Solar Oracle/Change My Fate

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:: The Komturei ::


The darkness of the room around him starkly contrasted the glowing blue monitor of his laptop as Jace lay on his side in bed. He’d messed around with some melodies and beats on his cheap Yamaha workstation and then MIDI’d them into his computer to manipulate them a little. Something about digital music production had grabbed his attention from his first experience and he used the practice to unwind or to work out some of his more stubborn thoughts.

The knot in his stomach wouldn’t go away despite the pounding beat of the song before him. Try as he might, he couldn’t get lost in the song.

A shadow passed the corner of his eye and he turned half expecting to see one of the Moirae returned to offer him more riddles and mythical misguidance. Instead, a bald headed monk stood gazing down at the teenager. In his hand he held a small plate with two cupcakes, one of which bore a single burning candle.


“I believe this day requires some fanfare, my friend,” said Key with a smile.

Jace rolled his eyes and flopped back on his bed, pulling a pillow over his face. “Ugh,” he stated flatly.

“Eighteen is not a birthday to lament, young man.” Key stood patiently with a pleasant look on his face as he continued. “You have taken your first steps into manhood. Your choices are entirely your own… Not that they weren’t before. But in regards to the statutes that apply to you… Well, you know better than I.”

“My birthday isn’t a big deal, Key…” Jace remained stock still his face still covered.

“So you say… And so may be… But you are my friend and it is my prerogative to do as I choose. And I choose to celebrate by consuming store bought pastries, one of which is lit aflame. I believe that is the appropriate tradition.” The monk paused momentarily then sat on the bed. “So get over yourself and indulge me.”

Jace sighed into the pillow then tossed it off his face. In a completely separate and exasperated move he sat up and slung his legs over the bed. Sitting next to Key, he gave the elder young man a look of mock irritation. Using the force of his will he snuffed out the candle and in one obnoxious bite he shoved the cupcake in his mouth. His cheeks bulging to the extreme he threw himself back on his bed.

“I see this increase in age has done nothing to quell your occasional infantile behavior,” Key said, his eyes twinkling as he lifted his own cupcake and took a bite.

“Clever…” replied the young demigod, his mouth full of cake and his tone dripping with sarcasm.

“Alright, Jace… Tell me of your ills…”

Wiping his mouth, Jace sat up again and gulped down the last of his mouthful and went off, in need of no more goading. His words tumbled out in a jumble of emotion and angst. “I’m worried to death for Jayden… He was supposed to be back a couple days ago and I’ve literally heard nothing from him. Literally…nothing… Casey still has memory wipe and I promised Mario I’d try to make nice with the dude if and when he gets better, which by the way may be better for Casey, but most probably not better for me. I’m pretty sure I’m dropping out of school because I can’t deal with the pressure from Professor Heart anymore about the fact that I shouldn’t be in a relationship. Cid kissed me on the mouth. I mean full on the mouth! And I feel totally devastated with guilt over that… Well mostly totally… Anyway… I’m supposed to enlist in Vanguard today but the Fates of Greek Myth told me that if I do, it could lead to my ‘demise.’ And they informed me of the fact that I’m evidently headed for, like, twelve trials and a crap ton of learning about my own self which I’m already trying to deal with in that whole cult that Charon has me roped into. OH…and to top it off… I’ve been floundering and lamenting the fact that I’m a family-less bastard with not a mortal connection in the whole world, but come to find out… I got divine connections in plenty what with all the slew of demigods flooding the D lately…” He paused after the last and a hint of smile crept across his face. “Which…I guess…is actually sorta cool…”

Key didn’t immediately respond. Instead, he took a moment to breathe and considered the flood of trauma Jace had released upon him. “I can see why you might be feeling overwhelmed…”

“Thank you,” said Jace, a little deflated. The cacophonic chorus of his life’s burdens had left him a little drained.

“We certainly can’t sort all of that out today… But… What would you like to talk over?” The Immaculate Monk gazed affectionately at his friend.

Jace gazed back a little dumbfounded. Their fraternal relationship had become rooted in the fact that Key could always boil big things down to manageable bits. And the onyx-eyed youth really appreciated it. “I guess…first off… The Moirae. Or the Fates. Are you a religious guy, Key?”

“Well, definitely do not start off with the easy things,” the monk chuckled softly. He sighed before continuing. “I assume you are referring to the spinners of destiny when you say, the Moirae. They are, by the way, not exclusive to Greek Mythology. The Germanic Norns for instance are another incarnation of said beings… In any case, I wouldn’t delve too deeply into the religious implications of your life, Jace. It might only serve to confuse you. I say that from experience, mind you. Not as an insult.”

“Didn’t take it that way…but go on…”

“Religion, in my humble view, is man’s attempt to connect with things that he does not understand or that he understands is bigger than he himself… Those attempts are flawed. In many cases, those things that are bigger than us, as mortals, are flawed as well. Whether we are talking about actual celestial or divine beings or even forces of nature, there is no perfection. Chaos is.” Key paused as he considered his next words. “The Fates, or Moirae, if you will, are beings of a higher order, I’m assuming. But I do not believe they hold ultimate sway. Nor does any being.”

“Okay so maybe not ultimate sway, but do you think just maybe they have a clue to things that I don’t have? I mean, mostly I’m clueless…” Jace threw his arms up exasperated once again.

“Let me illustrate… And tie in another one of your concerns at the same time…” Key’s tone went academic as he proceeded. “Professor Heart is in authority over you. According the order of this universe and the systems in place, he holds sway over your path, from a certain point of view. He guides your lessons, evaluates your progress, and in the end decides your fate within that scholastic system.”

“K…go on…”

“He has indicated to you on a number of occasions that you should not be with Jayden. He’s made it clear that in his estimation this relationship you’ve formed with the witch is enough to pull you from your intentions of becoming a hero.” The monk paused in order to bring his point home. “Perhaps these Fates, are also working within a system, but on a higher level. And from their point of view, joining Vanguard will pull you from a possible destiny that they see for you.”

“So you’re saying they’re right…” Jace looked dejected.

“No. As always it is your choice. It is your choice that lays the ground work for destiny to play out. Just like you have chosen to ignore your professor, you may choose to ignore these mysterious women.” He shrugged and offered another piece of the puzzle. “And we know that this world is full of mysterious and strange creatures. Who’s to say these women were nothing more than ghosts or phantoms intent on pulling you from the ‘right’ path. You’ve no proof of who they are…”

“That has actually occurred to me…” Jace paused only briefly before pressing on. “Sometimes I wonder if people like us… I mean like the superhero types in Paragon, can actually have any kind of normal destiny. It…worries me… Cuz I’m torn. Like, I wanna be involved in the big huge paramount things of the world, right? But I also wanna be able to just…walk on the beach with Jayden and do nothing.”

“And you can’t do both?” Key’s query was sincere.

“I dunno… Maybe not. His world is…always at him. I feel like my fate is completely dragging at me… Just holding hands and walking around the beach is pretty revolutionary actually.” Jace took a deep breath, “And maybe Professor Heart is getting to me after all…”

“Sounds like the makings of a song.” Key smiled.

“You know me, Key… Everything has the makings of a song.” The random beats waiting on his laptop suddenly had life as lyrics moved and rearranged themselves in Jace’s head. “Ok… The day is young and I have more to do than I can begin to manage,” said Jace as he leaned back and dragged his computer closer. “I’m gonna mix down some vocals, head to MAGI and then end up at Vanguard. If I join up maybe they have a teleporter straight to Turkey they’ll let me bum.”

“You’re going to go to Turkey?” Key looked both surprised and concerned.

“That’s where Jayden went so yeah, if need be… And it depends on what I can find out at MAGI… I may even rifle through a desk or two at OMG… I’m not above it.” Jace grinned a little.

Key nodded. “Let me offer you one word of warning…”

“Awwww… Dude! Not you too! I can’t even deal!” Jace looked accusatory, but the half-grin still danced at the corners of his mouth.

“Just listen… Challenging fate can be like drawing a line in the sand… Be prepared to step over if that is your choice. But be prepared.” With that Key nodded sharply, offered an encouraging thumbs up and left Jace to the quiet. A quiet which vanished the moment he began fleshing out his new song.

'I'll change your world... If you change my fate...'

Song built on a 'cheap ass Yamaha' workstation and FL Studio/cubase with a ton of VST Plugins.
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