised by her mother Azria to the age of nine before Azria was killed. Avaria blames the heroes of Paragon for her mother's death, and will almost always fight with them when it comes down to it. Her fiery shield that protects her is her father's legacy while her other abilites are purely demonic. Heightened physical attributes as well as the ability to feed on the life force of others all comes from her mother. Being half-succubi she also is able to enrapture some weaker minded men just by looking into their eyes. She is also able to assume full demon form for short periods of time, during which she gains heightened physical abilities as well as the ability to fly on demonic wings. Unlike some of the villains of the Rogue Isles, Avaria has no problem killing in order to get what she wants.

After failing to defeat Pyroflash after their initial conflict she accepted a deal with the Federation of Evil to help further her own goals. Also, due to the interference of Chogori in her first fight with Pyroflash, Avaria has begun to target the whole of the Galacto-Rangers as well.

Currently she is working on amassing resources in the Rogue Isles so she can attack Pyroflash again. This time though she has something much more sinister planned than simply attacking her in broad daylight...

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