Solar Lancer

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Solar Lancer
Player: @Linger Darkly
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 32
Personal Data
Real Name: Jason Stone
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 24
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 280 Lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown;
Occupation: Galactic Hero and member of the Guardsmen
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Willpower, Energy Melee
Known Abilities
Draws power from the Sun to fuel his incredible resistance to damage and his energy attacks
No additional information available.



Currently on loan to E-Branch...whether they like it or not.


Solar Lancer is arrogant, self-assured, and without shame. Rules of engagement, tact, tactics, and strategy have no place in his vocabulary. Everything can be settled with his fists, and if it can't be then it doesn't deserve his attention. He's a legend in his own mind and certainly possesses the power to be a true legend, if he didn't put people off of him with his arrogance.

He is a huge glory hound. If there's a photo op or a chance to grab the spotlight he'll be there. He thinks that he's a hit with the ladies but strikes out more often then not. For those foolish enough to fall for his "charms", their night will be filled hearing of his many exploits and adventures, and less about much else. He is the greatest hero in the galaxy...just ask him.

Truth be told he's currently on loan to E-Branch. The Guardsmen sent him to earth for some mysterious mission of great importance. The information was supposed to be communicated to him as soon as he landed, but information from the Guardsmen hasn't arrived yet. In truth they had to get rid of him so that they could maintain their own sanity...essentially playing a galactic game of "Ditch'em"


Abilities -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Energy Melee




Solar Lancer is powered by solar energy. His body absorbs the energy and converts it into an incredible toughness bordering on invulnerability, he can use the excess power to surround his fists in energy to deliver crushing blows that often leave his foes staggering and disoriented. His body's metabolism is also boosted by several hundred times allowing him to heal incredibly fast and have a near limitless reserve of endurance.

Also as a latent power from his mother's side of the gene pool is a sort of broad range telepathy. Acting more as a sort of 'Danger Sense' he can often dodge incoming attacks that he wouldn't normally be able to see coming. He, of course, attributes this to his own pure skill, but it has saved his ass more often than he could even be aware of.

In space he can fly close to the speed of light. However in an atmosphere his speed is much slower, averaging close to 200 mph. In reality he possesses no ability of flight at all, instead using the energy of his solar powers to propel him. He's been inquiring about a set of rocket boots to allow him some form of faster travel.

Weaknesses and Limitations

His power is also his weakness. Extended periods underground or in windowless buildings sap his strength quickly. The more energy he expends, the faster he runs out. This wasn't an issue when he patrolled the galaxy, but on Earth it has become incredibly troublesome.


Coming Soon

Character History

Jason Stone is the son of Victor Stone and an alien mother of unknown origin known only by her hero name Stareena. His father was killed while he was only an infant and his mother returned to the stars with him. He grew up among the stars and on various planets as his mother was a member of an intergalactic squad of heroes known only to a few as the Guardsmen.

As a teenager, when his powers manifested he was recruited to train with the Guardsmen. The experience went to his head and as his powers grew so did his ego. Grown to maturity his ego became too large and he was sent back to Earth on "A matter of incredible urgency". In reality the Guardsmen conceived of the plan to keep him on Earth, perhaps to learn some humility, or simply to get rid of him. Either way, he hasn't figured the plan out.

Upon his arrival, he landed in Founders Falls. Conveniently enough he arrived at the time that the Malta group had released the Kronos mech. He battled the giant robot in front of dozens of news cameras, leading to an incredible amount of property damage. At the same time E-Branch sent Patriot Fist out to lend a hand and calm the situation. While Patriot Fist tried to settle the battle down, Solar Lancer became agitated and turned on Fist. The battle was incredible, resulting in an enormous amount of further property damage. When the smoke finally cleared Fist was holding an unconscious Solar Lancer by the cape. Taking him with him, he placed Solar Lancer in detention at headquarters until he could be fully questioned. Finally releasing him, he's been tagging along with E-Branch agents ever since, lending his particular brand of 'help'...whether they want it or not.


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