
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Red Thunder Mace
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Carl Troutman
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: 35
Height: 6'4
Weight: 235
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: deceased (was hero, prior to that, construction worker)
Place of Birth: Ithica, NY
Base of Operations: Skyway City section of Paragon City
Marital Status: Was married at time of death
Known Relatives: Had 2 children at time of death
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Expert at hand to hand combat,
Energy Mace, Energy Shield, Protective Armor


Carl Troutman was born in Ithica, NY. He was always a bit bigger than the rest of his friends, and always a bit bigger than life as well. He had an infectious laugh, and really seemed to enjoy the company of others. People often said it was hard to stay in a bad mood when Carl was around, as he always knew exactly what to say to cheer others up. Carl was an average student; he enjoyed the social aspects of school, but found the studying to be a bit tedious. He tried community college for a few semesters, but eventually found work as a construction worker. Due to his people skills, he soon became a foreman, and later, traveled the country to the most important jobs, as his results were second to none. When at a site in Paragon City, he witnessed a Rikti attack. When he saw a Ritki head solder prepare to destroy a bus full of school children, he was forced to intervene. Grabbing a concrete awl, he put up a hellacious fight, despite being severly outgunned. Due to his bravery, the bus was able to escape from the scene, with the children unharmed. Carl was not as fortunate, as the battle had left him broken and in a coma for 5 days. When he finally awoke, it was with purpose. He was determined to fight the Rikti by any means he could. He realized he wasn't going to be able to especially effective without some hi-tech tools, so he set out to find someone who could provide them.

Joining the Guard

As it happened the first Global Guard was in the midst of a recruiting drive. They needed brave heroes to fill out their ranks in order to protect the planet from the Rikti. Carl went to the try outs, and despite not having any metahuman abilities, or hi-tech tools, he did quite well, even defeating an aspiring mage in one on one combat. The Guard wasn't sure what to make of this large jovial man. After they learned of who he was, and the bravery he had shown, they offered him membership contingent on finding him something to increase his survivability. Being rather good with his hands, Carl went to the scene of a battle, looking for equipment to salvage. He found an Arachnos mace, and a Rikti force field generator, along with some various armor pieces from various sources. He modified the mace into something he was a little more comfortable with, and had the Guard craft the force field generator into a shield he could use. The armor was another story, he really wasn't comfortable wearing the armor of the dead, so the Guard, realizing that his resoursefulness was not something to let slip by, had custom armor created for him. He took the identity "Red Thunder Mace" - this was suggested as a bit of a joke, as his laugh was often referred to as thunderous. It stuck though. He dedicated himself to training, and became someone who could be counted on in a fight. During the period of inactivity for the Guard, Carl married and started a family. He started a small construction business, assuming that while he was ready if need be, his days of a hero were likely over. When the Rikti returned, and the Guard when fully active again, they didn't need to ask Carl twice to rejoin - he was ready.


Along with the rest of the members of the first Guard, Red Thunder Mace was killed during the relaunch celebration by (an) unknown attacker(s). Carl's family was also present at the celebration, and were also tragically slain. There is a memorial for the fallen members of the Guard at Caffan Island, scene of the massacre.

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