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From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Dragonberry helped me set this up, and this is what I have thus far.

Shia stretches to grab that fresh redbull
Origin: Science ish
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 36
Personal Data
Real Name: '
Known Aliases: '
Species: Odd experiment containing DNA from the following, but not exclusively; Hedgehog, Chupacabra, Kangaroo rat, French Maid, Tabaco, Blow fish, lizard, various viruses and so forth.
Age: Its either average, or really small
Height: Tallish
Weight: Rooted well
Eye Color: Blueish
Hair Color: Blondeish
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Moocher, plotter of the destruction or salvation of existance, peanut gallery, mental patient
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Husband Psychopomp <- Though it was a shotgun wedding, with a warrior nun named Sister Colette
Known Relatives: Her bro Shinsektor, her dog Sex, and the various broods she's produced somehow despite science.
Known Powers
numerous and unpredictable, most involve toxins and smoke clouds and spiney protrusions, and turning into a smog slug
Known Abilities
Drink redbull
Undesirable objects



Friends and Allies




Bat ass insane or omipotently aware

Character History

One day Doctor Yoyo was off doing things in her lap, created a Shia, got distracted and let the Shia escape to go join the wonderfull wide wide world. For a while she joined forces with the bouncing Royal Jester and shared an appartment, but crammed many a drain with excess spines - later she moved in with her spontanious husband Psychopomp whome she was married to durring a freak shotgun wedding accident, and currently sometimes lives in a spinenest she built in his crypt. Though she seems to be staying in the D more often than not.

A long time ago in a land far far away

In the beginning (grab popcorn and a comfy seat this should be intresting)


And many adventures were had

Stuff happened, people were scared, things did things

All good things Eventually come to an End

How shia is found dead surrounded by porn and empty bottles of Red Bull



Has the dubious ability to enhance the growth of her skeletal structure and project spines from her body which are hollow and filled with a mood altering substance capable of causing mild bouts of euphoria in those who come in contact with it.

She can extend or retract bone spikes that grow inside her body and has utilized this power in many ways, including the creation of knuckle guards, spears, and projectile spikes.


Rogue Gallery


As seen above, Dragonberry and Shia having a friendly discussion on the superior beverage. Dragonberry can range from mortal enemy to passing aquantance for Shia, depending on the tides

Creator Notes and Trivia

I'm still not quite sure what Shia is, though she started out as more a freaky lab experiment and got weirder and weirder, and at some point I thought she might have been Doctor Yoyo's maid who cleaned out the wrong vial - but I'm not quite sure yet.

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