
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: Spanish-Doll
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 42
Personal Data
Real Name: Maria Delamar
Known Aliases: none
Species: Mu
Age: 16
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 105 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Ex-Student
Place of Birth: Keystone, Michigan
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Johnathon and Mary Delamar (father and mother)
Known Powers
Energy / Ice
Known Abilities



Hi, Spanish-Doll is new to the City and is just a teenager caught in events way over her head. I love to RP, so if you want, give her a try.


A Brief History

To understand Maria, you need to first understand what happened in the past. Long ago…a conflict between Evil and well…Eviler. A war between the Orabegans and the Mu. When magic came into the world, no one really knew what to do with it, so two gods opted to teach select humans how to use it, one group, the Orebegans were taught magic to rival the gods, while the Mu saw this as an atrocity. The Mu, being more warlike, attacked the Orebegans, who, in order to defend themselves made a pact with demons. The demons were promised the Mu’s souls in exchange for service, however, in the end the Orebegans were condemned by their generosity and spared the Mu’s women and children. This broke the pact and the Orebegans were imprisoned for eternity…

As it turns out, eternity doesn’t lost as long as it used to and along came a powerful mage named Baron Zoria. He discovered the lost city of the Orebega and used the spirit thorns to give himself more power, turns out all it did was imprison his soul and replace it with one of the Orebega who proceeded to use the thorns to free his people. Now it was time for revenge on the descendents of the Mu. The Orebegans, now the Circle of Thorns began to hunt down the Mu’s descendents until they sought the protection of Lord Recluse.

As for Maria, her parents are descendents of Mu who felt bad about how the Orebegans were treated and wanted to make amends. They willingly joined and using their vast library, researched a plan to grant the Circle more power. Based on their relationship with demons, and the Circle’s ability to summon them, her parents (Johnathon and Mary Delamar) rationalized they could in theory trap a demon’s essence in a Thorn and infuse it into a human host. The demon would take over the body and allow it to remain on the mortal plane while also forcing its loyalty to the Thorns. Her parents decided to test this theory, and thus Maria was born.

Enter Maria

Maria’s life was hard, all her life she was abused, punished and ignored in order to destroy her own self image. When she was allowed to go to school, her parents bought her hideous clothes and told her when asked why, she was to say she didn’t like nice things. As you may expect, she didn’t have many friends. Still, she did make a few. Her closest friend was Jennifer Salazar who was a nerdy girl with a wild side. She helped teach Maria to open up and enjoy life. Maria finally had the courage to speak to Adam Setcher who she had a crush on, but who never returned an ounce of love for her. Still, they became friends. Then there was David Kubert, Adam’s best friend. A tall goofy-looking kid who had a crush on Maria. The four of them became inseperable. That is until Maria’s parents found out.

The report went something like the following, “Tragedy struck the small school of Keystone as what can only be called a demon swept through the school leaving behind the bodies of three children as a gruesome reminder of its visit.”

Maria was devastated and sunk into depression. Her parents deemed it time and on Maria’s way home from school she was abducted by the thorns. Maria hung there in a ritual as she watcher her parents seemingly get captured and killed. Then she felt a sharp pain and her world faded to black. However, just as she was passing out, she saw a glimpse of color and heard battle…heroes had arrived.

Maria work in the alley alone and cold. She felt odd, but made her way home to find a building on fire. She rushed and grabbed a singed Spanish doll which she carries with her as a reminder of her experiences. On Maria’s 16th birthday, she opted to travel to Paragon City and see what these odd abilities she was showing might be from and how to develop them.


Arriving in Paragon City Maria, now calling herself Spanish Doll, quickly realized she had no where to stay, but was taken in by Ghost Train and given a family. There she met others who she formed friendships with, such as Voodoo Chica, Ghost Train, Orland and Gelle. Maria began to feel perhaps she finally had the family she sought. But it was not to last. She moved in with Gelle and began to form a close bond with her, but Gelle kept pushing her away, refusing to let her get close. Ghost Train refused to take her seriously and talked down to her every chance he got, and Voo left the SG everyone started bickering.

Why Can’t We Pick Our Parents?

After coming to Paragon, Maria began to transform into a full demon form. Doing research on her condition, she discovered a picture showing her parents with the Circle of Thorns!! Further research revealed they were indeed alive.


Maria became close with Voo and Orland and began to date Orland until she got a request from Gelle to join the Villains of Paragon City and help her keep an eye on Arbiter Death. Maria began to think of Gelle as the mother she never had and couldn’t allow her to be alone with a group of villains, so she dropped everything to join. This strained her relationships with her friends who now saw her as a traitor and a villain. She was yelled at constantly for her decision and accused of being selfish and only thinking of herself. Ghost Train went as far as to put a contract out on her life, and has threatened to arrest her personally.

However, Maria has found friends in her new group, and has come to realize the world is not black and white as she thought. Mufa and Operative Mello continue to show her friendship and loyalty and she even finds herself questioning Arbiter Death as well, who sometimes acts evil, while other times shows her great compassion. He is indeed a mystery to her.

Current Situations

Doll has found herself in the unenviable situation of trying to appease both her friends and her mother. In an attempt to appease everyone she has found herself aggravating the heroes and getting a warrant placed for her arrest by her once friend and old team leader, Ghost Train. In addition, she is constantly being accused of wrong doing and belittled which has led her to embrace the villains even more than she might have.

Not long ago Doll was captured by Ferocious Ferret and injected with a chemical to elivate her aggression. She became nearly catatonic until she was able to acquire the antidote.

Orland was possessed by his brother Balos after sacrificing a portion of his soul to bring back his daughter. Doll entered Orland's body and conducted a ritual to free Orland from his possession. further garnering the wrath of Balos.

Recently she has accompanied Arbiter Death on a trip to Dark Astoria to help reclaim her mother, there they found evidence his dead wife Sophia might still be alive. She is returning once again to help a person she's still not certain she trusts.

Known Relationships


Gelle – Maria sees Gelle as being like a mother to her, and has asked Gelle to adopt her.

Voodoo Chica – Voo is like the cool aunt you always love to visit. She’s fun and cares for Maria, and she feels ashamed she let Voo down.

Orland – Aunt has dear friend and confidant, Maria once thought she loved him, but has since learned she just loved the idea of loving him.

Arbiter Death – Still not sure I’d call him a friend, I do know he’s not what I thought he was. He varies from showing compassion to indifference.

Mufa – Her ninja friend. He was the first to offer her friendship.

Operative Mello – A strange assassin who Maria finds herself fascinated with


Balos – An incarnation of evil. Her first encounter with him he offered to rip her wings off and feed them to her while cutting pieces off of her. Future conflicts have not been as cordial.

Ferocious Ferret – A psychotic woman. My first encounter with her I was tortured and injected with a chemical which exaggerated my aggressive tendencies. She then sold me a cure.

Speculated Relationships

Doll has been seen with Orland and with Operative Mello. Rumor also has her in a relationship with Mufa...and even a gay relationship with Gelle.

Opinions on Spanish-Doll

Theme Song

Spanish Doll by Poe

The End by My Chemical Romance

Teenagers by My Chemical Romance

Known Facts

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