Scarlet Stinger

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Scarlet Stinger
Player: Confidential




Threat Level:


Personal Data
Real Name:

Jamie Keyes

Known Aliases:



Genetic Hybrid

Date of Birth:
  • 2007 (age 18)
  • Artificial Age: 15



52 lbs

Eye Color:


Hair Color:


Biographical Data




Place of Birth:

Paragon City, RI

Base of Operations:

Paragon City, RI

Marital Status:


Known Relatives:


Additional Data
Known Powers:

Bio-Luminecent Energy Manipulation, Flight

Known Abilities:

Ambient Energy Absorbsion

[ Source ]



Jamie Keyes does not remember growing up in Paragon City. She does not remember a childhood at all, in fact.

Jamie Keyes' first memories are of the scientists in her laboratory "bedroom" talking to her, as if she were not a child at all, but an object of curious nature that they were examining. Of course, this was not far from the truth, as she would soon learn.

Jamie spent 2 years in the laboratory under constant scrutiny. The only happiness she experienced was from the occasional visits of Dr. Keyes. Dr. Keyes didn't treat her like an experiment (which was exactly what she was), but more like a little girl. He brough her books (which she hid, as he told her to, in the ventilation shaft that she had learned to pry open) and even occasionally, a portable television set. Jamie loved to watch the news of the city outside of her room, and learned of the heroes in the city and what they stood for.

After 2 years of tests, blood samples and daily monitoring of vitals, she had had enough. Dr. Keyes had grown very fond of her over this time, and could not bear to see her kept this way. And, although he never admited it to her, he knew that her time was growing short. As her power levels increased, the scientists employed in secret by The Council knew that they could not contain her for much longer. Measures would have to be taken.

The night before experiment #65842b was to be terminated and taken for autopsy, Dr. Keyes entered the lab with the intention of freeing Jamie. The flight from the laboratory cost him his life, but he made Jamie promise that no matter what happened to him, she would take the opportunity to escape.

Free from the lab and being pursued by her mysterious captors, Jamie decided the best way for a young girl with superpowers to hide was to blend in to the sea of costumed superheroes in Paragon City. Until she could find out who was behind her imprisonment, she would help the people of Paragon City to make sure that what was done to her never happened to another innocent person again.

Other distinguishing features

Jamie Keyes is an artificially grown hybrid of Human, Kheldian and Insect DNA. 2 large antenea are prominent on her forhead, and small insect-like wings protrude from her back.

Strength level

While her strength is not super-powered, Jamie's genetically enhanced musculature is stronger than that of an ordinary 15 year old. In testing, she was able to bench approximately 180 lbs, making her physically equivalent to an average adult. There is no indication that her strength is increasing as her powers grow.

Known superhuman powers

Jamie produces an unidentified bio-luminecent energy, similar in nature to Kheldian energy output. She is capable of expelling this energy in various blasts and creating simple energy constructs. Her early attempts with this have produced shields capable of partially deflecting attacks.

Other abilities

Jamie absorbs and processes ambient energies as fuel, therefore does not need to eat and rarely needs sleep. Also, as a side effect of her genetic manipulation, Jamie posesses a "genetic memory" of experiences gleaned from the kheldian DNA used in her make-up. Jamie cannot recall specifics, but rather displays a knowledge of certain subjects without ever having been exposed to them.


Jamie has spent her entire life in a laboratory, until her recent escape. While physically appearing as a teanager, and displaying knowledge of many subjects she has studied, she views the world around her a child might.





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