Short Circuit

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Short Circuit is a NPC character found in AE missions on the Virtue server. He is used as a henchman and background stories. A rank and file villain, he is free to be used in other AE missions, info given below on his stats, and his history expanded.

Short Circuit.png


Character History

Very little is know about the past of Short Circuit. He made one or two minor heists before she hooked up with The Union of Dire Ambition. Unlike many of the low ranking villains that join The Union, he is a very capable fighter, very skilled in his powers.

His first major job from the Union appears to be an assignment to Entropy Legion to assist the plot of The Traveler. Short Circuit was part of a security patrol in The Traveler's HQ with a squad of Union minions. He and his troops engaged Hyperion Force when they investigated The Traveler's plot. Hyperion Force was able to subdue Short Circuit and his troopers.

He was in the Zig, waiting for trial, when he got transfered to a research facility of Crey. There, along with Granite, he was being studied by Crey scientists. He and Granite were freed by the Entropy Legion. He is currently at large.


Short Circuit remains a bit of a mystery. It appears he is unable to speak, possibly do to the physical transformation he underwent to become Short Circuit. He becomes distracted very easily, often appearing that he is listening to something nobody else can hear. Many times he seems to be listening or "talking" to inanimate objects. When he does focus, or becomes aware that he needs to fight, he has a savage intensity to his work. Once that task is over, he tends to zone out again, staring off into space.


Short Circuit possesses the ability to bodily generate electrostatic energy which he can release or harness for a number of effects. He is powered by the micro-fine rhythmic muscle contractions that normally regulate body temperature. His body can generate electricity at a rate of about 10,000 volts per minute, up to his maximum storage capacity of 10,000,000 volts. At that point, his body automatically stops producing electricity. As he expends his electrostatic energy, his body automatically begins to recharge the stores. Short Circuit can mentally control the amount of electricity he discharges, anywhere from a single volt to his full 10,000,000 volt charge at once. At ten to thirty feet, his maximum charge is more than enough to kill a man. Short Circuit can also use his body as a transformer, touching an outside power source (such as a generator) and channeling it through his body for use. The amount of electricity he can transform above his body's maximum storage capacity is unknown.


Short Circuit is my version of the Marvel villain Electro.


You can add Short Circuit for your own AE missions by copy and pasting the information found in the Critter Info Box into a plain text file from either WordPad (for PCs) or TextEdit (for Mac). Name the file and change the extension to .critter. Critter files are nothing more than plain text files with .critter as its file extension, so you can also edit other critter files this way too.

Next, add the file to your Custom Critter folder in the CoH section of your hard drive. For PCs the folder is typically c drive > Program Files > coh > Custom Critter. For a Mac, you right click on the CoH program, typically found in the Applications folder, and chose Show Package Contents. You then navigate Contents > Resources > transgaming > c_drive > coh > Custom_Critter

Critter Info box

{ Name "Short Circuit" VillainGroup Villains PrimaryPower Mission_Maker_Attacks.Electrical_Blast Difficulty Hard SelectedPowers -7 SecondaryPower Mission_Maker_Secondary.Energy_Melee SelectedPowers2 -255 TravelPower None Designation Lieutenant Ranged 1 Costume { CostumeFilePrefix male Scale -5.055 BoneScale -0.8264 ShoulderScale -0.8626 ChestScale -0.7827 WaistScale -0.1676 HipScale -0.4572 LegScale -0.09407 HeadScales 0, 0, 0 BrowScales 0, 0, 0 CheekScales 0, 0, 0 ChinScales 0, 0, 0 CraniumScales 0, 0, 0 JawScales 0, 0, 0 NoseScales 0, 0, 0 SkinColor 155, 36, 36 NumParts 27 CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 Plant_02a Texture2 !Hips_Circuitry DisplayName P887196332 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 Plant_02a Texture2 !Chest_Circuitry DisplayName P566009771 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard Texture1 !V_Face_Plant_02a Texture2 !V_Face_Circuitry DisplayName P687117166 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry Smooth Texture1 Plant_02a Texture2 !GLOVE_Circuitry DisplayName P3937616722 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry Smooth Texture1 Plant_02a Texture2 !BOOT_Circuitry DisplayName P2104750136 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P177456852 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2793026233 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2371314042 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2281134661 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P772741860 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2488029243 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx Auras/Male/Electricity/ElectricBody&Eyes.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P3636920680 RegionName Special BodySetName Electricity Color1 1, 255, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P1848153390 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 31, 0 Color2 1, 204, 0 Color3 0, 31, 0 Color4 1, 204, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 }



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